How to choose the right wallpaper for a child’s room for a boy: ideas with photos
When choosing a wallpaper for a nursery for a boy parents are guided not only by their preferences, but also listen to the opinion of the child, such a tandem, as we see on a photo makes the choice functional. Many factors should be taken into account: the comfort of the children's room, and practicality, and resistance to pollution, and environmental friendliness. For the girl’s room, the main thing is beauty, and for the room of the future man, style and practicality play a role.

Many factors should be taken into account: the comfort of the children's room, and practicality, and resistance to pollution, and environmental friendliness
Features of wallpaper for a boy
- When making repairs in the room, it should be remembered that for a short while and after a few years, as the child grows, he will need to change the wallpaper again, giving him a new look.
Wallpaper design for a large nursery for a boy
- Focus on brightness and personality. The room should not inspire boredom, be dull and plain. It should be not only unique, but also have bright details.
- It is not necessary that the room should be tasteless; try to develop your concept with your child, without prejudice to his interests.
- Let the child participate in the design and selection of the interior style.
Children's room with fun wallpapers with informative drawings
Type of wallpaper
Manufacturers delight the consumer not only with a variety of scales, shades and patterns, but also with a different texture of wallpaper. What you will not meet: here are coatings based on non-woven, and on a vinyl basis, and silk-screen printing, and liquid wallpaper.

Newborn baby boy room design with blue wallpaper
- Paper. This is a classic option for decorating walls; they have been pasted over surfaces for several centuries. They are environmentally friendly and do not contain harmful impurities, have a porous structure, “breathe”, do not accumulate condensate, do not allow fungus and bacteria to develop on the surface. It’s easy to glue them, almost any glue and even a paste will suit them. Their price is low, it is easy to change them if necessary, but they have a significant drawback: they get dirty quickly and do not have a long service life.
Choosing unusual wallpaper for a child’s room for a boy
- Vinyl. The basis for them is non-woven, and the top coating is vinyl. Discussions regarding their environmental safety have not subsided so far. Ecological cleanliness directly depends on the manufacturer, if all manufacturing technologies are performed correctly and not broken, then such wallpapers have a minimum of formaldehyde fumes. If this is not the case, they give chemical fumes causing allergic reactions.
Another drawback is that the coating does not allow air to pass through, fungus can form under the walls.

Let the child participate in the design and selection of the interior style
- But they are easy to wash, they are not exposed to moisture, and with wet cleaning the surface is almost impossible to damage.
- Non-woven. Such coatings are non-woven fabric, in its properties similar to paper wallpaper. But they, unlike paper ones, can be washed; they are more durable, not subject to abrasion.And due to its thickness, defects and potholes of walls are easily hidden. They are more expensive than paper and vinyl coatings. The strips of such a coating are wider than usual, therefore, not always a person who has never glued wallpaper will be able to cope with them, you may have to call a specialist for repair.
The design of the children's room with bright and stylish wallpaper
How to choose the right one?
What factors should parents pay attention to when choosing a type of wallpaper?
- It is important for all parents that the child is healthy. To ensure environmental safety, preference should be given to natural materials.
Original wallpaper design of a modern boy’s nursery
You can understand whether the coating is of good quality by reading the markings, for example, European manufacturers mark the absence of harmful substances in the fabric. A marking on micropores will make it clear that through such a coating the wall “breathes”.
- The second most important factor when choosing is the area of the room. If you glue the surface with photowall-paper with a bulky pattern, then they will "eat" the living space, and the horizontal pattern, on the contrary, visually make it more spacious. The dark colors of the room will make it small and uncomfortable.
Wallpaper for a stylish design of a child’s room for a boy
- Before buying, designers recommend that you carefully think about the color scheme of the children's room. Black, burgundy, gray, purple is not recommended for children's interiors. And yellow and green scales motivate the child to develop creativity. The abundance of metallic, white or blue colors lowers mood and depresses. Light orange activates motor and mental activity. If the room is zoned, then the use of orange is recommended there.
Making a kids room wallpaper with warm bed colors
- According to children's psychologists, the optimal color scheme for boys is green, blue, brown, yellow, blue. The blue gamut will take the child to dreams of the sea, long trips and mysterious sea voyages, and green and yellow colors will remind you of summer, the jungle, the desert.

