Wallpaper under a brick in a modern interior
Imitation can not be better than the original, but not in the case when it comes to wallpaper under a brick in the interior. Pasting a wall with roll materials is less costly, repairs are done in 1-2 days, and a thin layer of decoration does not take up part of the usable area, like natural masonry. Visually textured wallpaper is no different from a brick wall. But the choice of color and pattern of the masonry is much greater. Professional interior designers will share their secrets on how to create a stylish, harmonious interior.

Nowadays, imitation of brickwork is typical for democratic interior styles.
Why choose imitation of a brick wall in a modern interior?
Various options for imitating masonry are a favorite way of creating an accent wall for famous designers working in the styles of loft, high-tech, fusion, country, minimalism. But even this list of such conceptually different styles is not limited to the possibility of using this wall cladding. Anyone who wants to create an inimitable author’s interior can use this technique - it will turn out as in the photo.

Not everyone can afford to lay out a real brick wall, and creating imitation using wallpaper is available to everyone

Certain interior styles simply cannot do without brickwork.
A brick wall attracts attention in a surprising way, although to some it seems “bare” or “rough”. But this “unfinished" facing is full of adherents. The mass production of wallpapers with similar imitation, known since post-Soviet times, greatly facilitated the repair.
Wallpaper “for laying”, which were in use about 15-20 years ago, did not differ in variety and quality. On sale were red-brown rolls with ivy sprigs and without it. Modern brick imitations have undergone serious design refinement in order to maximize the range.
Important! The decorative properties of the surface after wallpapering can be much higher than the masonry itself. Therefore, if you have a real brick wall that does not suit aesthetically pleasing, just starting plastering and wallpapering of a more suitable design is enough.
Previously, when the design concept involved a real brick wall, a real craftsman who worked with bricks was required. Today it is not necessary to possess building skills, it is enough to have a little experience in wallpapering the walls. The visual effect can be achieved when lightweight drywall partitions are made during zoning - the “brick” wallpaper creates the feeling of a real wall, like a photo example.

Lightweight frame wall with brick wallpaper

Brickwork wallpapers are used to decorate a wide variety of rooms.
A solid or fragmented brick wall is a subconscious sensation of reliability, stability, and security. Somewhere inside, everyone feels that “my house is my castle”, regardless of whether it is a cottage, a summer residence or an apartment. It was laid in childhood - from a fairy tale about three piglets. An effective way of expressing or creatively zoning a large room in any setting is a brick wall wallpaper in the interior.
Where is brick wallpaper used?
Finding wallpaper for decoration is much easier than finding a suitable brick. Not everyone knows that it is different:
- white (silicate) and red (clay terracotta);
- construction and refractory;
- facing and decorative;
- textured and shaped;
- dense (hyper-pressed) and porous;
- smooth and broken (or torn);
- single, one and a half and double.
Imitation will not seem cold when touched, so they are preferable to brick in any living room, even in the nursery. All varieties of textures are reflected in the figure of the facing rolls, including different brick colors - from white to black, as in the photo.

Imitation of a white brick wall in a classic style living room

Wallpaper under a red brick looks good with the appropriate attributes - a fireplace, aged wood or suitable furniture
Depending on the style of the interior and the functionality of the room, it is possible to choose an imitation of masonry to your taste. For example, for an urbanistic bedroom, “brick and whitewash” wallpapers are often chosen; for the kitchen, a rough wall made of red or colored building material. In the hallway, any non-standard version of the interior with brick wallpaper is appropriate. In the living room, you need to carefully select wallpapers that resemble decorative masonry, so that it looks organically.

Realistic photo wallpaper in the industrial style living room

Vinyl waterproof wallpaper can be used to decorate a kitchen apron
Paper wallpaper under the brick "breathe", providing air circulation with fluctuations in temperature and humidity. But coated with colorless varnish, the laminated surfaces are easy to wash and clean from the greasy suspension formed during cooking. Therefore, “washable” wallpapers are preferred in the room where they cook food:
- in the kitchen;
- in the dining room;
- in the living room combined with the kitchen;
- attached area of the loggia;
- studio apartment.
Wallpaper does not burden the building, so they are preferred in frame buildings and small cottages on unstable soils. If the house still shrinks, it is partially built, and you already have to live in it, then you can use not paper rolls, but non-woven ones.

Wallpaper with blue brickwork in the bedroom of a young family
Fans of experimenting with the design of living space are encouraged to try the interior with brick wallpaper for painting. You can often change the color of the walls, but it is better to start with white or sand, gradually adding a darker shade.

The image of a white brick is perfect for a children's room.

Modern living room with snow-white furniture against a brutal brick wall
Imitation will decorate not only the house, but also the premises for your own business - a hairdresser, a small cafe or bar. Such decoration is no different from a real brick wall, with the exception of significant savings on decoration. Moisture-resistant rolls can finish any auxiliary room without good heating:
- halls;
- pantries;
- corridors;
- hallways with doors directly to the street;
- recreation with stairs;
- bathrooms.
Therefore, if you really like such a coating, it is possible to choose a different color and texture - each room has its own "brick" wallpaper. All of them are available at the price and method of pasting, although they differ in cost due to different bases and coatings.

