Design a children's room for two girls of different ages
Designing and furnishing a child’s room is not an easy task, where it is important to take into account the age characteristics and desires of children. No matter how old the child is, each daughter should have her own personal space. A well-designed interior of a children's room for 2 girls of different ages is a multifunctional room with competent zoning, a special atmosphere and aesthetics. Each age has its own characteristics, and the decor of the room for the baby, schoolgirl or teenager should reflect their interests.

Each child should have his own personal space.

When choosing a design for a child’s room, it’s important to consider the age characteristics and desires of children

The room should be multi-functional and with competent zoning
- 1 Basic requirements for a bedroom for girls
- 2 Features zoning children's bedroom
- 3 Choose the color of the girl’s bedroom
- 4 Themed room design ideas for 2 girls
- 5 We select the type of lighting
- 6 Video: Design of a children's room for two girls
- 7 50 photos of design ideas for a children's room for two girls:
Basic requirements for a bedroom for girls
Small-sized city apartments do not allow each daughter to take a separate bedroom, so you have to combine the children's room for girls of different ages in one room. They have different needs and interests, and living in the same area sometimes brings problems.
Some children have a keen sense of ownership; others, without disputes, allow you to sleep on your sofa, use their things, toys, gadgets and utensils. These are two extremes - daughters need to be accustomed to the fact that no one should invade personal space. It is not permissible to use other people's things without permission or to forcibly take them away from the weak or younger. And zoning of the interior of the room for 2 girls of different ages is directly related to such education.

In small apartments you have to combine design for two girls

Some children have a keen sense of ownership, this must be taken into account
It is important for daughters to accustom to negotiate for comfortable coexistence in the same nursery, for example, to distribute class time on a general piano or indoor simulators. It is more difficult when one wants to sleep, the other - to listen to music or play the violin. The problem is that a small space simultaneously performs several functions in the interior of a bedroom for two girls:
- game room;
- wardrobe;
- study;
- sports section;
- handicraft workshop;
- living room for friends and girlfriends.
Attention! Some children care about their status among peers, and the design of a bedroom for two girls is important for them, where they can invite their classmates or girlfriends. In bad weather, they will be interested to play a computer game together in a well-equipped children's room, solve puzzles, demonstrate outfits or hand-made.
Advice! It is important to consult with both daughters what the design project of a children's room for two girls will be, if they have well-established tastes.
Older girls are interested in personal comfort, exquisite decor and their own dressing room. But a children's room is, first of all, a bedroom or a place for a good rest. Young children are interested in hide and seek and outdoor games, they need more free space.
Excess furniture, cramped space and a pile of unnecessary things in the children's room are unacceptable! If the room is small, you can install a multifunctional module, a 2-tier bed or a "transformer", folding into two planes for sleeping.

It is important for daughters to accustom to negotiate for comfortable coexistence in one children's room

It is important to consult with both daughters what the design project of a children's room for two girls will be, if they have well-established tastes

Own space is important for adult girls
Features zoning children's bedroom
Preschoolers do not need to allocate a study area, you can get by with a convenient table or expand the window sill to the size of the countertop. Under good lighting, girls can learn to read, do needlework, or play board games. Teenagers do not need a place for games, it is better to allocate a corner for modern equipment. The thoughtful design of the room for two teenage girls differs from the interior for babies with a large number of functional zones.
In the rest area there should be as little light as possible, so a canopy is appropriate over the bed. It creates a favorable microclimate, protects against mosquitoes in the summer (if made on the principle of a mosquito net) and helps to fall asleep without being distracted by external movement. Only if one bed is equipped with a similar canopy, for sure, another child will want to have something similar. But keep in mind that this accessory does not fit organically into every nursery interior for two girls.

Preschoolers do not need to allocate a study area, you can get by with a comfortable table or expand the window sill to the size of the countertop

Teenagers do not need a place for games, it is better to allocate a corner for modern equipment
The boudoir is only suitable for a bed, and when the children sleep on the couch, a chair-bed or “attic” is used on model furniture. And for zoning a vacation spot, other differentiation methods are used:
rope curtains;
- thread curtains;
- transparent tulle;
- color differentiation;
- mobile partitions;
- light furniture such as whatnots or shelving.
The sleep zone in the design of a children's room for 2 girls can be identified using a multi-level ceiling - “starry sky” or space. Children really like falling asleep, considering the incredible decor on the ceiling.
In the play area, the arrangement is subordinate to the desires and preferences of the children. Many accessories can be made with your own hands, involving the children themselves. Storage locations for toys can be arranged as caches in a fairytale forest or drawers - floors of buildings of the “Emerald City”.
Girls attending an art school need a corner for creative activities. It can be indicated by portraits of composers, famous artists or artists. For young athletes, it is necessary to equip a sports corner with exercise machines.

Zoning can be done using a two-level ceiling

In the play area, the arrangement is subordinate to the wishes and preferences of the children

The interior and decor of the children's room for two girls should reflect their hobbies
The place where schoolgirls learn lessons does not need to be zoned if it is correctly furnished with shelves. The main symptom is a multifunctional table, which can accommodate a PC or laptop, compartments for textbooks and books.
The interior and decor of the children's room for two girls should reflect their hobbies. If their hobbies are more mundane, for example, children's shopping for young women of fashion, an improvised fitting room can be distinguished. For those who like to show off with a microphone, equip a small stage in a free corner. For fans of Barbie dolls on one of the walls, arrange an exposition with shallow shelves that will not take up much space.
Choose the color of the girl’s bedroom
Of course, it is advisable to consult with children - to find out what they themselves want. Traditionally pink and red are for girls, blue is the color for boys.But this is not the best solution when choosing the background of the walls in the design of the room for two girls of different ages.