The blue range will take the child to dreams of the sea, long trips and mysterious sea voyages
- The opinions of psychologists regarding black are divided: some believe that it is impossible to use it in design, while the second ones say that it is possible, but without overloading the room with it. Black gives peace and tranquility, reduces pressure, reduces the likelihood of a cold in winter and if a balance is maintained in the interior, it does not affect the psyche of the child.
Design a children's room for a boy with bright wallpaper
- Will give originality to the room and vinyl stickers. Airplanes, animals, architectural structures, musical instruments, portraits - the list is endless.
- Themed wallpapers are a great choice for a boy from 6 years old. For design, space motives, sports cars, pirates, ships are used. It is enough to take the child with him to the store, and he will choose what he likes.
Wallpaper for a large children's room in green colors
Wallpaper selection by age

Design of wallpaper in warm colors for a child’s room for an active and modern boy
When thinking over the interior, it is important to correlate the choice of wall coverings with the age of the boy, because at different periods of his life he will suit his shade, pattern and texture.
- For newborns and children under 2 years of age, when the child sleeps a lot, recommended wallpapers of gentle tones and shades that relax and give a feeling of comfort.
Design a children's room for a boy with bright wallpaper
- For a child from two to five years old, who already develops imagination and fantasy, they recommend thematic wallpapers with the heroes of fairy tales and books. Designers suggest picking up design with cartoon characters.With wallpaper you can balance or activate the child, for example, neutral shades are suitable for an active baby, and brighter ones for a calm one.
Children's modern room with bright stylish wallpaper
- For a child from 3 to 8 years old, when hobbies and hobbies are formed, use wallpaper with the theme of your favorite hobby. Often, coatings of a training type are glued, for example, using letters, plants, cars, animals. It is not recommended to overload the child’s mind with a complex palette, patterns and abstraction. And if the son is hyperactive and highly excitable, then this condition is neutralized by the use of strips in the room. If the kid draws on the walls, then an anti-vandal coating is used that protects from the marker or finishes with liquid wallpaper, which can be quickly fixed without removing.
Design ideas for a kids room with a warm color wallpaper
- After 8 years, it’s time for the child to go shopping when choosing materials for repair. So develops his independence, it is time to consider that he is already a person with his tastes, preferences and interests.

When thinking over the interior, it is important to correlate the choice of wall covering with the age of the boy
Design options
Thousands of wallpaper samples are on display in stores, but it's hard to find what you like. Unfortunately, many parents infringe on the child, ignoring his desires, believing that the son is not yet able to make decisions. Despite his ambitions, one should listen to him, give independence and choose together.

Children's room for a boy with a pirate style wallpaper
- Solid walls. This decoration option is suitable for those people who do not want to make repairs every year. On such a wall, several paintings should be left hanging, diluting with colorful details the interior of the room, supplemented with juicy bright textiles (curtains, sofa pillows), furniture. On such a wall you can stick posters of the actor, athlete, singer you like. This is convenient, because the tastes of the child are changing rapidly.
Wallpaper bright shade for the kid’s room
- Contrast pattern. To prevent the child’s room from looking dull and dull, it is recommended to dilute it with wallpaper with a contrasting pattern.
- Geometry on the walls. One of the promising areas in the interior design will serve as a geometric pattern on the wallpaper. This is a classic of the genre on the basis of which it is easy to create a traditional masculine interior.
Making a children's room for a modern boy using thematic photo wallpapers
- Strip. Such neutral wallpapers will look stylish and casual. The used contrasting black and white gamma on the walls will add brutality to the room.
Wallpaper design for a children's room for a boy in a marine style
- Thematic design. When choosing, they rely on hobbies, the hobbies of the child, for example, for an active kid, coverings with drawings on the theme of hockey, racing, snowboarding, football are suitable. If he is interested in technology and spends all the time disassembling a bicycle and collecting microcircuits, then it is worth sticking drawings on the walls with airplanes, cars, ships, military equipment, trains. For lovers of actively exploring the world, decoration with boats, pirates, and exotic countries is recommended. For balanced individuals, beaches, images of the ocean, forest, mountains are suitable.

One of the promising areas in interior design will serve as a geometric pattern on the wallpaper
Indoor accent
Tip: It’s important not only to paste on the wallpaper and find a highlight that will “support” the wallpaper.
For example, if a child is engaged in martial arts, then they weigh medals and awards on the wall, but on the contrary posters of famous athletes of this sport or sayings of masters are fixed.

A small children's room with photo wallpaper on the wall
If the child is fond of music, then it is recommended to hang a guitar on the wall, and paste the posters with pictures of your favorite artists on the opposite wall.
Wall mural: go to individuality
A child is an emerging personality, which is why it is so important to let him express himself. Unusual and stylish design of the walls will allow murals.

The design of the children's room for the boy with themed stylish wallpaper
They easily stick if tastes have changed they are easy to exchange for others. Such they are made to order, and are sold ready-made in stores. With their help, a cozy atmosphere is created, they give the room a sense of order. This method of finishing is inexpensive, but the result will exceed all expectations.
Design a children's room for a boy