The most spectacular are textured coatings with a rough top layer

Spectacular wall with black bricks

In the kitchen with a wallpaper under the brick, you can highlight the dining area
A brick wall is in perfect harmony with any hearth, whether it be a Russian stove or a fireplace - it all depends on the style of design. Another brick-like wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen is an excellent decor in the apron area and food storage areas.
The benefits of wall decoration with brick wallpaper
Choosing between natural building or finishing materials, everyone knows that the present is better than imitation.But with regard to brick and wallpaper "brick", rather, an exception to the rule is triggered. Based on the foregoing, the advantages of rolled materials are obvious, but there are also other "advantages" that were not mentioned.

Modern technology allows you to make very realistic wallpaper with the effect of volume
1. | Minimum load | Architectural standards require control of the load on the foundation, and the weight of the roll finish is minimal, relative to any masonry from building materials. |
2. | Redesigning the room without a problem | During the reconstruction or redevelopment of the premises for the construction of a heavy brick wall, permission from the city authorities will be required, for a lightweight plasterboard partition lined with "brick" wallpaper, it will not be needed. |
3. | Simplicity of work | Wall masonry requires skill in working with bricks and hiring specialists, and even beginners who carefully read the instructions can cope with wall-papering. |
4. | Quick repair | The time spent on laying masonry and compliance with technical standards is much higher than wallpapering. |
5. | No condensation | With a sharp drop in temperature in the room, the bricks “freeze”, forming condensate, which does not happen on paper rolls. |
6. | No restrictions | The erection of a brick wall can be limited by the size of the room and the weak supports of the building, which is not important when working with wallpaper. |
7. | Dressing | Aesthetically, the choice is not limited by anything, large catalogs often indicate the style of interiors, decorate rounded walls and smooth corners. |
8. | Ability to hide defects | For a neat geometric pattern, you need a smooth wall, but the pattern for rough laying will easily hide all the defects of the walls, and the protruding tubercles or crests will give the rolls realism. |

Sticking wallpaper under a brick is no different from working with ordinary wallpaper and you need to take care of them also
Original interior solutions
Imitation of a brick wall has recently been applied only to public spaces and the design of ancillary facilities. Today, such wallpapers are applicable not only for kitchens and bathrooms, hallways and corridors, but also for living rooms. At the same time, we can safely say that such a decor is able to lay claim to the basis of a design concept. Stylish solutions with a “bare” texture of wallpaper “brickwork” will bring variety to any interior.

When choosing a color scheme take into account the surrounding finish, the size of the room and the lighting of the room

For a narrow corridor, light shades are preferable
Experts say that it is not necessary to paste wallpaper on a brick in the interior of the kitchen - it will “ripple” and introduce a certain coldness. This is an excellent decoration on one work wall or cooking area, when it is the catering department of a studio apartment. Where they eat, it is better to do something else, for example, wall paintings, murals and mosaics from broken tiles. If the wallpapers themselves are very bright, they can be tinted by painting the rest of the walls or decorative plaster exposed with colorless varnish - it will be easier to wash.
In the kitchen, not only a brick wall, but also inserts in the form of an apron near the stove and work surface will look great. By the way, it is better to take not washable paper wallpapers, but a textured version of fiberglass for painting, characterized by counteracting fire. You can even make some kind of graffiti inscription if there is little decor in the room.

For interior in a Mediterranean style, you need to add bright accents

White wallpaper with brickwork will expand the living room in the Scandinavian style
Use "brutal" wallpaper under a gray brick in the kitchen interior in the style of a loft and high-tech. They are in perfect harmony with chrome furniture fittings and a bar counter. For classic design and Provencal style kitchens, it is better to take an imitation of whitewashed bricks. But the best is a "brick wall" wallpaper with stucco.
An experimental game is acceptable in the living room - choose any texture, color and size of the brick.It all depends on what kind of furniture, interior styling and color of the equipment will be. The large plasma panel looks great on the accent wall "brick".
An excellent design technique is an imitation of a fireplace against a brick wall. If the room has a real fireplace, then it is better to take a real refractory brick. For decor in the area of the electric fireplace, you can limit yourself to wallpaper, but take measures so that they do not heat up.

Wallpaper decoration of the portal of a decorative fireplace

Light bricks in the hallway interior
All variants of the picture are possible in the hallway - a room that is traditionally associated with interiors with brick wallpaper. If the design is created "from scratch" or without reference to style and decor, then you can build on the assortment of wall coverings. Everything else, except for interior doors, if they already exist, should be in harmony with the imitation of masonry.
In the bedroom, the "brick" is not used as often as in the above rooms. Nevertheless, it will be organically perceived in an urbanistic or minimalistic interior - for wall decoration at the head of the bed. The same advice applies to one-room apartments, where they use a large folding sofa for sleeping.

Gothic style heavy interior diluted with glass objects

Bright bedroom in the style of minimalism
This design technique is used to decorate the working area at the computer, for zoning the study or work space, in the dressing room or play area in the children's room, equipped with sports equipment. See successful examples in our photo gallery.
Video on how to make an imitation of masonry from putty