Plants for landscaping
Landscaping organically combines the beauty of the surrounding space with the practicality of its use. Only here can the creations of nature intertwine with the technological forms that man created. For many owners of country houses and cottages, the question of designing a personal plot is a topic of no small importance. In this case, several factors must be taken into account: climate, conditions, soil quality, and the main characteristics of a plant. The right choice of ornamental plants, their placement and skillful use of small architectural forms in landscape design is the key to an aesthetically attractive site that will delight its owners for many months before the onset of winter.
Before you start landscaping the site, it is worth considering that plants for landscape design are not divided into several groups. For example, the use of grassy landscape plants is very important near water bodies or as a design for flower gardens. A group of tall flowers is the center of the composition in any area. They are planted in a prominent place, and the rest of the territory is decorated with stunted flowers. Low flowers are a great option for those who do not like to bother in the garden for a long time. After all, this type of plant is quite unpretentious, but at the same time it looks great with other inhabitants of the rosary.

Thoughtful landscaping will create a special atmosphere in the courtyard

Plants for landscaping should be selected very carefully

It’s best to hire a specialist in landscape design
- 1 What flowers to choose
- 2 Flowering herbs
- 3 What is a “chintz garden”
- 4 “Eskimo design” of flowers in the garden
- 5 Conifers
- 6 Shrubs and trees
- 7 What are ampel plants for?
- 8 How to make a raised flowerbed with stone walls
- 9 Finally
- 10 Video: Landscaping on your own project
- 11 50 photos of landscaping ideas of a private courtyard:
What flowers to choose
Flowers can not only significantly revitalize the atmosphere of your garden, with their help you can skillfully simulate space and borders. Visually expand or reduce the area to place emphasis. Creating an atmosphere of comfort and harmony is not so difficult, you just need to choose the right plants. It is best to pay attention to unpretentious varieties of flowers that do not require special care and stably tolerate the first cold.
- Zinnias. The flower is used for planting in open ground and has several dozen varieties and hybrids. The length of the plant varies from 15 to 110 cm, which allows you to use the flower for planting not only in the center of the garden, but also along its edges. Zinnia is undemanding in care, abundant watering under the root twice a week is enough. Flowers have a fairly wide range of colors: yellow, pink, red, orange, purple.
- Petunias. Perhaps this is one of the most undemanding and unpretentious plants. Basically, the flower is planted in hanging pots, but in open ground conditions it will look no less impressive, making it possible to create various patterns on the soil surface. Petunias feel great in hot weather and easily tolerate the first frosts. Another indisputable advantage of these colors is their appearance. To date, there is an impressive number of plant varieties, respectively, and its colors.
- Cosmea. The flower is often used for landscape design.The popularity of cosmea is due to the fact that it tolerates low temperatures well and feels good in the hot summer. The peak of its flowering occurs precisely in the middle of summer. Flowers reach from 50 to 150 cm in length and have many colors, including cosmei of white, yellow, red and pink colors.

Cosmea is often used in landscape design.

Petunias very well tolerate cold and heat
Flowering herbs
Landscaping plants are used to give the site an attractive look. For design, a mixborder is used - a planting method that combines flowers, shrubs and herbs of different sizes. It is in the mixborder that flowering herbs, an aesthetically attractive element of the whole composition, will look appropriate. The main advantages of such plants is that they are perennial, do not require close attention to themselves and bloom for a rather long amount of time. Many cottage owners are actively using flowering herbs from a practical point of view. On the site it will be appropriate to plant herbs that have not only an attractive appearance, but also have medicinal properties.

Landscaping is used to give the site aesthetics

Most plants do not require special care and are durable

Use the mixborder to decorate
Title |
Specifications |
Bluegrass meadow |
Lawn grass of the winter family. It tolerates frosts, a self-pollinated plant. |
Polevole |
It is acceptable to use with other herb mixtures. It has a bright green color, does not like shadow. |
Fescue |
It does not require abundant watering, tolerates high temperatures, is cold-resistant. |

If you can’t come up with a design yourself, you can turn to specialists for help

Choose the right plants for landscaping is not difficult
What is a “chintz garden”
Landscaping plants are an inspiration to many gardeners. There are many variations in the design of a summer cottage, but summer residents are increasingly turning to a technique called “chintz garden”. A characteristic feature of the "chintz garden" is that perennial flowers of various colors are used to decorate the local area. Most often these are phloxes. Phlox will undoubtedly bring charm, present a real home comfort and delight with a riot of colors. Airy flowers blend beautifully with other plants and bloom from early spring to late autumn. Varieties are quite hygrophilous; therefore, they are excellent for temperate continental and continental climatic zones of the country. As for leaving, it is simple. It is enough from time to time to weed the flowers, if necessary, fertilize and process them with pest control.