Before you decide on the flowers, you should consult with children

Bright colors are best for girls.
For example, the youngest daughter tastes orange, and the older girl rejects it without options. Their wishes are important to consider, but be guided by other arguments:
- warm colors are preferred on the north side to compensate for the lack of sunlight; on the south side of the house, cold and dark tones with a cheerful pattern are better;
- plain light walls of pastel shades are appropriate to compensate for the excess of colorful drawings (curtains, sofa upholstery, carpet, large soft toys in bright colors);
- sharp contrasts in the quality of zoning tire the optic nerve, if the elder wants to make the black half of the room, the younger - the yellow or red part;
- black and white design of a children's room for two girls without bright emotional accents will load children's perception;
- all of one shade is also not an option, even if it seems to parents a good choice, the consciousness of children should switch to objects of different colors.
The general background should be the same - white, milky, lemon, beige, blue or lilac. But it should be in harmony with shades that will complement the personal space of daughters of different ages. It is important to consider how different colors affect the subconscious.

The color in the interior should be in harmony with other shades

Do not make the room too bright

Most girls like pink.
- Many girls like pink color, but it has many shades - the delicate shade of tea rose petals is appropriate in the design of a small nursery for two girls, the color "fuchsia" is only relevant in the details of the decor.
- Red is an emotional color that prompts action, but it can not be used in a nursery of too active girls who have problems with turning off before bedtime.
- Lemon or yellow basic tone is a good solution for a children's bedroom, especially in a room where there is little daylight, its “intellectual” property is used for phlegmatic, dreamy or slightly inhibited children.
- The pronounced “warm” property of orange shades can be safely used in the design of a room for 2 girls on either side of the house, but if you do not want too bright shades, choose a gentle peach or apricot tone.
- You need to be careful with the choice of greens - "green longing" with an admixture of gray is not interesting to anyone, and the "green apple" is considered a very positive color.
- Blue and blue is great for the bedroom of active girls, it is considered an aristocratic color, but subconsciously it calms and deepens in thought.
- Small children do not perceive lilac and violet shades, but adolescents often like it, but it is contraindicated for girls prone to mysticism, depression and loneliness.
- Gray is not the best choice in the design of a room for two teenagers, but the gray-blue or gray-lilac wall background is perfect for white, blue and pink furniture.

Neutral tones that will not distract from classes are preferable.

The main thing with color is not to overdo it
Note that the crystal-white background is suitable for the cold gamut, milky - for the warm part of the spectrum. Children with poor appetite are advised to select wallpapers with “appetizing” shades and patterns. Preference is given to:
- cream;
- caramel;
- chocolate;
- yellow;
- orange
- raspberry blossom.
Not only color is important, but its saturation and proportional relationship with companion colors. When delimiting a part of the room, the older girl is given darker shades, the younger is given light.
Themed room design ideas for 2 girls
Design ideas can be inspired by anything, for example, children's toys and books, Guell Park in Barcelona or the scenery of the cartoon about the Little Mermaid.
All this can be reflected in the author's design, if you decide to independently design the interior of the bedroom for two girls of different ages. Not only mothers, but also fathers sometimes create whole sets, for example, copying a tower from a fairy tale about Rapunzel.
The girls' room can easily be turned into a fairy forest, where Thumbelina is lost, and the characters of the fairy tale are soft toys and decor.

Design ideas can be inspired by anything, such as children's toys and books.

Room design can be done in one color scheme

You can decorate the walls with interesting paintings.
The gingerbread house is suitable for sweet tooth babies, who always have everything in chocolate. You can not only select the appropriate wallpaper from the catalogs, but also make a unique decor of polystyrene and gypsum.
Room of achievements - what is not an idea for daughters who are fond of sports or ballroom dancing, music or painting? It is easier to motivate children through the interior of the nursery for 2 girls.
We select the type of lighting
The degree of illumination should be determined by the general needs of children and the amount of natural light. Local lighting and a ceiling chandelier are important design elements for a children's room for girls of different ages.
The brightest lighting should be in the study area, where schoolgirls do their homework. Original fixtures may be part of the decor. Phosphorescent colors or luminous stars on the ceiling, depicting the night sky, they will save children from the fear of the dark.

On the wall you can depict some kind of drawing

The degree of illumination should be determined by the general needs of children
In the relaxation area, a soft glow should not tire your eyes. It is better to choose a slowly fading lamp or sconce with a switch at arm's length. But all the lamps in the children's room should be as safe as possible.
- Ceiling chandelier
Typical “children’s” design, matte bulbs, energy-saving with a yellow light - Wall sconces
Plafond as flat as possible, better from unbreakable materials, convenient switch - Floor lamp
Steady, reliable, the wiring is hidden as much as possible so that passing children do not stumble - Ceiling lighting
A perimeter diode tape is a great option, unattainable for a child, plus chiseled diodes - The night
Placed above the bed, relieves fear of the dark, helps to sleep peacefully - Glowing Decor Objects
For older students, a convenient addition to lighting or as an original decoration
Additional sources also include luminous vases with perforations, aquariums, geometric design objects and cabinet furniture lighting. You should not save on the child’s eyesight, but it is important to teach him how to consume electricity as needed.
For original ideas for decorating a nursery, see our gallery of photo examples.
Video: Design of a children's room for two girls