What wallpaper to choose for the hallway?
A practical owner imagines an approximate interior renovation design even at the time of planning, when he flips glossy catalogs together with households in the evenings, paying close attention to the decoration of rooms and kitchens and often forgetting about the importance of the corridor. And in vain.

The entrance hall is the face of the apartment, the place where the tired owner of the house gets after a hard day's work, and for the first time a guest is here, curiously looking around. It is very important to choose a wallpaper so that it does not emphasize the possible flaws of the corridor, whether it is uneven walls or its too much shade. The colorful interior is more likely to cause a sympathetic smile, and you will not want to go deep into your apartments past the boring and gray walls. Fortunately, there are hundreds of different variations, sometimes leading consumers into a stupor: color, material, brandiness - you can get a purchase for every taste.

The entrance hall is the face of the apartment, the place where the tired owner of the house also gets after a hard day's work.
In this article we will analyze what wallpaper to choose for the hallwayto beat her positive sides and make her neighbors envy the chosen style.
What is suitable for the corridor?

The first rule is to take it from washable materials. The entrance hall is a “purgatory” between the street and the rest of the apartment, it must be remembered that dust and bacteria are deposited in it, carried, except for shoes, on the owner’s jacket, housewife’s bags and children's hands.
The following types of wallpapers are recommended for the corridor:
- Vinyl;
- Silk;
- Cullet;
- Cork;
- Iron;
- For painting.
Let's get acquainted with the descriptions closer.

The wise decision for your corridor is vinyl wallpapers. They have a durable surface that protects against mechanical stress. The structure of the material will easily correct minor wall defects and help prevent cracking. This wallpaper contains non-woven, it is a kind of frame, resistant to fire and damage. This type is perfect for owners of a narrower corridor than we would like, it is quite easy to wash and does not react with detergents.

A wise solution for your corridor is a vinyl wallpaper
Silk wallpaper - a kind of vinyl. They are created on a paper basis and are not picky about cleaning, it is enough to refresh their surface with a damp sponge once every six months.

There is another interesting view, as if created specifically for the corridor walls: cullet. Their resistance to detergents and brushes can only be envied, therefore, even their bright colors can be chosen in the hallway: frequent cleaning will not bring damage. Wallpaper has at least two other useful qualities: it is difficult to damage them and you can change the color after gluing. Instead of regular cleaning, you can afford to completely update the interior of the corridor: remove paint with a special solvent, and dress the surface in a different color scheme.

Ideal for hallway liquid wallpaper. You can apply them with a spatula, creating cozy shades for the walls and at the same time correcting defects in them in the form of bumps and cracks. The material is perfectly applied and attached to any surface, if you decide to walk on them with varnish, then in the future it is allowed to wipe them with a damp sponge or vacuum clean.This wallpaper will certainly appreciate perfectionist aesthetes: after all, when applying liquid material there are no seams left. If you give preference to this type of coating, remember that it will delight for a long time not only with its well-groomed appearance and low acquisition costs, but also with increased sound and thermal insulation.

Wallpaper has at least two other useful qualities: it is difficult to damage them and you can change the color after gluing.
Another well-known, but not so popular version of the decoration for the hallway is wallpaper made from natural materials, in particular, cork. A nice “ecological” design will justify the high price, but you can always combine different options, diluting decor elements from budgetary coatings.Cork Wallpaper with stylish patches are pleasant to the touch, durable and resistant to cleaning.

If you want something new, be sure to impress everyone by casting your vote in favor iron wallpaper. Covered with a loose layer of foil, they allow you to do anything with you: you will find many options for patterns and different textures. The selected material will help brighten the remote corridor and will meet with a flickering metallic luster.
Tip number 1: when decal wallpaper should avoid heat and draft in the apartment, otherwise the material will fall off.
Tip # 2: If you stained the surface of the material with paste, blot the excess immediately.
Tip number 3: the required air temperature in the apartment during operation should be in the range from 18 to 24 degrees.
Tip number 4: do not forget to disconnect power outlets at the desired perimeter for fire safety.
Degree of water resistance
As we have already found out, the entrance hall is a corner where you will often have to do wet cleaning or at least brush off the dust.

