What is needed for a site landscaping project
The owner, starting to build a country house, is already thinking about household furniture, outbuildings. Experts recommend thinking through the components of their possession in advance. This can be done by holding a master plan of land ownership.

Landscaping project will help to realize your design decisions
A competent project of landscape design of the site will help to correctly distribute valuable square meters, taking into account all the features of the surface, reduce costs.
Project development
The landscape design project involves 2 main stages.
- Training.
- Development.
You can contact a specialist who will do the job quickly, according to the norms. But it will cost at least 10 thousand rubles, the amount depends on the size of the site.

Professionals use accurate equipment in their work, but their services are expensive
Landscaping is a difficult, but interesting occupation, imagination and owner’s participation are of great importance, many develop independently, based on the main stages of the process, the finished work of professionals, their advice.

When designing, normalized distances to objects are taken into account
Preparation for the creation of the project includes:
- accurate measurements of areas;
- analysis of existing plantations, their sanitary, decorative condition;
- study of the chemical composition of the soil;
- general relief analysis;
- analysis of existing communications;
- level of natural light in the area;
- degree of soil contamination.
Development of a landscape design project for the site begins with the creation of a general sketch. It should be clearly visible where which zone is located.

At the second stage, a sketch is created that displays the breakdown of the site into functional zones
The main characteristics of the site
Regardless of whether a large piece of land or small, there are certain criteria that recommend taking into account.
- Form of the developed surface: rectangle, triangle, trapezoid
- Soil type. Ideally, if it is black soil. It is necessary to consider how the owner plans to spend time in the country. If this will be a place for rest and barbecue, the soil composition does not matter much. If the owner is a gardener or gardener, the plans are for harvesting, and the clay, sandy soil, high-quality fertilizers or mixing existing land with imported fertile soil will help to cope with the problem.
The main types of layout of a summer cottage
Laws of registration of suburban areas
No matter how people try to establish their laws everywhere, this does not concern nature. Design experts advise to rely on unwritten patterns.
- The law of the triangle (section). For example, a flower bed will look harmonious if you remove all the same elements, divide it into zones. Or when dividing the land into parts, it is recommended to allocate 2-3, all of different sizes. In the color scheme, the principle is the same, one color is the main one, the rest are additional.This rule is relevant for all works: design, design.
- The law of the circle. Works well in the distribution of color shades. For example, if you divide it into 2 parts, divide the colors into cold and warm, this is a composition. Shades from a neighboring group can be mixed, but in minimal quantities.
- The law of the square. It is relevant with a clear arrangement of buildings on the site, planting plants. It is important to observe orientation to the cardinal points. For example, it is recommended that the pool be located on the south side, and tall plants should be planted on the north.

In an ideal garden, all three patterns should be combined
Competent zoning
In order for the country house to be convenient and safe, the buildings must be correctly positioned in the general project.
Experts recommend dividing the territory into 2-3 parts.

An example of zoning of a summer cottage
First zone: outbuildings (garage, bathhouse, barn, toilet). Clarification: if the toilet is outdoor, it is recommended to place it as far as possible from the well with drinking water.

It’s better to hide the courtyard toilet in the back of the plot
Second: decorative landscape, relaxation area (garden furniture, barbecue area, flower beds). It can be located in the far corner of the cottage.

Buildings made of natural stone fit perfectly into the landscape design
Third: gardening, truck farming. It is recommended that the yield beds or fruiting shrubs be located as close to the well as possible, the well with clean water.

An interesting solution - a compact garden in tall flower beds
Position the second and third zones better in the illuminated corners of the cottage. On any private territory there are shady places, shade-loving plants are planted there.
In the process of landscape design, it is advisable to immediately develop a general scheme of comfortable movement around the perimeter, to think up convenient “routes” to frequently visited points. In large areas, such a scheme is more difficult to develop than in small ones.
Creating garden paths
When planning the location of garden paths, it is necessary to take into account the composition and topography of the earth, even in a small depression in the spring, at the time of melting snow, in the summer after rain, puddles will form, which can increase over time. Periodically, you need to level the ground cover. This is an option for ordinary summer cottages.

Wooden mosaic looks elegant, but requires constant care and has a limited life
If you plan to use the property year-round, garden paths can be laid out with brick, tile, stone. The choice of finishing material depends on the wishes of the owner.

