Pros of using photo wallpaper in the bedroom over the bed with photo
For many, a bedroom is not only a place of relaxation, but also a room where you can retire, be alone with your thoughts. One way to make a room special is to pick up a photo wallpaper with a vivid image in the bedroom above the bed by looking at the photo with the design ideas. Wallpaper will help to show imagination in the design of this room, to give it individual features.
It is interesting. The first wallpapers appeared in China. The first prototypes of modern photo wallpaper, painted by Chinese artists on rice paper, date back to the second century BC. The development of the art of creating paintings for wall decoration received in Europe. Fashion photo wallpaper appeared in the sixties of the twentieth century.
- 1 Pros of using photo wallpaper in the bedroom
- 2 How to choose the size and plot of the photo wallpaper
- 3 Color spectrum
- 4 Wallpaper with landscapes
- 5 Macro photography on wallpapers - from giant flowers to butterflies to human height
- 6 Starry sky
- 7 Still life
- 8 Imitation mural on photo wallpaper
- 9 Photowall-paper with LEDs
- 10 Photowall-paper in a nursery
- 11 Optical Room Solutions
- 12 Black and white solutions for experimenters
- 13 The right choice of photo wallpaper - creating a complete image of the bedroom
- 14 Photowall-paper for a bedroom
- 15 49 photos of photo wallpaper ideas above the bed:
Pros of using photo wallpaper in the bedroom
The positive aspects are obvious. Wall murals do not require large space, their area is usually less than one wall of the room. Sticking does not take much time, you do not need to use the stairs. And if the coloring is boring, you can always re-glue them in a few hours. And now the new look of the room is ready.
Other positive points:
- The composition of the paintings includes environmentally friendly materials
- Various application bases - paper, vinyl, non-woven, glass - can best suit your intentions.
- Some products have a special coating that prevents abrasion and allows washing

Bedroom with herbal motifs and dew
In addition to paper wallpaper, there are printed on glass, usually tempered. Their service life is long. Many types of photo wallpaper are also available for decorating furniture, household appliances and even doors. They can also mask a door under a glass or make an ordinary bedside table similar to antiques.
How to choose the size and plot of the photo wallpaper
The style and scale of the image should be combined with the rest of the objects in the room. A photo of skyscrapers glowing with lights in the night is unlikely to fit the classic interior. Everything should be subject to a single plan. But there are plots, more or less universal. These are photographs of flowers or nature, for example, a green meadow with trees in the background or a park.
If horizontal lines prevail in the room, it is better to choose the same format as the photo wallpaper. In general, the horizontal format is considered more suitable for rooms where rest and relaxation are needed.
Tip. You can purchase wallpaper on the LEDs, the image on them can be changed as you wish. This is an expensive, but unusual and effective solution.

Chic bedroom with floral motifs
Color spectrum
In the bedroom, we not only fall asleep, but also wake up. Ideally, the interior should be such that you want to fall asleep in the evening, and in the morning it was easy to wake up and stand up in a good mood. Cold, that is, blue and greenish shades, are considered calming, and warm colors are invigorating. But it is better to try to stay in the middle ground. Many shades of green are ideal for a bedroom.It is these colors that are often found in photo wallpaper with landscapes.
Unsuitable for a bedroom and photo wallpaper for her are quite justifiably considered:
- Brown red is a heavy gloomy color.
- Emerald Green - Looks Too Cold and Uncomfortable
- Malachite - it looks heavy, it is far from combined with all colors
Wallpaper with landscapes
Usually calm landscapes are used to create a peaceful atmosphere. Meadows, gardens, dawn in the mountains, the seashore - these murals are often placed behind the head of the bed. If you like the urban landscape, you can choose from a variety of wallpapers with a slightly blurred urban landscape. They are not too contrasting, so they look good in a bedroom. It is usually placed on the wall where the head of the bed is.
Tip. Landscapes with intense cold colors, rough seas or snowy expanses are best left for other rooms. Too cold colors can be depressing.

Bedroom with park murals
Macro photography on wallpapers - from giant flowers to butterflies to human height
Giant flowers on a panel in an elaborate old-fashioned style or a photograph of a varietal rose with dew drops on the leaves - the possibilities of macro photography are huge. Ladies usually choose flowers for the bedroom. This can be a realistic image, or more abstract.
One of the types of such plots is a slow-motion and enlarged image of something in motion. For example, a drop falls into the water, on the surface of which circles appear. Only the drop size is ten times larger than the real one.
But most often, macro photography in murals is used to create images of flowers of all kinds. Often, inflorescences are visible in the smallest detail. And with high-quality shooting, even a blossoming dandelion will be interesting and fantastic. Designers are inspired not only by famous roses, but also tulips, chrysanthemums, gerbera, lilac, lotus, nymphaeum to create such wallpaper.

