Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper - manufacturing, proportions, master class
A fairly common type of repair of walls and ceilings is finishing with liquid wallpaper. Few people know about the existence of an easy method of preparing such wallpaper at home. Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper, manufacturing, proportions, master class - all that can be easily learned.

DIY wall decoration in the room with liquid wallpaper
The coating of liquid wallpaper not only allows you to realize the wildest dreams of room design, but also realizes its undeniable advantages.
- Environmental friendliness.
- Complete lack of smell during the repair.
- Improving the isolation of the room from noise.
- Breathable walls.
- Durability.
- Lack of seams.
- Improving the thermal insulation of walls. Low cost of materials used.
- Applicability for pasting premises of different designation.
- The possibility of partial replacement.
Liquid wallpaper as the main material for decorating the walls of the bedroom or hall
These advantages encourage the choice of liquid wallpaper.
The trading network offers a wide range of liquid wallpaper in the form of dry mixes that are diluted with water. However, not all categories of citizens are available. But there is a solution: do-it-yourself wallpaper.

The trading network offers a wide range of liquid wallpaper in the form of dry mixes that are diluted with water
- 1 Production, proportions of liquid wallpaper from paper and newspapers
- 2 Wall preparation and decoration
- 3 Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper master class
- 4 Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper making from sawdust
- 5 Drawing wallpaper on the ceiling
- 6 Wall decoration
- 7 Work with liquid wallpaper
- 8 DIY investments in making liquid wallpaper
- 9 How to mix liquid wallpaper
- 10 Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper 35 photo ideas:
Production, proportions of liquid wallpaper from paper and newspapers
So, it was decided to repair the premises, and for this you need to make the material for pasting with your own hands. The first thing you need to stock up on paper. Old newspapers, magazines, printed sheets, any remnants of not very thick paper are also suitable.

Spacious living room design with large windows and liquid wallpaper
IMPORTANT! Using sheets of glossy magazines will give the liquid wallpaper a grayish tint. Such sheets are best used if the final shade of the walls is supposed to be dark.
Preparation of the mixture begins with the fact that the prepared paper is cut or torn into small pieces.
TIP: The finer the paper is torn, the less grainy the layer of applied wallpaper will look. If it is necessary to obtain a larger relief (river pebble effect), the paper is cut larger.
Next, you need to prepare the additional components necessary for cooking:

Stylish solution for wall decoration with unusual liquid wallpaper
- Water.
- PVA glue.
- Water-based dye, which will give the prepared solution the desired color. Ink can be used as a dye, but special paint will provide the most vivid tone to the wallpaper.
- Plaster or alabaster.
IMPORTANT! The use of alabaster instead of gypsum is possible, but since the solution will dry quickly, it is recommended that people with skills work with it.

Water-based dye, which will give the prepared solution the desired color
- Wallpaper glue. The cheapest for paper wallpapers.
- Decorative additives (sequins, mother of pearl, granite chips, mica). They will noticeably refresh the walls and create a pleasant atmosphere of the room. Tools and protective equipment:
- A basin for mixing the solution.
- Trowel - a tool for applying wallpaper on the wall.It must be bought at a hardware store.
- Gloves.
- Brush.
- Spray. Use one that you use to spray indoor plants.
Bright bedroom with liquid wall decoration
The indicated proportions of the components are designed for a coverage area of 4-5 square meters (depending on the applied layer thickness).
- Paper - 1 kilogram.
- Water - 5 liters.
- Glue - 0.5 kilograms.
- Gypsum, alabaster - 0.5 kilograms.
- Antiseptic additives.
Decorating with liquid wallpaper
TIP: If necessary, make a more embossed image on the surface, the amount of gypsum should be reduced.
The number of decorative additives is chosen taking into account design tasks.

The number of decorative additives is chosen taking into account design tasks
Wall preparation and decoration
Work on preparing the walls can be delayed for various reasons, so you can start preparing the solution only after the walls are ready for pasting.
Stages of preparation for work:

The interior of the room with smooth walls with liquid wallpaper
To clean the walls of old wallpaper. To wet the walls with warm water. To clean the walls from peeling putty and plaster. Putty cracks and depressions in order to further save liquid wallpaper. Cover the surface with a primer. It will provide better adhesion of the material to the wall.
IMPORTANT! Soil tone choose white. It will eliminate the appearance of dark spots on the wallpaper. To ensure the risk of moisture, plug the sockets with plugs.
The combination of liquid wallpaper and tile on the wall
Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper master class
Work with this material does not require training. Covering the walls with liquid wallpaper does not cause discomfort and anyone can cope with it. Applying wallpaper is quite exciting. You can even involve children in the decoration process. The material is hypoallergenic, non-toxic. It is easy to work with it, since it is very plastic (in its finished form it resembles softened plasticine). If there is a desire during the work to make any adjustments, the applied layer is easily removed if it is sprayed with water from the spray gun. The layer gets wet and carefully removed with a spatula.

Do-it-yourself wall decoration in the apartment with liquid wallpaper
Manufacturing steps:
- Prepare a plastic basin for kneading the wallpaper.
- Pour the prepared paper into the basin.
- Pour with warm water. Leave the mixture to swell for about 3-5 hours.
- Mix well
Large room with wall decoration with liquid wallpaper
- Add color, wallpaper glue to the mixture. Add the dye carefully, bringing the solution to the desired color. Mix well. Transfer the solution to the bag and leave it for another 12 hours to swell.
- Gypsum is added immediately before application.
- Add warm water if the solution does not seem elastic enough to you.