Stone tracks are much more durable, although much depends on the breed used.
Paths in a summer cottage may be located in different ways, intersect, branch, connect and disconnect.
Making “irregular” stretches of land
Narrow ownership landscaping project - quite difficult to create. You can make it convenient and functional, but the aesthetic side of the issue will be more difficult to solve. If the length is sufficient, you can place a barn, a recreation area, a garden, a kitchen garden on the square.
If you want to arrange a summer cottage on your own, it is recommended to use the advice of experienced designers on working with narrow areas.
- The surface is divided into 2-3 parts of the correct form. For example, to identify them by placing in these places the main buildings, plantings. Can be divided using hedges.
The layout of a narrow territory should visually expand its boundaries
- In the arrangement and design of the tracks on the irregular form of country ownership there are subtleties. Avoid straight lines, smooth bends will mask the main flaw of the surface, add elegance to it. The finish should be peculiar, unusual. For example, instead of tiles, the trail can be laid out with wooden rounds.
Original look tracks using combinations of different materials
The design of the plot is 6 acres
With a competent approach, even on 6 acres of land, you can place several main country zones.
600 square meters is not so much, so you need to seriously approach the development of landscape design, use every free meter.

And on six acres you can place everything you need
The geometric style is a popular design style for a small summer house, that is, buildings and plantings form any geometric shape.
The main task of the developer is to correctly install a residential building. It should be positioned so that the shadow does not fall on the remaining territory. Most often, this is the north side. Additionally, the structure will protect the plantings from the wind. Opposite it, you can place the rest of the farm buildings.

The northwest corner is the best place to locate a house on a small plot
The garage is set at the beginning of land ownership, so that the staircase occupies as little private territory as possible.
The improvement of a summer cottage of 6 acres has its own characteristics, it is better to follow the general recommendations of experienced specialists.
- Fence installation - designation of clear boundaries. In a small space, a feeling of tightness, tightness is created. If there is nothing without a hedge, it can be decorated with live plantings, for example, vines.
- To create a feeling of wide space, do not plant plants in straight lines, it is better to distribute them around the perimeter.
- Visually expand the space of lawns. They can be located in the center, or in front of the entrance to the main house.
- Clear, straight tracks will not be appropriate. The lines are smooth, “forcing” the gaze to follow the soft line of the arc.
To make the cottage look harmonious, you need to correctly calculate the size of the apartment building, a barn, a toilet, a place for a garden and a vegetable garden. The optimal size of the house, according to experts, 5 \ 6 meters, you can build a small terrace. If the owner does not plan to keep animals, the farm building can be one in which the shower and storage will be combined. If the toilet is street, so as not to catch the eye, you can plant shrubs or trees around.
When organizing a garden, it is necessary to remember that over time it will grow, it is not worth planting a large number of seedlings in a small area, 5-6 are enough.

Neatly decorated garden beds
Beds with vegetables are located in a sunny place. Many will not be able to land due to the limited footage.
The recreation area is best located by the garden. The trees will grow, casting more and more shadow. You can build a small gazebo or just set up a table and benches.
The design of the plot is 10 acres
A cottage plot of 10 acres allows the owner to arrange it in any style direction, placing everything necessary and necessary. In this case, it is possible to take the help of specialists or to independently develop a landscape design project.
At the beginning of design work, you need to determine the style. The architectural form of housing, the choice of trees and flowers for the garden, plants for the vegetable garden, decor elements, geometric patterns of planting will depend on it.

Organization of a recreation area in the English style
On 10 acres, the English style harmoniously looks. Its distinguishing feature is the natural placement of elements. All vegetation: trees, flowers, shrubs, greens, planted in tiers. But, there should be many plants, due to this the relevance of symmetry disappears. Paths, paths - winding, neat, if the terrain is changeable, a natural reservoir is constructed.
There is no need to select plants, almost everything will do.
Japanese style is relevant for giving 10 acres. It provides for the presence of an artificial reservoir, it is allowed to install several decorative elements, stones, lanterns are hung from a residential building.

The beauty of the Japanese garden lies in the balance and harmony of forms
Decor should not be much, restraint is an important characteristic of the Japanese.Plants are preferable to calm: juniper, dwarf pine.
The Mediterranean area is suitable for registration of ownership. It is characterized by wicker furniture, flower pots, stone-paved paths, a gazebo "drowning" in greenery, a small fountain.

