Red color: favorable combinations in the interior
Red is the strongest color in the solar spectrum, which is why so many sacred values are assigned to it. Since ancient times, in European culture, red has been associated with blood, struggle, battle. The described color is a symbol of masculinity - yang. Do not forget that in many peoples the presence of red in the dress symbolized belonging to the upper strata of society: only kings had the right to wear it. In the modern world, psychologists have deduced the pattern that different shades have a completely different effect on the human psyche. For example, bright scarlet is identified with passion, desire, emancipation. Maroon - with aspiration, vitality and restraint. Carrot red - with cheerfulness and positive. If you derive the general concept of red, then this is a symbol of strength and energy. In the interior, red is used in crowded places: living room or dining room. In clothes, red is designed to emphasize the passion of nature, it is used either as a background tone or as a bright accent. In any case, red looks advantageous. Let's see what colors are combined with it the most harmoniously.

Dark red color in the interior of the kitchen

Red furniture in the interior

Living room design in red
- 1 Scarlet and achromatic colors
- 2 Red and chromatic colors
- 3 Red and sand shades
- 4 A combination of red and greenish shades
- 5 Red and pink colors
- 6 Combinations of red with primary colors
- 7 Who will face red and combinations with it?
- 8 Red color in the interior
- 9 Video: The combination of colors in the interior
- 10 50 photos of interior design examples in red:
Scarlet and achromatic colors
There is a gradation to chromatic and achromatic. Chromatic is all the colors of the rainbow and their shades. For example, red is a chromatic color. Achromatic - not included in the spectrum of bright colors. If we go into the etymology of the word, then “achromatic” is translated from Greek as colorless. Interestingly, the most classic color combination is red, white and black.
Red and white are two noble tones. Their collaboration is the most striking, but at the same time sublime and filigree duet of flowers. Despite the simplicity of this combination, it has its own nuances. So, for example, bright scarlet must be combined only with snow-white. If you combine red and cream, the latter will look dirty and not neat.

Bright room with striped red wallpaper

Kitchen design in red
It is important to understand that the combination of these colors in clothes is suitable only for women with the “winter” and “spring” color types, whose appearance in itself looks bright and unusual.
In the interior, the described combination will visually enlarge the room, make it light, playful and cheerful.
Red and black - a connection from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. Glamor, luxury, lust, sex, desire are intertwined in it. This combination is ideal for evening and cocktail dresses. A woman in such vestments will look bright and sexy, but not criminal and mysterious. Such a collaboration is rarely chosen for room design. The duet of colors presented overloads the space, while squeezing it. Red and shades of gray - a calm mix of colors. Gray balances aggressive red. Anyone can safely choose this combination when choosing an outfit. Design with similar colors will look expensive and advantageous, but it is not elaborate and easy.

Bright red color in the interior of the kitchen

Red color in the interior of the living room

White kitchen with red in the interior
Red and chromatic colors
As already described earlier, chromatic colors are bright and rich shades: yellow, green, blue and others. A harmonious and pleasant combination of bright colors can be achieved by using related colors. Since red is the dominant color in the color wheel, then two color groups are formed with his participation:
- red yellow;
- red and blue.
Related shades are shades of colors within thirty degrees of a color wheel. That is, these are shades of the same color, differing in warmth, brightness, saturation and white balance.
Contrast-related combinations are within 90 degrees of the color wheel. These are colors that do not conflict with each other, but form harmonious associations.

Beautiful kitchen design in red

Red color in the interior of a white kitchen
Contrast combinations are mixes that differ sharply from each other in all respects.
There is the concept of nuance associations - these are light, non-eye-straining joints, between which there is a slight difference. Often this combination is used to create a gradient effect when a brighter tone changes to a less aggressive color. For example, burgundy and maroon, scarlet and carrot red. But, it is important to understand that in the case of red, any combination of colors will be bright, defiant and catchy.
The farther away from the red in the color wheel is the tone with which the color is combined, the more striking the set of shades will look. But this does not mean that they will not be harmoniously perceived.

Kitchen design in light red

The combination of red, white, black in the interior of the bedroom

Red color combined with blue in the interior of the kitchen
Red and sand shades
Sand and shades close to it are related and contrast-related shades of red. Similar combinations will look good. They can be used both in clothes and in the design of rooms. In both cases, the combination will look appropriate.
A combination of red and greenish shades
Twenty years ago, the combination of red and green was considered the top of bad taste, bad manners. But modern designers, drawing on examples of the natural world around us (red flowers on a green stem), boldly introduce this collaboration everywhere. Since the 2000s, the mix of colors has become a part of fashion: young people are increasingly choosing costumes with these colors. Interior designers did not lag behind fashion. So red and turquoise successfully combine in fusion style.
It is important to understand that for the right combination of red and shades of green you need to carefully select the gamma tinting. It is they that influence the harmony of the final ensemble.