Pour with warm water. Leave the mixture to swell for about 3-5 hours.
Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper making from sawdust
Cooking Technique
Many people consider sawdust to be just rubbish. But they are applicable in various industries. Also, can be used to make liquid wallpaper.
Material Advantages:

Self made liquid wallpaper for wall decoration
- Thermal protection.
- Environmental friendliness.
- Soundproofing.
- Availability.
- Mold-free guarantee.
Components required for the manufacture of liquid wallpaper:

The original idea of liquid wallpaper for a stylish design
- Sawdust - 1 kilogram.
- Water - 5 liters. Dilute to a concentration of thick sour cream.
- Glue - 0, 5 kilograms.
- Gypsum - 0.5 kilograms.
- Pigment. Antiseptic.
The cooking method is the same as described above:

Liquid wallpaper for decoration of industrial premises
- Pour the sawdust with warm water and let stand for at least 4 hours.
- Introduce glue, decorative additives and mix well.
- Close the lid for 12 hours.
- Before applying, add gypsum and mix well.
Now the mixture can be applied.

Pour the sawdust with warm water and let stand for at least 4 hours
Drawing wallpaper on the ceiling
Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper will be a wonderful decorative element for decorating the ceiling.
IMPORTANT! It should be noted that in the case of preparing the composition in several stages, no matter how you try, it is unlikely to achieve the same shade. On the ceiling, this will be especially noticeable.
Diverse design of DIY liquid wallpaper
Preparation for application:
- Thoroughly clean the ceiling of previously used decorative materials (tiles, wallpaper, fabrics).
- To mechanically or manually roughen the surface of the ceiling. This can be achieved using sandpaper of large or medium abrasiveness.
- Prepare a project or drawing of the appearance of the ceiling, if you intend to apply some kind of composition.
Self-original decoration of the apartment with liquid wallpaper
The use of different dyes to add to the mixture will create an individual artwork. This technique of ceiling decoration is absolutely suitable for any room: nursery, hallway, living room, kitchen, bedroom.
Wall decoration

Classic style liquid wallpaper for quality and economical repairs
The design of the walls with liquid wallpaper is significantly refreshing, giving the appearance of the room an individual look. It is not necessary to have an art education in order to carry out a drawing on the wall, it is enough to have an aesthetic taste.
Select a draft design, apply it on paper.

The design of the walls with liquid wallpaper is significantly refreshing, giving the appearance of the room an individual look
You will need (preferably rigid) sheets of paper for stencils. Put a drawing on a sheet of paper, cut out the stencil. Transfer the drawing from the stencil to the wall with a simple pencil or felt-tip pen and you can create!
You can apply the picture with a trowel or spatula. The stenciled drawing can be made voluminous to create a 3D effect.

Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper for wall decor in the bedroom
Work with liquid wallpaper
Before finishing with any decorative materials, preparation of the wall / ceiling surfaces is required. Such preparation consists in removing the old coating (if it was), filling large grooves and cracks. Putty is necessary to reduce the consumption of liquid wallpaper. Apply a primer coat to prepared walls. Suitable purchased primer, and made with his own hand.
It is easy to prepare the primer yourself as follows: in 10 liters of hot water, dilute 200 grams of laundry or baby soap. Stir the solution periodically. After the soap has dissolved, the primer is ready. After applying the primer, after 4 to 5 hours of drying, start applying liquid wallpaper.
Tip: If after coating the remainder of the wallpaper is found, do not rush to throw it away. Having laid out a thin layer on a plastic film, dry and put in a bag.
Use them later.

Before finishing with any decorative materials, preparation of the wall / ceiling surfaces is required.
DIY investments in making liquid wallpaper
For comparison, let’s say that the average price of economy class wallpapers manufactured under industrial conditions in the market ranges from 800 to 1,500 rubles per roll of 10 meters long. Depending on the width of the wallpaper, for this amount, it is possible to paste over 8 square meters. Add to the cost of the primer and wallpaper glue. As a result, the minimum cost of pasting the walls of a room of 12 square meters and a height of 2.5 meters will be 12-15 thousand rubles.
In the case of using paper waste or sawdust, the repair of such an area will cost within 1 - 2 thousand rubles (wallpaper glue, gypsum, dye, decorative element, trowel).
Now it is easy to compare the cost and be surprised at the calculation of the saved funds for repairs using new technology. The economic crisis in the country, as well as new trends in the art of decoration, dictate new, modern trends. Do not be afraid to bring fresh ideas to life and you will learn how to create an individual image in any room!
How to mix liquid wallpaper
1. Of course I’ll try, but what if I mix small sawdust with paper passed through a shredder, ie. paper shredder.
2. Is it possible to use finishing putty as gypsum, and CMC as wallpaper glue.
In fact, it's great, I just did not understand how the blotches are made from a different color.
And yet, after application, is it necessary to cover with water-dispersion varnish?
Everything is great, but I also did not understand how wallpaper is made speckled? What is kneaded in different containers and then mixed, but not the fact that the color will change in the total mass.
Probably .if you take paper (well, term papers or diplomas on a snow maiden). then due to black letters there will be blotches (my thoughts))
Hello, is it possible to use toilet paper in the place of newspapers, a magazine, etc. with the addition of very fine wood chips
From newspapers, a gray mass is obtained. But after adding color (I added a feulet and green), a pure color is obtained, without gray