Eclecticism as an interior style: ideas, photos
Choosing a certain style in the decoration of the room, a person is repelled from his tastes and prefers the direction that is most consistent with his spirit. All styles are subject to strict requirements for the presence of a certain color, shapes, materials, textures and combinations. But there is a kind of design that lives beyond any rules - eclecticism. He combines the best of everything, using the practice of all existing stylistic approaches. In this review you will find information about the origins of the style, a description of eclecticism, as well as recommendations on the design of your home.

Eclectic style room design

Eclecticism in the design of the room

Eclecticism in the interior of the room
- 1 History of style development
- 2 How to design an interior in an eclectic style?
- 3 The basic rules of interior eclecticism
- 4 Walls and ceiling
- 5 Eclectic-style furniture - a touch of eras
- 6 Eclectic colors
- 7 What does the interior look like in contemporary style?
- 8 Provence with a Russian soul
- 9 Eclecticism in the interior of the living room
- 10 Living room furniture
- 11 Video: The interior is in the details. Eclecticism
- 12 50 photos of examples of the interior in the Eclectic style:
History of style development
At first glance, the decoration of the room in this direction will seem insipid, because the design uses inconsistent, often opposite elements. Properly thought out eclectic style in the interior looks harmonious and functional. It combines the details of different eras, materials and qualities. This creates a charming image. Some things are of a dynastic character and are being restored, keeping the budget spent on repairs.
Eclecticism is not suitable for a person who likes minimalism. A colorful and original style fits perfectly into the lifestyle of creative people who are ready for bold experiments for the sake of an ideal result. Properly implemented eclecticism looks harmonious and creates elusive comfort in every room. It adapts to the lifestyle of all residents and stores objects loved by the heart.

Eclectic style room design

Eclecticism in the design of the room

Eclecticism in the interior of the room
The term "eclecticism" began to refer not to philosophy, but to architecture in the middle of the XVIII century. The popularity of this trend was relevant for the next two centuries. The style was modified, supplemented by new solutions and adapted to the milestones of progress. It became a kind of postclassical style in conditions when people are tired of the strict framework and ostentatious high cost. At the first stages of formation, eclecticism was considered a banal bad taste. Then, under the conditions of the prevailing freedom of thought, they began to recognize the value of this style and included it in the general classification.
If we compare eclecticism with other areas, we can see that it is a "hodgepodge" of everything that was once fashionable. For this reason, the eclectic interior is attractive and gives a feeling of light nostalgia.
Using these trends is convenient for people with wide preferences and interests. For example, if you like oriental style, classic and African motifs, then they can be harmoniously combined in an exotic eclecticism. In this case, you get a unique interior that can surprise a lot.

Eclecticism in the interior of the room

Eclecticism in the design of the room

Eclectic style room design
How to design an interior in an eclectic style?
Despite being open to experimentation, designing an interior in an eclectic style is not so simple.At first glance, it seems that for this it is enough to put in one space a set of necessary items that are not necessarily combined with each other. But in this case, you will get a chaotic, and sometimes annoying “cocktail”. Where to find the middle ground for the right design? Take the advice of experts in this field.

Eclecticism in the design of the room

Eclectic style room design

Eclecticism in the interior of the room
- Do not try to connect more than three directions in one room. This is an elementary requirement of psychology to ensure a comfortable existence in space. One of the chosen styles should become a priority, and the rest competently complement them.
- Incompatible styles with creative imagination can be combined due to overlapping colors in the decoration of objects.
- Do not combine too cardinal elements. Glance should cling to correctly selected kits. For example, on a sofa in the old classic French style, you can place pillows in an oriental style with buttons and tassels.
- So that eclecticism does not look cheap, leave the furniture that is made from natural materials and emphasizes the sophistication of the interior.
- A typical mistake of a designer-innovator is overloading with various accessories. Try to avoid clumsiness to maintain elegance.
The basic rules of interior eclecticism
In the classical perception, eclecticism in the interior involves a combination of objects that represent not only different styles, but also times. Most often, eclecticism uses oriental motifs and ethnic elements in the decoration of the prefabricated building. You can emphasize the color with the help of new furniture that fits correctly into the composition. To “diagnose” eclecticism in the interior at a glance, you need to:
- pick up accessories similar in style;
- feel free to paint;
- Use unusual decoration elements;
- experiment with the shape of objects;
- combine all the details so as to get a cozy interior.
The most important thing is not to burden the room with the collected rubbish, which is high time to throw it away, but it is a pity. A stylish design can be a little whacky, but not chaotic.