The Mediterranean style is characterized by an abundance of plants placed on flower beds, pots and pergolas.
For most people, the concept of "cottage" is associated with the concept of "garden". Modern design solutions do not imply the presence of traditional beds in the project, therefore, in order not to disrupt the style order, experts offer alternative options.
Vertical garden | A modern analogue of traditional planting. To place plants use pallets, whatnots, flowerpots, buckets. |
Modular beds | They are more compact, the appearance is more neat and tidy, easy to care for. |
Garden in the garden | Vegetable seedlings are planted in flower beds, next to the flowers. |
Registration of a site of 15 hundred parts
If a plot of 6 or 10 acres is considered small, modest, then ownership of 15 acres is already a medium-sized property on which an individual can afford to place almost anything. Perfect shape - 30/50 meters.

A plot of 15 acres: 1 - house, 2 - garage, 3. - utility block, 4 - parking, 5 - terrace, 6 - barbecue area, 7 - playground, 8 - greenhouse, 9 - garden with tall trees, 10 - gazebo
The landscape design of such a yard includes a residential building, a garage, a barn, a recreation area, a garden, a kitchen garden, and a children's playground.
The entire perimeter should be maintained in a single style. It depends on the geometric shape. If this is a regular rectangle, you can safely make out in a classic, regular style. It is characterized by straight lines, everything must be exact, symmetrical.
If the possession of an irregular shape, for example, triangular, the landscape style is suitable. In this case, the laws of symmetry are irrelevant. But, you should not think that it will be possible to do everything as it is necessary or succeed, a competent organization is necessary. This type of design involves the presence of an artificial reservoir, bizarre, unusual shape of flower beds, decoration with natural materials.

Young plants are planted according to their growth
If the buildings and decorative elements are correctly distributed, there will be space for a pool or sports ground. It is better not to plant trees around the living room, over time they will block natural light, can be replaced by shrubs: jasmine, juniper, lilac. In the garden, currants, gooseberries, raspberries. An apple or plum tree is planted next to them.
The recreation area can be placed in any part of the land ownership. Someone likes her to be in the sun, others, on the contrary, relax in the shade and coolness. When installing the brazier, designers recommend taking into account the side of the world so that the wind "does not drive" smoke into the living room.
Placement and decoration of the garden
The most beautiful gardens in China, so before you start planting your own, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of this people. It is believed that this place should look like a single organism, everything is natural, organic.

Each element of the Chinese garden has its own place and has its own meaning.
Marginal trees are planted in a strict straight line, in the middle are low specimens, paths are smooth, soft. The priority is red, blue, white, pink. Do-it-yourself flower arch is built in the central part.
The use of sculptures in design
Garden sculptures are made of ceramics, bronze or polymer resin. Some owners make their own figures of wood or steel.

Sculptures will give the garden originality and originality
They can be just decoration, or carry some meaning, be useful: a vase or a fountain. It is not necessary to decorate the perimeter with large specimens; miniature ones will do.
Useful Tips
Each land ownership is beautiful in its own way. Unusual and individuality is given to him by decorative ornaments: figures, stones. The main thing here is not to overdo it with a quantity of 2-3 medium, or 5 small elements per hundred square meters.
Modern owners strive to lay out free, ground space in buildings with stone, tiles. Designers advise to leave green corners, lawns. Sowing them with a special, lawn grass is quite expensive, experienced summer residents have found a replacement - a marsh field. In crop production, it is considered a weed, but, as practice shows, the lawn "spreads" perfectly. If you devote enough time to land registration, you can save a decent amount of money by consulting with professionals or experienced summer residents.

Perfect lawn needs good care
If all the free space is occupied by trees and plants, there is no space left for flower beds, they can be perfectly grouped with vegetables. For example, cucumbers planted in the center, around them tomatoes, along the edges of the flowers. This type of planting organization is increasingly used by modern designers, arguing that in the near future it will become the main one.
Unsightly country objects can be masked with climbing plants. They perfectly decorate the arbor, hedge.
Trying to make the suburban area unusual and original, there is a chance to go too far with details or decorative elements. Therefore, in the process of work, you need to stop for rest, look at the result of your work on all sides, consult with specialists, more experienced neighbors.
Video on how to draw a landscape design project yourself