Interior design 3d. What it is?
Few people can look at the layout of the apartment to say where there will be a sofa or bedside table, where light or bright wallpapers will fit, and also will estimate the flooring. Geometry instills spatial thinking, but experience is important in terms of repair. It is easier for someone to draw a room with a proportional pencil and paint them with paints. But in a modern computerized world, this is not effective!

“Interior Design 3D” is a convenient program that allows you to simulate the interiors of an apartment, home or office in 3D mode.

With the help of this editor, you will be able to quickly realize any redevelopment, correctly arrange the furniture and choose the perfect color scheme for all rooms.

The utility gives you the opportunity to produce 3D-design of interiors in real time.

Thus, you can instantly change and add furniture in the room, rearrange household appliances, etc.
Review of the best programs for the interior designer
Now every store is ready to offer a sketch of future furniture according to your layout. And on the Internet you can find any program in which you can draw an apartment and paint it in any color! Of course, you have to work hard - to understand the new program, but the result will exceed all expectations, 3d interior design is always more visual than drawings in the head and on paper. However, how to choose the right software product?

The program for interior design has an extensive catalog of furniture and appliances for different types of rooms, where you can select the desired objects.

With ease, you can change the wallpaper, floor and wall coverings, both from the inside and from the outside.

The 3D interior planner provides the ability to view and edit your projects.
Sweet home 3d
This is a free program. You draw a plan of your home, fill it with furniture in a flat projection, and then have the opportunity to view the result in volume. Planning your future home is much more interesting than playing computer games and drawing houses for fictional characters. A good option for modeling the interior is not difficult to figure out, but it immediately becomes clear where the bed fits, and where the coffee table will look good.

This is a program that a child can handle.

A clear interface allows you to quickly plan the apartment, literally dragging the interior to the virtual plan.

The program makes the planning process as easy and straightforward as possible.
Ikea home planner
Popular furniture from the Ikea store has not only good quality and reasonable price, but also forms the modern direction of design in modern style with elements of minimalism. A huge number of models presented in the windows, posted on the site. Photos of a possible arrangement hang everywhere, but sometimes it’s hard to think about what is right for your apartment. But as soon as you install ikea home planner, the interior with Swedish furniture will become more affordable for you. You can think over the colors, variations of the boxes and even their filling in a relaxed home environment - the noise is often distracted by other visitors in the store. Having thought over what you want, you can always turn to a consultant for help, and you will be given competent advice.

This is one of the free layout programs provided by a renowned furniture manufacturer.

It is designed for use by an unprepared user, for which the main thing is to choose furniture in accordance with the size of the room and get a finished version of the room in volume.

The entire range of IKEA Home Planner furniture and individual interior elements are at your disposal, from which you can assemble a kitchen, a bedroom, etc.
Google sketchup
There are two versions of this program - a limited free and paid option for creating interior design. Usually limited is enough for the standard design of buildings and interiors. The program is also suitable for landscaping design - an indispensable assistant in the arrangement of a country house. Here you can recreate the plan of your apartment, paint the walls in any colors - experiment! It's so scary to do something beautiful, but non-standard, and a virtual design will help to avoid mistakes and offer the room of your dreams. The program offers instructional videos for beginners, and the interior provides an almost infinite variety of options for interior details!

With it, you can create stunning 3d-models from the simplest to the most complex and share them, putting them on the Internet if necessary.

It allows not only to model the interior and create any other three-dimensional objects.

For example, you can design a whole house, street or car.
Autodesk homestyler
Autodesk homestyler is a program in Russian, which is important in its development. The program provides an opportunity to recreate the appearance of new housing from the construction of walls or redevelopment to the final repair and placement of furniture. This is a free online offer that helps determine the color of the future floor and the design of complex voluminous shelves and ceilings. It is possible to recreate both the draft and the final project, with all the little things - curtains, lamps and flower vases.

Autodesk Homestyler allows you to create 3D images of any home or apartment.

When designing a house, you can work in two-dimensional planning mode and add objects of various types.

Without the need to install any additional software, Homestyler runs right in the web browser window and does not require special skills from the user.
What if you have a multi-story building? Install floorplanner - create a new one or choose a ready-made interior that is most suitable for your room! Floor plans of the house, as well as landscape design on your site will make your dreams of a fabulous future home a reality. We “color” the floor and walls, fill the room with furniture and all kinds of little things - done! In this program, you can also create beautiful layouts that can be used as illustrations.

The program was created mainly for those who are going to build a house.

Here you can design, for example, a dwelling or a summer house with a landscape plot.

There are opportunities for the selection of materials for decoration, and even the preparation of indicative estimates for the job.
The roomle program is the creation of an apartment interior in 3d online mode. Here you can plan any, even the most non-standard space, arrange furniture and realize your ideas - for now, virtually, and then in the apartment. The results of the layout can be shared on social networks - the opinions of others are often very important. And most importantly - you can buy your favorite thing. The main problem of interior planning is information about the market for wallpaper, cabinets, flooring and lighting. You can see the chandelier of your dreams in the program, but do not know where to buy it. Or buy an amazing nightstand in the store, but don’t know what it is better to combine with.

Roomle's online lay-out program is an intuitive interface, creating floor plans, and a large selection of furniture models.

It allows you to easily, as if playing, create design projects, plan space, configure and buy furniture.

First you need to practice using the built-in templates, and then move on to independent projects.
VIDEO: How to work in Interior Design 3D.