Do-it-yourself front garden: where to start decoration and what to look for?
A self-made front garden is a visiting card of a private house, the first thing you notice. It must be unique, attract attention. To achieve this result, you will have to spend a lot of effort, learn a lot. So, how to arrange a front garden in front of the house? Consider the main points and recommendations of professionals in the field of design.

The front garden is the first thing they pay attention to

The garden has to be beautiful and attract attention

To beautifully arrange the garden, use the recommendations of specialists
How to get started
The front garden can be either open or closed. The open is visible to all people passing by it, and the closed is intended to please the owners of the house and their guests. If you want to make the front garden beautiful both inside and outside, then you should consider the original transparent fence.
First of all, you need to determine the size of the decorative garden. Here you have to take into account the area of the house. The front garden with a width of 2/3 of the height of the building looks ideal.
The next step will be planning. It is better to draw a small plan of the garden indicating the size. Do not miss this moment, as the entire site should be thought out completely.
Closer to the facade of the house is better to plant shrubs and tall plants. The kindergarten as a whole should resemble a river valley, in the role of which a path or path is released. Shrub is allowed to be used as a fence around the front garden. The enclosed space can be of any shape. If there is a blank wall, it is worth beating it by planting a tall tree nearby.

The garden can be open or closed

First of all, it is recommended to draw a diagram of the garden
What the front garden consists of
Now it’s worthwhile to figure out what can be located on the front garden. It most often includes:
- flower beds;
- Shrubs
- arches of flowers;
- design compositions;
- original picket.
All elements must be organically combined with the architecture of the house, to become its unique decoration.

Flowers are a must for a garden

The garden has to be harmoniously combined with the house

The garden has to be a unique decoration of the house
Style selection
After the plan of the front garden is defined, you need to choose a design style. Consider several popular destinations.
No. p / p |
Title |
Description |
Romanticism |
The style is characterized by delicate light floral arrangements. A good addition will be a beautiful forged fence decorated with climbing plants. |
Japanese |
The focus is on conifers, compositions from natural stones. They should vary in shade and size. |
Asian |
Such a flowerbed is characterized by dim colors, multi-tiered forms. The main fence is stones. |
Country |
The simplest style is distinguished by the presence of perennials. As a fence, a wooden fence is often used. |
Mediterranean |
The main feature of this front garden is the ability to move. This is due to the fact that almost all plants are planted in tubs or containers.A good addition will be the lamp. Such a front garden will be a good addition to the recreation area. Plants can surround chairs, a table, a playground. |
Modern |
The choice here must be stopped on unusual plants, natural stones. |
The picket adds comfort to the front garden, but in some cases you can do without it. It all depends on the chosen style, filling the garden. Fence can be replaced with hedges.
In addition to the fact that a certain style is inherent in the garden, the front gardens for decoration are divided into two more types.
- Russians are distinguished by rich colors, bright appearance, decorated with painted motifs, artistic elements, figurines.
- European design is characterized by neat, strict lawns, well-defined garden paths.

First of all, you need to choose the style of the garden

Russians prefer bright flowers
Plant selection
There are several rules for choosing plants for the design of the front garden. First of all, qualified specialists advise you to pay attention to the following factors.
- Determine the sun exposure of the front garden. Some flowers are considered photophilous (chamomile, phlox, asters, peonies), while others bloom well in dark areas (forget-me-nots).
- Take into account the timing of flowering plants. If you want to get a blooming front garden for the entire summer season, then it is worth picking flowers that open at different times.
- For a harmonious appearance of the garden, you should choose plants of different heights. At the same time, the taller ones are planted closer to the fence or wall of the house.
- Pay attention also to the life expectancy of plants. Distinguish between annual, biennial and perennial.
Proper adherence to the described rules will allow you to get a beautiful front garden, which will delight its flowering view of the owners all summer. At the same time, perennial plants are not recommended to be planted very densely, since they have the ability to grow over time. First, between them, in order to occupy space, you can plant annual flowers.

There are several rules for choosing plants for the design of the front garden

When choosing plants, consider their flowering time

Perennial plants should be diluted with annuals
It will be easy to choose flowers that bloom all summer. It can be phlox, roses (including bush), hydrangeas. These plants are perennial. For one season, you can plant petunias, cosmeas. The main thing is to choose a color scheme and provide flowers with timely care.
If there is no time to mess around a lot with flower beds, then you can plant unpretentious plants. For example, irises, peonies, calendula.
But in any case, much attention will have to be paid to the composition. Be sure to in the front garden, created by your own hands, there must be a central element, on which the emphasis of the entire flowerbed is made. More often a shrub, a beautiful tree, and a sculpture are chosen for this role. Smaller components are placed around the lead plant to create the desired background. Do not forget that background plants should not overshadow the main ones.