Landscaping plants - inspiration for many gardeners

Perennial plants of different colors are selected for the Chintz garden

Flowers sometimes need to weed and fertilize
“Eskimo design” of flowers in the garden
Many people ask why this technique is called the “Eskimo Garden”. They invented such a method in order to visually expand the space of their garden. For these purposes, it is customary to use the most vivid and varied flowers heaped on the site. The paths and corners for relaxation are harmoniously located among the flowers that dominate everywhere. The main rule of this design: you should avoid "white spots", otherwise it will give the effect of incompleteness to your garden. For the "Eskimo garden" suitable for summers and perennials, flowering herbs that emphasize the beauty of flowers will be appropriate in the composition.

Paths and corners for relaxation harmoniously arranged among the flowers

The technique involves the use of bright colors planted in a bunch
Conifers for landscaping are popular with gardeners because of their unpretentiousness and attractive appearance, even in the cold season. In addition, conifers look great in solo (single) plantings and fit perfectly into group compositions. Varieties of this type are quite unpretentious to the soil and practically not susceptible to disease. If you are dreaming of a perfect plot, where spruce, arborvitae, juniper, pine will be planted, then there are a few nuances to consider before decorating the garden:
- future plant height should be considered;
- to avoid the monotony of the site, try to pick up conifers of a heterogeneous color;
- Do not plant tall varieties in front of windows so as not to impede the entry of light into the house;
- when choosing conifers, you need to know that some of them change color in the cold season.

Plants should be selected in different shades

Coniferous plants are not whimsical to care for

Conifers are often used in landscaping.
Pyramidal conifers will look especially impressive on the site. On their basis, experienced gardeners form real works of art, giving plants various geometric shapes. This approach to the design of the local area helps to divide the space and divide it into special zones, highlighting the visually necessary areas.
Title |
Specifications |
Western thuja |
Feels good in shaded areas, grows up to 5 m, therefore it is often used as a hedge. |
Barbed spruce hupsi |
The plant tolerates high and low temperatures, is practically not susceptible to various diseases. Grows up to 15 m. |
Pallas Pine |
It has a dark green color, the average size of an adult tree is 25-30 m. The plant feels comfortable in calcareous soils, but does not tolerate water stagnation. |

Such plants are very durable and do not require special care.

Pyramidal plants will look very good
Shrubs and trees
Plants and shrubs for landscape design should be carefully selected in order to create a chic and solid composition on the site. For the summer period in the garden, dwarf stands with flowers will look great. Among these, barberry, hydrangea, Weigela, spray roses can be distinguished. In spring, it is better to choose azalea, rosehip and camellia for planting. For autumn, heather, mahonia, mountain ash, viburnum and hawthorn are suitable. An undoubted plus is that most of these plantings have medicinal properties, so such plants will not only decorate the garden, but will also serve other purposes. If conifers are present in the garden, they are best planted at a distance of at least 10 meters from the rest of the trees and shrubs. This approach will help to avoid chaos and give the composition a complete look.

If there are conifers in the garden, then it is better to plant them 10 meters

Some plants have healing properties.

Shrubs and trees for landscape design should be carefully selected.
What are ampel plants for?
Amateurs can be called the favorites of many gardeners without a shadow of doubt. These are plants with a long flexible stalk and intended for growing in suspended forms. In most cases, these ornamental plants are annuals, but at the same time they grow quite quickly and are not demanding in care. It is ampelous cultures that can turn any corner of the garden into a place of unprecedented beauty, help to correctly place accents. Among the plants of the ampel type for landscape design, the following can be distinguished:
- surfinia - reaches a meter in length with proper care, the flower is very similar to petunia;
- Petunia - a favorite of gardeners, unpretentious, blooms from early May to late October;
- begonia - likes a sufficient amount of light, does not need frequent watering;
- lobelia - annual and perennial, it feels great both in the shade and in the sun.

It is ampelous cultures that can turn any corner of the garden into a place of unprecedented beauty

Ampel plants are very popular among gardeners
How to make a raised flowerbed with stone walls
Not only plants play an important role in landscape design. An important issue is the design of the site. The budget, but at the same time practical method is to create flower beds from stone. For proper design, you need to select several large stones, complementing them with smaller stones. In the center of the newly made flower beds are flowers, shrubs and flowering herbs. To create a flowerbed, it is customary to use materials, among which granite, basalt, dolomite and limestone are popular. They have not only an aesthetically attractive appearance, but also quite durable.
To make a site with your own hands, without resorting to the help of professionals, a feasible occupation, even for a beginner gardener. You should only adhere to the basic rules and tips that were discussed in this article. Among the abundance of plants and flowers, you are sure to choose those varieties that will delight your eye before the onset of the first cold weather.
Video: Landscaping on your own project