Giant flowers
Starry sky
You can place a photograph taken with heavy-duty telescopes, or an antique map of the starry sky on the wall. Views of distant galaxies, supernovae, nebulae and pulsars will help to rise above everyday problems and forget about them for a while. Plus, a calm color scheme with a predominance of dim blue will contribute to relaxation.
Still life
This genre involves the image of compositions from various objects, gifts of nature, products. Still life paintings are traditionally considered suitable for the kitchen, but if fiction is shown, there is a place in the bedroom for old and modern plots with vases and flowers. You can choose photo murals with reproductions of old masters to create an antique atmosphere. If you choose copies of the works of artists of the twentieth century, they will be combined with the interior of the bedroom in an eclectic style or even high-tech.
Imitation mural on photo wallpaper
Muted and soft shades resembling a fresco, as well as calm pastel shades look the best in a bedroom. Cute pensive angels at the head of the head or antique plots will decorate the room and add the charm of the Italian Renaissance.

Imitation of frescoes in the bedroom above the bed
You can order wallpapers with reproduction of frescoes of masters with world fame. Silk curtains, natural wood flooring, patterned carpet, a lamp with crystal elements complement the image of the Italian palazzo.
Photowall-paper with LEDs
This type of material for decorating the walls consists not only of the coating itself, but also contains the links of the electric circuit. LED wallpapers include a base with LEDs and the wall covering itself. Vinyl wallpapers may also contain rhinestones. This type of wall decor is very expensive. The price starts from thirty thousand rubles per square meter.
In some types of such wallpapers, lighting and, thus, the color scheme of the room can change.If the room has a predominant light neutral background, it can be painted in various colors. But before deciding to purchase this type of wall decor, it is better to think about whether this is necessary and whether it will correspond to the general plan.

LED wallpaper in a small bedroom
Photowall-paper in a nursery
When decorating a children's bedchamber, cheerful and cheerful motifs are used. These can be cartoon heroes in standard or 3D version. On the wall covering depict bears, bunnies, princesses, cars and other subjects. The main thing is that the image should be liked and not have a too colorful coloring. To create a special solution, you can order custom murals.
Optical Room Solutions
With a lack of windows and natural light, an original solution can be implemented. For example, place a photo wallpaper with an image of an open window into the garden, framed on the sides with curtains and a cornice. If the lighting is properly organized, it will seem that this is a view behind an open wide window.
For lovers of the urban landscape, you can offer a similar option, only with a view of the night city outside the window, sparkling with night lights. This is Manhattan or Paris, no matter what. The main thing is that the energy of the metropolis is present in the room.

The energy of the metropolis was present in the room.
If the room overlooks the side where the sun's rays do not fall, and the lighting is a bluish tint, a photo of hot countries will correct the situation. The view of the sunset in the desert will never give a feeling of cold to be present in the room.
It happens, and vice versa, the rays of the sun from the east fall into the bedroom and wake the inhabitants, preventing them from getting enough sleep. Then, in addition to dense curtains, you can glue wallpaper with a landscape, which depicts a landscape with diffused light or rainy weather.
Black and white solutions for experimenters
Monochrome photo wall murals or similar are currently in trend. Such a bedroom will stand out among others with a non-standard design. Here you can place the image of retro cars, an old park with lanterns, a landscape, a photo of a celebrity. The main thing is the color scheme. Only black, white and their shades.

Black and white wallpaper of the city
This option looks advantageous if the walls are white or milky. With dark walls, this option will be heavy. It is better to stick such wallpapers behind the bed. In this case, they will not tire the eyes. And still with black color it is necessary to be careful.
The right choice of photo wallpaper - creating a complete image of the bedroom
When choosing, follow the general style decision. If the room has bright or designer furniture, do not distract attention from it. Then it is better to choose soft, pastel, calm photo wallpaper.
If the main color scheme is restrained, post a wallpaper with a vivid landscape or a picture of flowers in a palace style. In winter, you might want some warmth, use the landscape photo of a summer sunny day with green grass and sun rays. In the summer in the heat, in order to feel the coolness, a photographic image of a waterfall or even snowy expanses in the mountains is useful.
Tip. Wallpaper with your own design is easy to order. In this case, you will get a wallpaper with a unique design.
Photowall-paper for a bedroom