Landscaping of the seasonal dacha
The landscape design of the site is very important for creating beauty and coziness in a personal territory. During its holding, it partially or completely changes; the territory adjacent to the house is being improved. It becomes very original, unique. How to do landscape design of a summer cottage site with your own hands or with the help of professional designers in detail in the text of this article.

Landscaping is a responsible business and at the same time very exciting
Design is a real art. He has been known to man for more than a thousand years, representing not just the improvement of space, but a whole range of activities.
Before starting work, you should understand what exactly you want to get in the end, taking into account the needs of everyone who is in the family. It is necessary to divide the existing site into zones, to calculate, as accurately as possible, the budget. After that, make a detailed plan in paper form or with the help of special scheduler programs.

The arrangement of the summer cottage begins with the preparation of the project
You can decorate the territory as you like - there are many interesting design ideas that are limited only by the amount of finance and the imagination of people. When drawing up a project, you will need the help of a specialist, but most can be done by yourself.
At the cottage you can create an orchard, a small pond, a gazebo, many flower beds, winding paths, a flat green lawn, benches with lighting or a playground. Garden trees are preferably located on the north side, the garden - in the warmest and sunniest place.
- 1 How to plan the design of the territory near the house
- 2 Plants and flowers, garden paths and lawns
- 3 Choose the right color palette
- 4 Recreation area with a fireplace or barbecue
- 5 Outdoor dining
- 6 Flowerbeds in the garden
- 7 The interior of the plot with a pond
- 8 Garden figures, buildings, alpine slides
- 9 Landscaping cottages - styles
- 10 Techniques for visual expansion of the site area
- 11 Gardening of the small dacha
- 12 Video: unpretentious perennials for the garden
- 13 Photo: 50 best ideas for designing a summer cottage
How to plan the design of the territory near the house
- It should be noted the most accurate dimensions, the shape of the site.
- Draw on the plan all the buildings, structures, other objects that are already available - a house, a bathhouse, a garage, a barn, etc.
- Draw all the buildings that you want to make. This is a gazebo, a dog house, etc.
- Divide the space into segments. In each of them, you need to arrange certain elements of the design project - it will be easier to fit everything in this way.
- Indicate all the trees growing in the country, make a diagram where new ones will be planted, taking into account the distance to the buildings.
- Mark on the plan where the engineering systems are located for irrigation of beds, pond water supply, lighting, etc.

Garden Landscaping Plan
After drawing up the plan, you should "scout the area" - to determine what kind of soil is on the site, how deep underground water is, whether it is necessary to drain. The hilly area can be leveled or left as is.
What zones can be in the country.
- Residential - house, garage, terrace, summer kitchen, shower, toilet.
- Household - there will be a shed with tools, a room for animals, birds.
- A place to relax is a tea house or a gazebo in the most quiet, cozy corner of the cottage.
- Garden with a garden - you can leave just a couple of beds with greens, several fruit trees.

The front garden is the visiting card of the garden plot; its design should be connected with the general concept of landscape design

The shed, bathhouse, cellar and well are located in the economic zone
Plants and flowers, garden paths and lawns
Growing flowers in the country requires a certain financial outlay, a lot of free time. With the help of beautifully selected in color, size, shape of plants, you can originally decorate any landscape.

Wildflowers can be planted without any clearance, just in bulk on the lawn

For a mixborder, plants of different heights and flowering periods are selected
Garden paths are an important element. They can be of a practical nature - lead to the house, exit the site, a pond, a gazebo, a garage, a bathhouse, a pond. Also, the tracks perform an aesthetic function, visually dividing the site into segments. If there are beds, it is necessary to provide a convenient approach.
The paths can have a clear geometry or be intricately winding, enveloping flower beds, rock gardens, statues of “garden gnomes”. They are made of various materials - sand, pavers, special bricks, gravel, large slabs, decorative pebbles. It is interesting to alternate between any of these materials.

Gravel or tree bark is suitable for a natural style walkway.
You can sow the lawn yourself or purchase a finished roll. To make it dense, green, you need to periodically water it with a diffuser or a regular watering can. How often watering is needed, how much water depends on the soil, the type of grass. That the lawn had a decent look it needs to be cut regularly.
Choose the right color palette
A properly selected color palette will completely transform even a very simple, low-budget cottage project.

