Ceramic tiles for the bathroom: design options, photos, choice
If you started a bathroom repair, you will find many difficult and controversial decisions. You need to determine the style of the room, choose building materials, decide on the purchase of plumbing devices. How to choose ceramic tile for the bathroom: design features, photo and a description of the basic styles will help to make a quality repair.

The choice of the method of wall decoration is one of the main tasks that are set before the start of repair. A wide assortment of glass, ceramic and stone tiles is available on the market. What features of each of these materials influence the choice is worth knowing in more detail.

The choice of the method of wall decoration is one of the main tasks that are set before the start of repair.
Advantages and disadvantages of tile cladding
Why has tile become one of the most sought-after among the facing materials used in the bathroom? Glass, stone and tile have many advantages. Regardless of the characteristics of the material, any tile has the following advantages:
- Moisture resistance. None of these materials is characterized by such a degree of resistance to high humidity.
- Durability. Even with constant mechanical pressure, the tile does not lose its characteristics. Stone products can last several generations of your family.
- Practicality. The tile does not need to be carefully looked after, it is resistant to cleaning agents, therefore it does not lose its visual appeal for many years.
- When choosing shapes, sizes and colors, you can give scope to the imagination.
- Versatility. The tile will fit into any interior, suitable for designing a variety of stylistic trends.
This universal material has several disadvantages:
- there are difficulties during installation;
- the high cost of a professional installation;
- stone and glass tiles will cost much more than ceramic;
- when facing the material on the surface there are connecting seams that must be treated with a moisture-resistant grout.

Even with constant mechanical pressure, the tile does not lose its characteristics.
The tile has a democratic value, it is able to satisfy the needs of customers with a different budget. The tiles are made of clay, to which sand is added, as well as mineral elements. It is covered with glaze. This allows you to create any texture and color scheme. There are several types of tiles:

- with spraying;
- with a dull surface;
- glossy.
Important! During bathroom decoration, it is advisable to use only one type of tile.
Several types of ceramics can be combined, but caution is required here.
Basic principles

Initially, the color palette is determined. The bathroom is not equipped with windows, it is often small in size. In this regard, the dark colors of the material for wall and floor cladding disappear immediately. They visually reduce the room, create an inhospitable, oppressive atmosphere.

The bathroom is not equipped with windows, it is often small
The rest should be based on your taste preferences. To create lightness, a combination of the sea wave and purple, or pink, is used. Aquamarine and white will bring coolness and freshness. Comfort in the bathroom will add warm colors.

In modern design solutions, a combination of tiles of different sizes and colors is often used. It is considered fashionable to use the alliances of scarlet with green, purple with yellowish, blue with orange.
Does size matter

Advice! When choosing a material for facing work with walls, floors and ceilings, it is important to pay attention not only to the color of the tile, but also to its size.
It will not work to make the seams invisible, therefore, for the comfort of visual perception, you need to decide on the parameters in advance.

It is considered fashionable to use the alliances of scarlet with green, purple with yellowish, blue with orange.
Standard sizes are 20 by 30 cm. Such products fit into large and medium sized rooms. In this case, the frequent location of the seams will not be intrusive. The laying direction also matters (it can be horizontal and vertical). So the room visually expands. In this way, you can significantly "raise" the ceilings.
Large tile

If the size of the tile is more than 25 by 40 cm, it is considered large. Such products are used for flooring. For wall cladding, large tiles are used as decorating elements in combination with small ones.

Tiles of a small size have an undoubted advantage - with their help it is easy to carry out the adjustment of even the most uneven walls. The disadvantage of small sizes is a visual reduction in space. To avoid this, the mosaic is used in combination with medium-sized tiles.

