DIY garden decor
Modern dachas are not only a place where you need to weed the beds and look after the garden. Today it is a place of relaxation from the bustle of the city of many residents of megacities. For a good rest, it is necessary to create coziness and comfortable conditions on a suburban area. Therefore, many questions arise about how to design, equip and decorate a relaxation zone in nature. For this, there is no need to purchase expensive decor for the garden. The most budget option is to make figures from plastic bottles to decorate the garden. All this can be done independently from improvised materials, spending a small amount of effort and time on work.

The idea of decor of the country garden

Decoration of a country garden with flowers

Landscaping of a summer residence
- 1 Registration of country paths
- 2 Alpine slide as a design solution for the garden landscape
- 3 DIY pond
- 4 Ideas for creating original flower beds in the country from old things and improvised materials
- 5 Lighting of a summer cottage as a decorative element
- 6 Balloons in landscape design
- 7 Video: Gypsum fakes for dachas and garden decor
- 8 50 photo ideas for DIY garden decor:
Registration of country paths
The path on the site can be both a key and a secondary object of the landscape. In the first case, it is better to make it whole, highlighting the paths among all the landscape greenery, focusing the attention of the guests on them. If this object is an integral part of the overall design, it is better to design the tracks in a fractional version, without focusing on them.
It is important to remember that the main part of this facility is the connection of the house with the adjacent barbecue areas, a playground, a bathhouse or a pool. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to the decor, but also to functionality, laying tracks as short as possible to avoid the effect of the maze.
Below is a table of some examples of the design of country paths in the landscape of the site
Material |
Benefits |
disadvantages |
Interior style |
Optimum combination and installation nuances |
A natural stone |
Aesthetic appeal; Resistance to temperature differences; Durability; |
High price; Processing difficulty; Difficulties in the subsequent replacement; |
Fits perfectly into any landscape interior; |
Flowers; Lawn; Trees; Natural greens for the garden; |
Concrete blocks |
Profitability Frost resistance; Wear resistance; Possibility of painting; The ability to create elements of any shape and size; Ease of care; |
If erroneous, it does not have the most presentable appearance |
Modern; High tech; |
Metal; Plastic; |
Tree |
Originality and aesthetic appeal; |
Fragility; Low wear resistance; Expensive care; |
East style; |
Boards must be treated with moisture repellents. |
Pebbles or gravel |
Low cost; Minimum labor input; |
If improperly installed, it can deform and mix with dirt during rain; |
Any style; |
Greens for the garden; It is important to create track boundaries using the curb; |
Tile and brick clinker |
Low cost; Warm colors; Ease of laying and dismantling; Ease of care; |
Low strength; |
It goes well with any style, the most advantageous - Victorian, country, rustic; |
It is better to lay such a track with a slight rise in the middle to avoid stagnation of water in it during rain; |
Mixed Tracks |
If improperly executed, may cause a disorder effect; |
High tech |
They can be created from the remaining building materials, plastic bottles, rubble; |
Steps made of stone, large tiles or logs |
Unusual design; Profitability Wear resistance and durability (in the case of stone and concrete) |
With poor-quality stone processing, chips or sharp corners may remain; |
European |
Can be painted in any color; |
The optimal width of the path for the garden is 1–1.5 meters, however, these figures can vary depending on the area of the site. In the case of creating a secondary path with your own hands, you should not make it more than 0.5 meters wide so as not to pile up the situation.

Garden decor

Beautiful decor of a summer cottage
Alpine slide as a design solution for the garden landscape
Alpine slide appeared in landscape decoration relatively recently. The basis of the composition is stones and stunted plants laid out in the form of a hill with the presence of mountain elements: top, slope and base. Following the basic rules, you can easily create an original garden decoration with your own hands. At the initial stage, it is necessary to create a sketch of the slide, it is better if it is made to scale. This will help determine:
- The required amount of stones;
- The tiered amount of the slide;
- The amount of required drainage and soil;
- The number of flower seeds.

The idea of decor of the country garden

Decoration of a country garden with flowers

Landscaping of a summer residence
When choosing a place to install a rock garden, it should be remembered that this is an element of decor created for the delight of the eyes. Optimal would be the creation of a slide near a recreation area or barbecue, with adjacent paths to it. You should also take into account the needs of the plants planted on it: sufficient sunlight and heat. Otherwise, the flowers will fade. The best time for mounting an alpine hill is the autumn period. So the soil between the stones will sit down during the winter period, and by spring it will be possible to make a correction of the rock garden before planting flowers.
Stages of the construction of the rock garden:
- Mark the future slide on the ground with contrasting material.
- Drain the clay and chernozem base of the rock garden (if the soil is sandy, drainage is not needed). To do this, you need to dig a depression of approximately 35-45 cm over the entire marked soil, fill it with drainage, leaving about 7-10 centimeters to the ground level. The remainder is covered with soil and compared with the main plot.
- The design is laid according to the sketch of the alpine hill. The largest stones are located on the lower tier.
- The internal space between the cobblestones is filled with soil, which will become the basis for plants.
- The top of the rock garden can be decorated by putting one or more stones on the upper tier as a decoration. This will prevent soil leaching in the future.
You should not strive to create a hill of perfect shape. The fewer symmetrical moments in the alpine hill, the more harmoniously it will look.