Kitchen design in red

Red color in the interior of the kitchen
Red and pink colors
Ensembles based on the two colors presented do not just have a place, they have a certain potential. Due to the different white balance, red and pink rarely conflict. But it is worth choosing shades with the same indicator of warmth. For example, blue cold is suitable for blue-red, and playful raspberry for carrot. In the interior, such accents should be used with caution, carefully choosing them for the style of the room. In clothes, such paints are suitable for young girls with a light skin tone.

Bedroom design with red color

Red combined with yellow

Red ceiling in the interior of a blue room
Combinations of red with primary colors
As previously described, red is in the group of primary colors. In addition to red, yellow and blue belong there. The combination of ruby with these two colors is called the combination of primary colors.
Red and yellow are a cheerful and vibrant combination of colors. Both colors are warm, which makes this combination juicy. Its use is appropriate in the clothes of young people and girls. Also looks great on children's clothes. Also, this combination is appropriate to use in the decoration of the kitchen. Red and blue complement each other. They add dynamism and freshness to blue, and blue soothe aggressive bloody ones. You can safely use it both when creating your image, and when decorating rooms in an apartment.

Red sofa in the living room interior

Red color in the interior of the kitchen
Who will face red and combinations with it?
Red color is firmly entrenched in the wardrobes of modern women of fashion and fashion. Now red is actively used in creating all the attributes of the appearance: dresses, trousers, outerwear, skirts, accessories, shirts and so on. What so attracts people in this color? First, red inspires confidence, subjugates attention and increases the concentration of the interlocutor on you. The second, red shows the world around you that you are a strong and courageous person who is worthy of the time spent on it. Third, red is a fairly versatile and practical color. For example, in the afternoon, red trousers with a strict shirt are a good office option, and in the evening a black top and red trousers are an option for a party.
You need to understand that red things focus people's attention not only on you, but also on your figure. Therefore, it is necessary to select things in this shade with due competence, based on the advantages and disadvantages of your silhouette. Slender and thin young girls can use all shades of red in all variations of clothes. Girls with curvaceous forms should use darker shades (burgundy, brick, wine), emphasizing the upper body.

Dark red combined with blue

Red color combined with chocolate

Red furniture in the living room interior
If you are afraid to make a mistake with the selection of red tones in clothes, then you should use the rules honed for years. For example, does the selection of shade depend on the color type of appearance? Of course yes. Absolutely every color type is suitable for ruby, however, for each type of appearance there is its own palette of shades.
- “Winter” is a kind of snow queen. Cold white skin tone, dark hair, sensual facial features. Such a peculiar woman vamp. She breathes charm, nobility and sexuality. The fatal image is perfectly complemented by bright colors, for example, scarlet. Wine and dark red shades will also be beneficial to combine with the skin. When choosing a combination of colors, you should turn to related and contrast-related combinations, so as not to turn the image of an influential woman into the image of a village simpleton.
- "Spring" is a girl whose appearance is light, simple. Her image, like the time of year itself, is constantly playful and cheerful. The skin is velvety golden hue, light hair and eyes warm tones. For this type, frivolous, if you can call them that, shades of red: pinkish, carrot and orange, are perfect. They will make her even more airy and unearthly.
- “Summer” is a soft, but at the same time languid and strict appearance. Bluish skin, light brown or dark hair, aristocratic features. The girl does not look like a vamp woman, and she does not seek. She has her own special cold beauty, which she can perfectly emphasize with a dark tan. There is a certain mystery in it, which no one can understand. The image of such a lady will be decorated with cold shades, they will perfectly emphasize the color of hair, lips and eyes.
- "Autumn" is a playful mischievous appearance. Red hair, freckles. The girl is the sun. Charmingly alluring feature of this appearance in an attractive golden cheerful look. Bright, juicy, saturated shades will be able to decorate "autumn": coral, brick, carrot.

Red combined with white in the interior

Red sofa in the living room interior
Red color in the interior
For quite a long time, the fashion for red has been keeping in the field of interior design. Most often it is used when planning public places. Often red is used in the design of cafes, bars, restaurants and canteens. Since it is believed that it is red that arouses appetite and energy. It is also used with enviable frequency for the design of entertainment venues.
Red is a fairly saturated and powerful color. It is strictly contraindicated for use in small rooms. He will make them visually even smaller. You can not use red as a background image, otherwise the room will be perceived cheaply and not stylishly. Red is best used as a spectacular accent. For a perfect combination, it is worth choosing related or contrast-related colors to red when creating a combination for the overall design of the space.
No need to be afraid to use the described piece of the palette. The main thing is to choose a harmonious combination that emphasizes your temperament, your personality and your special character.
Video: The combination of colors in the interior