Tiles of a small size have an undoubted advantage
House type and tile selection
Apartments in different types of houses differ not only in the number of square meters, but also in the layout. When choosing a tile design for a bathroom, the type of bathroom matters - combined or separate, the area of the room and the height of the ceilings.
For Khrushchev

Often in the Khrushchev houses, the bathroom is combined (the bathroom is combined with the toilet). The space is limited to 3m². In accordance with such characteristics, it is better to finish the vertical and horizontal surfaces in the bathroom in light shades. Tiles are selected medium size. The height of the ceilings is increased by the following technique: the colors of the upper and lower parts of the wall are combined. Vertical surfaces are divided into 2 zones. The bottom of the tile should be darker.

For prefabricated house
In panel houses, a separate bathroom is equipped, which allows the use of tiles of various sizes and light combinations. The walls of the toilet and the bathroom are usually tiled with the same size.

The walls of the toilet and the bathroom are usually tiled with the same size.
For a private home
An individual plan of a private house involves the spaciousness and original layout of the bathroom. It is important to make the bathroom as light as possible. In this case, it will be possible to use a large tile without fear that it will change the visual perception of the room.

Aesthetic features
The main dilemma from an aesthetic point of view lies in the balanced finish of floor and wall coverings.
Designers recommend 2 options:
- everything is done in a single color scheme;
- wall and floor decoration in contrasting shades.
The first option is traditional. Here everything is combined so harmoniously that it creates the feeling of a finished composition. Further work on the design of the premises may include any design ideas.

Advice! When choosing a contrast option, a careful approach and attention in detail is required.
Every little thing matters - notes of contrasting design should pass even through the furniture.

The main dilemma from an aesthetic point of view lies in the balanced finish of floor and wall coverings.
A few more subtleties:
- in a small room it is unacceptable to spread surfaces with large tiles - this looks ridiculous;
- glossy surfaces help to increase the room;
- when choosing an ornament, you should not choose a tile that contains a large pattern;
- Composite wall painting is not suitable for small rooms.
Such subtleties of creating an original design will help determine the color and style, profitably organize the space.

Style design
When planning repairs, it is important to determine the overall style and design of the tile. Today it is fashionable to design a bathroom in accordance with the following styles:
- Classic. It will never lose its chic, and includes 3 directions - English, Venetian and French classicism. The common features of such a tile are a glossy surface, designed in cream, white or blue. Excellent finishes are bronze and golden hues.
- Mediterranean style. The room looks luxurious thanks to the natural colors of the Mediterranean (sand, heavenly, emerald, terracotta). You can emphasize the interior features with decorative elements - panels and mosaics.
- High tech. The advantage of style is maximum convenience. Horizontal and vertical surfaces are decorated with white and silver tiles. A tile with decorative inserts will be a great addition.
- Modern. The chic design is created using panels, mosaic mirrors. The background is done in pastel colors, and the emphasis can be set using saturated colors.
There are other styles: oriental, retro, country, baroque, Egyptian. When choosing complex interior solutions, it is worth inviting a professional.

The chic design is created using panels
Color spectrum
Whatever the benefits of light colors, it is worth noting their impracticality for the bathroom. Darker and deeper colors should be selected with caution.
The perfect combination of colors helps to create the desired mood. Wall and floor coverings should be in harmony with each other. They are often performed in a single color scheme.
Shades of white
Tile of snow-white color is almost a classic. About 70% of rooms for reception of water procedures are made out in this color scheme. UndeniableThe advantage of white tones is the visual expansion of the borders of the room. The only drawback of the light palette is that during operation, soap stains and stains appear on the tile.

The indisputable advantage of white tones is the visual expansion of the borders of the room.
Deep tones are represented by the following options:
- Blue and cyan tiles are most successful as a substitute for light-colored tiles. The marine theme is very popular today.
- Red tile - indispensable in the styles of art deco, high-tech, oriental. A competent combination of tile sizes with decor and accessories is only possible for an experienced designer.
- Green color brings freshness and positive mood to the room. The main thing when designing a bathroom interior with this shade is compliance with the general style of the room.
The mood of the bathroom depends on the right tile design. To create an original and luxurious interior, it is worth experimenting, translating your cherished design ideas, completely surrendering to the creative impulse.
Ceramic tiles in the bathroom