Garden decor

Beautiful decor of a summer cottage
DIY pond
The country pond will become a bright decoration of landscape design. Creating your own pond with your own hands will not be particularly difficult if you follow the general rules of execution. The highlight is the choice of location. Factors to consider when choosing a location:
- Lack of direct sunlight. They can drain the pond, promote the growth of harmful bacteria, mud and flowering water.
- The absence of large trees near whose roots can damage the skeleton of a garden lake, and falling leaves and branches will clog the water.

The idea of decor of the country garden

Decoration of a country garden with flowers

Landscaping of a summer residence
The material of manufacture of the pond is also important. In the modern building materials market, there are many options for an artificial reservoir. The most popular are the polyvinyl chloride form and butyl rubber rubber (lifetime 35-50 years);
The finished form of the reservoir is more expensive, its advantage is to save time on preparatory work: just dig a foundation pit of the required size and shape and place the base of the pond in it. The film solution is more economical, allowing you to experiment with the size and shape of the reservoir.

Garden decor

Beautiful decor of a summer cottage
A phased description of a country pond with a film base:
- Digging a pit. First, the terraces of 0.3 * 0.2 m are excavated, where 0.3 m is the depth and 0.2 m is the width. After - the main bowl.
- To fix the base film, it is necessary to dig a small ditch, 0.15 m deep, around the perimeter of the reservoir.
- Level the bottom and clean it of stones.
- 5 cm. Fill the bottom with clean sand and cover with a geotextile cloth.
- Lay the base film around the perimeter of the pond, leaving a margin of about 50 cm, and fasten the edges with heavy objects.
- Fill the pond with water and leave for a day so that the film fully takes the form of a future reservoir.
- Trim the excess film, leaving 25 cm of the free edge under the blind area (its width is about 60 cm), which is laid on the cement mortar.
- Dressing of a country reservoir.
The decor of a pond can include the creation of a fountain, populating it with fish and aquatic plants, installing benches or a barbecue on the shore.

The idea of decor of the country garden

Decoration of a country garden with flowers

Landscaping of a summer residence
Ideas for creating original flower beds in the country from old things and improvised materials
The material for creating a flower bed with your own hands can be any object lying around idle. An important point here is the harmonious combination of this material with the overall design concept of the site and the garden. Examples of original flower beds:
- A bed of old tires. As simple as possible: just install it in the right place, fill it with soil and plant the plants. You can paint in your favorite color or create a multi-tiered composition of flowers.
- Flowerbed for flowers from plastic bottles.
- An old chair or chest of drawers can also be used to plant flowers. For example, chest drawers can become the basis for a multi-level composition of plants.
- Kitchen utensils (kettle, mug, vase or salad bowl) can also serve as the basis for the original planting of flowers.
- Wooden furniture can serve as a frame for curly flowers. For example, an old wooden chair entwined with ivy or clematis.

Garden decor

Beautiful decor of a summer cottage
Lighting of a summer cottage as a decorative element
Lighting of a summer residence is an important point in a summer residence decor. This is not only an aesthetic solution, but also a guarantee of safety. Using the decorative illumination of flowerbeds, rock gardens or a reservoir, you can create your own atmosphere in the garden at night.
The most economical solution is to evenly position small lamps with a solar battery along the paths. For a small garden plot, such lighting will be sufficient. To create an additional atmosphere of romance, you can use garlands on the arbors and trees, or special street floor lamps.
Important points when buying a street light:
- Availability of a security certificate;
- Warranty
- Material of the lamp. Optimum are painted lighting fixtures made of stainless steel, cast iron or aluminum.

The idea of decor of the country garden

Decoration of a country garden with flowers

Landscaping of a summer residence
Balloons in landscape design
In addition to the standard use of balloons, they can be used for original ideas for decorating a summer residence. In winter, with the help of balls, you can create original ice decorations. The easiest way is to fill the ball with water with dyes of different colors and mark it in the freezer or take it out to the street.After the water freezes, you need to remove the shell from it, and place unusual colorful balls made of ice on the garden plot.

Garden decor

Beautiful decor of a summer cottage
Another idea of using a balloon is to use it as a basis for creating an original balloon from yarn or threads. To do this, inflate the ball must be wrapped with thread dipped in PVA glue. After it has completely dried, burst the ball. The resulting elements can be used as decor on trees in the garden, or create an unusual composition from them.
So, without any special financial costs, you can create a unique design for your summer cottage and garden with your own hands. The main thing necessary for this is fantasy. And then, using improvised materials, you can turn the cottage into an oasis of comfort and peace.
Video: Gypsum fakes for dachas and garden decor