Features of the design of the entrance hall in the Scandinavian style
The Scandinavian countries in our view are cold, short summers with a minimum of sun and heat. That is true, but the inhabitants of Northern Europe have learned to equip their homes in such a way as to compensate for climatic deficiencies. Over a centuries-old history, they have formed a unique style of interiors.

hallway with furniture made in the Scandinavian office
Scandinavian style entrance hall - light spacious room where minimalism, sophistication, simplicity and preference for natural materials organically merged.
Features of the Scandinavian style in interior design
In the house of a Norwegian, Swede or Finn made of natural wood, it is rare that the rooms have different styles.

room made of natural wood
According to the photo, it is not clear from a certain angle - is it an entrance hall, a living room, a dining area or a recreation in the interior space that opens onto a covered terrace? They have everything simple, soundly and organically, one room flows into another without sharp boundaries.

According to the photo, it is not clear from a certain angle - is it an entrance hall, a living room, a dining area or a recreation in the interior space that opens onto a covered terrace?
Each of the Nordic countries has a specific style, but they have a lot in common. All differences relate to the functionality of the premises and the individual preferences of the owners. Pay attention to the selection a photo – Scandinavian style hallway always recognizable.

room with carpet and separate mirror
In Scandinavia, they appreciate the warmth of the hearth and comfort, in honor of family values. They decided not to be proud of the country at all, but the achievements of their personal plan and their family members. Patriotism is expressed in cleanliness and grooming, compliance with laws and respect for universal values. All this is reflected in the arrangement of the dwellings of the inhabitants of Northern Europe.

bright room with many paintings in the Scandinavian style
Why are houses in this region in many ways reminiscent of an ascetic monastery adjusted for a high standard of living and civilization? For thousands of years, the northerners sent all old and unnecessary things to the fire to cook and warm, so the trash did not start. The harsh living conditions taught the Scandinavians to appreciate what is today.

room in the house in one of the design options
They tried to preserve the most valuable for posterity - there are a lot of antiques in the houses. The economic level is at least high, but luxury is not held in high esteem, it is not accepted to “boast” enough, hence the obvious modesty.

In Scandinavia, they appreciate the warmth of the hearth and comfort, in honor of family values
It is difficult for a visitor to visit if he has come to a millionaire or a person of average wealth. Everything is expedient and practical in the house, each item is convenient and functional. Only paintings with landscapes of local nature and some bright accents add to the calm atmosphere more positive and originality.

cozy design of the living room in the house
Bright floors, walls and ceiling are justified - the habit of contemplating a snowy landscape for most of the year, there is little sunlight. White walls and light parquet reduce the degree of light absorption, visually expand the space.This is a great backdrop to emphasize individual details of the decor and color accents.

spacious room in the house made in the Scandinavian version
Light floors made of natural wood seem cleaner than a dark floor, the Scandinavians zealously monitor the cleanliness in the house. It is not difficult to do this when equipped with all kinds of household appliances, almost no dirt is brought into the house from the outside, two-thirds of the year is snowy winter.

White walls and light parquet reduce the absorption of light, visually expand the space
The Scandinavian style does not welcome eclecticism, although it itself has largely become derived from other traditions. It is called "northern country" and is considered akin to other popular stylists:
- eco style;
- classic;
- Romanesque;

the interior of the living room from famous designers in the Scandinavian direction
- minimalism;
- fusion;
- ethno.
The best is taken from each of them, as is evident from typical examples. halls in the Scandinavian style, photo:
Interior designers divide this style into 2 varieties - traditional and modern.

Scandinavian-style interiors combined with minimalism in furniture
Young northerners, especially in cities, prefer novelty with a touch of avant-garde. But they are also based on classical standards - the balance of color and proportions, the unity of content and form in the interior.