As we have already found out, the entrance hall is a corner where you will often have to do wet cleaning or at least brush off the dust.
In order not to spoil the appearance of the wallpaper, you should look at the packaging of the rolls - manufacturers usually leave a tag with explanations.
- One wave denotes a love of gentle care. It is advisable to wipe such wallpaper with a fiber cloth or soft sponge.
- Two waves indicate the possibility of cleaning with wet materials.
- Three waves allow you to care for wallpaper using detergents.
Color spectrum
There are no optimal rules for choosing the spectrum of tones, because each hallway is individual and its further arrangement depends on the preferences of the owners of the house, the placement of light bulbs and furniture.
Consider some of the nuances of choosing a gamut of wallpaper depending on the lighting.

Choose neutral colors: lilac, orange-beige, dark blue, they will mask the dust that the hostess has not yet had time to brush off.
If there is a lot of light in the hallway, this will simplify our task, but a dark room will make us work a little longer on choosing a wallpaper. The color of the coatings of the gloomy corridor walls should not aggravate the situation; choose a more gentle and rich tone: visually increasing the size of the hallway, they will help give a feeling of spaciousness and adequate lighting. However, remember that too bright wallpapers can absorb light, offering us the opposite effect.

Choose neutral colors: lilac, orange-beige, dark blue, they will mask the dust that the hostess has not yet had time to brush off. Unfortunately, you have to abandon the white wallpapers that deserve love, after a short service they quickly get dirty and get a sloppy look.
Ornament and decorative techniques
A correctly selected wallpaper pattern will turn your hall into a corner of style and modernity if you learn the following nuances:

- Strict geometric figures will cling to the unevenness of the walls, and abstract motley patterns will hide all the flaws of the decoration;
- Wallpaper small corridors with wallpaper with a small pattern, because large color solutions will visually reduce the space;
- Light monochromatic shades will unpleasantly surprise you with an emphasis on the roughness of the walls, if you are not for certain that the concrete partitions are ideal, you better refuse such an experiment;
- An interesting design decision: to wallpaper the ceiling. The corridor will resemble a neat decorative house. You can use a combination of shades only between the colors in the hallway, let it be a separate corner, not depending on the general mood of the apartment.

Light monochromatic shades will unpleasantly surprise you with an emphasis on the roughness of the walls, if you are not for certain that the concrete partitions are ideal, you better refuse such an experiment
Tip: for the ceiling you need to take glue thicker than for the walls, otherwise the material will begin to bubble, and then fall under the weight of its weight
- Want something new? Combine two types of wallpaper, pasting the horizontal half of the walls with different colors, putting a border between them. But the shades should complement each other, and the top should be lighter than the bottom. The first part will add freshness, and the second will protect the walls from pollution;
- Give preference to murals, if it is a small hallway. A good solution is the image of the landscape, marina, as well as “perspective” drawings: forest paths, bridges and stairs going into the sunset. Placed on the far side of the corridor, panoramic prints will significantly distance the space.
Tip: do not trust the glue that comes with the photo wallpaper, take the one you have already tested
- If you have low ceilings in the hallway, stop on the material with vertical stripes. If you want to achieve the opposite effect by visually “squeezing” the corridor, boldly take horizontal ones, because besides they will visually increase the narrowed space of the hallway;
- When choosing a metal wallpaper, remember that luxurious patterns on the walls noticeably “spread” the corridor, giving it a stylish and elegant look;
- Materials that imitate fabric coverings, leather, wood or tiles look very homely.

Give preference to murals when it comes to a small hallway
Combining the style of the entrance hall with the overall design of the apartment

- If you are a supporter of eco-style and chose wallpaper in the style of natural stone, think about interesting solutions to the overall decor of your corridor. For example, you can wash pebbles and sand typed on the beach and beautifully fill a miniature box with them. The flower will look organically in a carelessly suspended planter, but note that the plant must be resistant to small sources of light. The door will become much more comfortable if it is decorated with bamboo or stone, against the background of natural wallpaper everything will look stylish and tasteful.
- Lovers of the classics should take note of plain-colored wallpapers, a light ceiling and conservative furniture. The strict decision favorably emphasizes a natural tree.
- The popular style with a bias in modernity will not leave you time for boredom: the metal ornament of wallpaper, combined with the sparkle of iron lamps and mirrors, will shine and delight your chosen image every day.
An interesting fact: blurry prints look neutral, while clearly traced details of the images “in a businesslike way” participate in the overall design.
The entrance hall is a place that greets your guests, leaving a first impression of you and your comfort at home. A peculiar mirror of the apartment, the corridor will reveal all the preferences of the owner, his dreams and desires, with his unique style he will emphasize the individual character traits of the inhabitants of the home. Give this corner more time, and the result will surely please you.
What wallpaper to choose for the hallway