It will be easy to choose flowers that bloom all summer

The central element should be present on the flowerbed, on which all the attention is concentrated
Creating a fence
The appearance of the beds depends on the fence. Do not lose sight of the correct selection of the fence. Most often, it also performs a decorative function. Landscape designers offer a large selection of fences, allowing you to originally complement the overall composition.
- Shod lattices on windows of the house will be perfectly combined with a metal low fence.
- Wooden picket will give comfort to any front garden.
- A wicker fence will decorate the rustic garden.
- A neat wooden fence will always look stylish and original. Especially if it is evenly painted and complemented by decorative elements.
- In specialized stores you can buy interesting plastic fences.
- Stylish fences that do not require special care are always made from natural stone.
When choosing a picket fence, one should remember: not only trained professionals can create a beautiful front garden. To get a good result, it is enough to carefully think through each element, reasonably approach the choice of plants and give them time.

Background plants should not overshadow the main

The main thing is to choose a color scheme and provide flowers with timely care

The appearance of flower beds often depends on the fence
Front garden decoration
As a rule, when decorating a front garden, it is not enough to plant flowers, trees, shrubs. An excellent addition can be the original path from the gate to the porch of the house and various buildings on the territory. If it is decided to plant lush flower beds around the path, then they are placed so that the width of the path does not visually decrease and no one touches the flowers while walking in the garden.
An important stage in the design of the site is lighting. It is good if in the evening soft illumination will turn on. Devices can be placed directly in the flower beds.
Statuettes and garden figures can be a great addition. But they must be combined with the general style.

The decoration of the garden does not end at the planting of flowers. Can make a small lake

Figurines, garden figures can be a great addition
The sculptures in the garden can be made of stone, wood, clay. Instead of sculptures, you can simply use compositions of natural stones of different sizes. Often when making a front garden, figures of animals, fairy-tale heroes are used. They are in a large assortment in stores with goods for the garden. Also, they can be made independently from improvised materials.
Decorations on the site should not be much. They should complement the overall composition, and not overload the number of forms and bright colors. The focus is still on plants.

Sculptures in the garden can be made of stone, wood, clay

Ornaments in the front garden should not be many. They should not overshadow the main picture

Plants must be in the spotlight
Advantages and disadvantages
Sometimes owners of private houses do not understand why there is a need for front gardens and what is their benefit. Let's look at their main advantages.
- A decorative garden in front of the house will hide the structure from casual passers-by.
- On the territory of the flower bed you can install a mailbox.
- At the front garden you can find a place for a playground. Sometimes a swing and, for example, a house for games or a sandbox are enough (you will have to think through its installation so that the sand does not crumble).
- Among the landings, you can successfully mask garbage containers.
- On the territory of the front garden you can plant fruit plants.
- The ability to hide certain flaws on the facade of the house, emphasize the chosen style.
The disadvantage of creating a front garden is only one: the need to constantly care for plants, maintain the garden in order.

Using the garden, you can hide the shortcomings of the site

Wicker flowers perfectly complement the overall picture of the garden
Small front garden
If the area on the territory for the front garden is small, then you should not be upset. It is also realistic to make it beautiful and spectacular. Emphasis can be placed on the original wicker fence or wooden fence and to equip a miniature peasant courtyard on the site.
A small artificial pond will help to visually increase the space. But the tree will act in the opposite way.
Whatever decision was made regarding the design of the plot, the main thing to remember is that all the vegetation requires timely care. Otherwise, all the beauty will look neglected and overgrown with weeds.The style of the garden must necessarily be combined with the architecture of the house, to be its continuation.
Video: How to arrange the territory in front of the house
Please advise how to equip a garden in front of an ordinary village house (0.35 acres), there is not much time for care, Country Style. How to combine a lawn and a flower bed, and plant simple flowers that do not require much care - phlox, lilies, irises, peonies, golden balls, calendula, daisies, cornflowers. Maybe a juniper bush, or maybe jasmine in the corner. Or maybe a bed of begonia with cineraria. I am waiting for advice. thank you in advance.
I need help in arranging the front garden in front of the townhouse. The area is small only 0.5 acres. Direction west-northwest. The plot is not angular, with neighbors on both sides. Fence low brown picket fence. The house is made of orange brick. Entrance to the house through the front garden. I want it to be beautiful all year round.
Hello! Please help to carry out landscape design on the front garden of a 9-storey building measuring 8mx6m. There is planting material: Peonies - 7pcs, Phlox-5pcs, Hydrangea-3pcs, Saint-2pcs, lilies - white, red, pink, yellow, clematis - white, lilac, burgundy, roses -g-25 pcs, floribunda 3 pcs, polyant.-2pcs, soil cover-2pcs, weaver.-1 pcs., also have white violets, Hyacinus-5pcs, crocuses. Thank you for earlier