Eclectic style room design

Eclecticism in the interior of the room

Eclectic style room interior
Walls and ceiling
For the decoration of walls and ceilings, which act as a canvas, you can use any materials. At the same time, the use of neutral shades that do not overload the overall picture is a priority. In the design of the apartment apply wallpaper, decorative molding, paint and textured plaster. Zoning the space in the premises is permissible using a combination of textures.
The ceiling serves as a neutral zone, which is not particularly distinguished by paints. For example, in an ensemble with blue walls, the ceiling is painted white. Decorate the ceiling area with molding and an original lamp. Usually, in eclecticism, tension or suspension structures are not installed, and the main load falls on furniture. Excessive decorations of the ceiling zone and walls load the space and create visual dissonance.

Eclectic style room design

Eclectic style room interior
Eclectic-style furniture - a touch of eras
The fashion for eclecticism is preserved to this day, in many respects, thanks to the originality and the ability to preserve old interior items. In the setting of the premises it is recommended to use antique furniture and accessories that were inherited from grandmothers or bought in an antique store. There are many eclecticists among art lovers. They often restore old things in order to give them a new life and embody original ideas in them.
To get an authentic interior is really due to the restoration of old furniture. Often, simply replacing the upholstery and repainting the item completely changes its appearance.Thanks to this, eclectic fans do not seek to buy new products on the market, but prefer to find solutions that are already at hand. It is amazing how sometimes furniture of different centuries can look interesting in one room.

Eclectic style room interior

Eclecticism in the design of the room
Eclectic colors
The shades in the decoration of the room depend largely on the preferences of the owners. The basic rule is the presence of a smooth transition between light neutral shades and bright patches of decor. It is appropriate to dilute objects of a single neutral color with a bright accent (for example, a variegated pillow on a sofa with pastel upholstery). Bright curtains can shade the neutrality of the wall, and a carpet that matches the colors used in the interior will look good on the floor.

Eclecticism in the design of the room

Eclecticism in the interior of the room
What does the interior look like in contemporary style?
Contemporary style design is a modern variation of eclecticism. The main features of this direction are conciseness, the presence of functional (built-in) furniture, geometrically correct lines, comfortable zoning of the space and practicality. Contemporary is associated with modernity and the comfort of living space. Traditional eclecticism in the interior easily adapts to this option in the decoration of the apartment.
Provence with a Russian soul
The current variety of eclecticism of the domestic spill is considered Russian provence. A characteristic feature in this style is the presence of classic rustic motifs. Such eclecticism is distinguished by an abundance of natural materials and antiques that have a practical purpose. Frankly grandmother's design objects appear against the backdrop of Provencal painted white wall, artificially aged furniture and lace textiles. This design option is also used to decorate a city apartment.

Eclecticism in the design of the room

Eclectic style room interior
Eclecticism in the interior of the living room
Most clearly it turns out to emphasize the elements of eclecticism in the design of living room decor. When decorating an apartment, most of the items are transferred to the living room, and this is a challenge for a fan of this direction. The main thing is not to overdo it in the process of decorating the room and create a harmonious combination of existing utensils. It is necessary to maintain a sufficient distance between objects for convenient accommodation of guests. The overall impression of the house depends on how correctly this room is decorated.

Eclectic style room design

Eclecticism in the interior of the room
Living room furniture
For the most interesting design, you can use contrasting objects. In the living room, these are sofas of different colors, soft corners in retro style, coffee tables with elaborate legs. Bookshelves and various accessories will look great. To expand the space, you can install wide mirrors, stylistically draped lamps. In contrast to natural materials, glass and metal look good.
Experiment with decorating different rooms of your apartment to get a unique look that you will not find in anyone else.
Video: The interior is in the details. Eclecticism