In the garden you need to strive to use harmonious color combinations
The whole gamut of design elements is divided into groups:
- Details of the natural environment. Trees, bushes, hills, paths, stones, streams - all that nature has created. What is planned to be left will affect the color palette of the plot. Naturally, natural colors directly depend on the season.
- Architecture. The house and its annexes - a veranda, a bathhouse, a garage, a terrace, greenhouses, awnings, bridges. Elements of buildings should be well combined in color with the facade of the house. You can paint all the elements with the same paint, but it is better when one of the structures will be the main "color spot", the focal point. Usually a house becomes such an object.
- Social and decorative details. Ponds, green spaces, flowerbeds, alpine slides - everything that is done independently or with the help of a designer on the ground. Using various methods of working with flowers and shades, a unique “carpet” is created from decorative plants that will delight its owners from spring to late autumn.
- Other items. These are floorings, paths, platforms, sculptures, platforms, swings. The color scheme plays an important role. With its help, they mask various imperfections of space, visually increase the territory, give it a special shape.

It is important to keep in mind that natural tones will vary depending on the time of year.

An accent spot is most often a residential building, around which the whole concept of designing a summer cottage is built
The color palette in the evening is easy to adjust using specially selected lighting. It is divided into functional and decorative. Light distinguishes paths, individual flowerbeds, steps, fountains.
Recreation area with a fireplace or barbecue
Fans of barbecue or barbecue in nature are sure to organize a special place for these purposes. Some put a portable brazier, others build a whole Russian stove, around which a platform is made of stone, brick.

For outdoor recreation, a separate place is allocated where you can place benches, a hammock, barbecue or gazebo

A hearth with a measured burning flame will be a good addition to a garden of any style
The furniture for this site also exists varied - wooden or forged benches, rattan wicker chairs, plastic tables, chairs. Here you can place a whole dining group, soft sofas with removable covers that are easy to wash.
In cases where the open hearth has the shape of a circle, the area around it is preferable round. If finances and space allow, build a capital garden kitchen.
Outdoor dining
If you make a real dining room in the open air, you will have a great opportunity to dine with the whole family in the fresh air, arrange evening gatherings with friends. It is better to choose portable, folding furniture so that it can be easily cleaned for the winter or in the event of rain.

Rattan furniture that is not soaking from the rain is optimal for an open area, and comfortable soft pillows can be brought home
It is desirable to pave the dining room with stone, paving slabs, so that the furniture does not constantly go deep into the ground, is sufficiently stable. You can buy a table in which a special large umbrella is inserted - then it will become convenient to eat in nature both when it rains and on a sunny day. If the umbrella is not mounted on the table, but next to it, it should be securely fixed with weighting materials in case of strong wind.
The canopy in the form of a wooden or metal frame looks originally, on which decorative plants curl, performing the function of a kind of awning. This setting is great for a romantic or family dinner.
Flowerbeds in the garden
There are several types of flower beds.
- Vertical - require very little space, giving a very interesting look. For the design of such flower beds use climbing plants, vegetables with decorative fruits. In shape they are made in the form of a pyramid or flower column.
- Rabatki - wide flower beds in the form of stripes located along fences, lawns, paths. There are one-sided and bilateral, flowers for them are chosen low, bright.
- Mixborders are a kind of flower beds with herbs, small trees, shrubs that are planted very tightly to each other. They come from similar plants of contrasting colors or from plain, but differing in appearance and shape.

Gorgeous perennial mixborder
Flowerbeds can be traditional horizontal, it is important to choose suitable plants for them.
The interior of the plot with a pond
Artificial ponds of any size decorate the landscape design of a summer cottage. Ponds, pools, fountains are able to create compositions unique in beauty. Different ponds perform practical or aesthetic functions on the site. In the pool you can swim, in the pond breed carp. A small oblong lake, with a bridge over it, simply pleases the eye or is used for watering.

Any garden should have a water component
What are the reservoirs for giving:
- ponds;
- pools;
- circulating rivers;
- fountains;
- water mills;
- artificial waterfalls.
Near the water you can make a corner of the wild, decorating with forest trees, soft mosses, herbs.
Garden figures, buildings, alpine slides
Buildings are usually created solely for practical purposes. It could be:
- gazebo;
- bathhouse;
- brick kitchen with stove;
- playground;
- barn.

Capital summer kitchen with outdoor fireplace will require a lot of effort and financial investment
All buildings are made in the same style, it is possible to combine several different styles, but very carefully.
There may be various fences separating the garden from the garden, the dining room from the playground. They are preferable light, not bulky, as their function is zoning of the territory, and not hiding individual places.

Any item can be an artistic element of a garden.The main thing is that it fits seamlessly into the overall look
Decorative sculptures and other similar elements should harmonize well with the surrounding background. A dragon can hide in a flowerbed, elves live under a tree.
If there are mounds in the garden, it is easy to create alpine hills from them, laying them with beautiful stones and decorating with various plants. Rock garden can be done out of the blue. To do this, in the fall they pour a hill of broken brick, gravel, a thick layer of fertile land on top. Several large stones are dug into it, smaller ones are on top. The height should be about a meter - by the spring the slide will “sit down” and become a little lower.

Flowers and shrubs are best placed in groups.
Flowers for alpine hills are unpretentious, with similar requirements for soil composition, light, watering. Which plants can be used:
- rosette - they look great, but it’s difficult to take care of them (fenugreek, levis, younger, orostachis);
- bulbous and tuberous - bloom in early spring (white flowers, crocuses, galanthus);
- ground cover - form a dense carpet when they grow (St. John's wort, yarrow, thyme, daisy, alpine strawberries).
Often used stonecrop, backache, gubastik, edelweiss, saxifrage.

Stones are an obligatory attribute of an alpine hill, symbolizing a mountain peak, the slopes of which are planted with low-growing shrubs and herbaceous plants.
Landscaping cottages - styles
The skills of a builder, land surveyor, agronomist and artist can be useful to create high-quality landscape design of a summer cottage on their own.
Styles of landscaping cottages are different.
- Traditional style - perfect order, symmetry. Geometric shapes of bushes, flower beds.
- Lesnoy - everything about him is “accidental”, the interference here is minimal. Forest trees, wild flowers, shrubs are planted.
- Environmental - natural forms, riot of color, no visual signs of anthropogenic environment.
- Moorish - a pool or a fountain of colored tiles, all shades of green, oriental ornaments.
- English - evenly trimmed lawns, winding paths, many flower beds, flowerpots with flowers.
- Japanese style - small conifers, stones, “moving” water, moist moss, pebbles, brightly flowering bushes.
- Chinese - no symmetry, straight lines. In the middle can be a dragon statue, a traditional pagoda in miniature.
- Colonial style - pastel colors, hanging swing sofas, wooden arbors, climbing plants.
- French Provence - a lot of small decor, sculptures, antique furniture, flower beds from aromatic herbs.
- Country Country style - fruit trees, vegetable beds, lots of wrought iron decor, wooden figures.
- Mediterranean - multi-level fountains, columns, cypresses, terracotta tiles, imitation of the shores of the blue ocean.
- African - boardwalks, platforms, idol statues, stone vases, rattan furniture.
- Art Nouveau style - minimalism, asymmetry, labyrinths, natural stone, bright lighting at night.
- Artificially aged - an imitation of an abandoned site with wildflowers, antique furniture.

Russian Garden - Ease and Naturalness
Techniques for visual expansion of the site area
For small areas, simple geometric design and vertical gardening techniques are best suited. To visually expand the space, high fences should be abandoned, preferring a fence made of metal mesh, a low picket fence. The smooth curves of paths and paths will also help create a feeling of spaciousness.

For a small garden, arbitrary bends, winding paved paths or flower beds of arbitrary shape are appropriate
Large buildings and sculptural compositions will have to be abandoned - they will take up too much space. If some buildings are necessary, then they should be carefully hidden behind bushes and trees.Too large plants are also out of place here - instead of them undersized, planted in compact groups will do.

It is not necessary to plant too many plants, to create a worthy composition it is enough to pick up 2-3 copies, combined in size and flowering time
A flower bed is enough for one, but beautifully executed. If there is not enough space for a full-fledged reservoir, put a miniature fountain, a decorative well, a "dry stream". The far corners of small dachas are “highlighted” with the help of yellow and white flowering plants.
Gardening of the small dacha
When the summer cottage is very small, you have to choose what is best to place on it: a shady orchard with benches, a platform with barbecue for frying kebabs, flower beds or just a lawn with a swing, a place for walking pets.

Design a small area in a modern style
For a successful landscape design, flower beds should not be made symmetrical, it is better to place them near the entrance, using any improvised materials.
The estate should be fenced. To create a natural atmosphere, twigs, bushes, small trees are planted along the fence. If the yard space is occupied by a garden or almost completely concreted, there is still space on the roof.

Original bamboo fence
Do-it-yourself landscaping is not difficult to do, having certain skills. If knowledge and skills are not enough, you can turn to professionals who specialize specifically in the landscape design of summer cottages. Even from the simplest summer house they create a wonderful place for children, adults and their pets.
Video: unpretentious perennials for the garden