Interior designers divide this style into 2 varieties - traditional and modern
Characteristic features of the Scandinavian style:
- there are no pronounced contrasts, but the background and semantic accents are clearly delineated;
- the color scheme is divided into warm and cold, white always prevails in a proportional ratio of color;
- the furniture is classic or modern, neoclassical and minimalism are preferred, high-quality and high-quality materials are used for manufacturing;

room with furniture selected for the Scandinavian style
- utensils, candlesticks and utilitarian objects beautiful, elegant form, perfect proportions;
- natural lighting, in the evening and on cloudy days it is supplemented or replaced by soft artificial light, which is as close as possible to natural in intensity, colored lamps and shades are used extremely rarely;
- matte surfaces prefer gloss, natural roughness is a priority, without unnecessary processing of materials;
- all without pretentiousness or excesses, but there is a worthy place for a self-sufficient art object or exclusive decor;
- for each subject there is a place, without chaos and piling up of small items;

hallway in a Scandinavian design house
- Scandinavians who are morally obsolete without artistic value are thrown out without regret.
The interior of the room where the guest enters seems welcoming and hospitable - I would like to go further and carefully examine the other rooms. A narrow hallway or a spacious hall are arranged so that you can, while taking off your shoes, sit on a comfortable pouf, chair or sofa. Or lean on the graceful console by the mirror to adjust the hat when leaving the house.

Scandinavian style options for an entrance hall
The free wall of a large entrance hall often looks unexpectedly - murals with a 3-D effect, wall paintings, paintings. The Scandinavians often give a second life to antiques, which calmly “migrate” from the living quarters and storerooms to the hallway. These are large homemade baskets with a lid, chests of drawers, chairs and chests, which I use as tables.

A narrow hallway or a spacious hall is arranged so that you can, while taking off your shoes, sit on a comfortable pouf, armchair or sofa
It may seem that all these conditions for registration Scandinavian style hallway it is difficult to fulfill, but among northerners it is inherent in traditions that are unshakable. The style is quite democratic, and such an embodiment is suitable for large areas, and for limited space.
It is also appropriate when, instead of the hallway, the apartment has only a long corridor. Northerners visually expand such a room with the help of large mirrors and competent lighting, and at least furniture.
Color preferences in the Scandinavian style hallway
The Scandinavian style has long gone beyond regional borders; it is actively cultivated by interior designers from different countries. It is especially close to residents of northern Russian cities. Reasonable profitability and laconicism, democracy and organicity won the hearts. It is especially good for those who acutely feel a lack of lighting, especially in a small hallway with low ceilings without windows.

Reasonable profitability and laconicism, democracy and organicity won the hearts
The white color of the walls and ceiling dominates, in harmony with the light wood floors, ceiling beams (if any) and stairs to the second floor of the house. If a natural wood board for decorating your home is expensive, it will be successfully replaced with synthetic materials with a wood texture and pattern:
- wearproof laminate with a matte finish with the decor of aged wood, “port” or “bleached oak”;
- light parquet board;

gray room with a colorful Scandinavian style door with a minimum of furniture
- porcelain tiles with imitation of wood in warm colors;
- linoleum - on a warm substrate, with an imitation of the pattern of light wood.
White color is also preferred on the ceiling, without a pronounced texture and frills - the Scandinavians do not pay special attention to the ceiling decoration. Often the ceilings are wooden, especially if it is the lower floor of a two-level cottage. Beam ceilings do not plaster, occasionally they are covered with white paint or whitewash. But the pleasant warmth of natural wood is especially respected here, so it is rarely varnished and painted. But it always has a good impregnation with a fire and antifungal composition.

White color is also preferred on the ceiling, without a pronounced texture and frills - the Scandinavians do not pay special attention to the ceiling decoration.
Soft white tones, wood and caramel shades are actively used as white companions. Bright color accents - in the form of Scandinavian ornaments, images of the northern flora and fauna, marine themes in color:
- blue;
- beige;
- pearl gray;
- green (pine needles);
- sand;
- red;
- yellow.
As a prototype of fire and the sun (desired in these harsh lands), yellow and red colors are present in the interior in small quantities. Often these are deified symbols from ancient mythology, which is reflected in textile drawings.
This is interesting: It seems to the outside observer that on the curtains, pictures, in the upholstery of the sofa there are some abstract hooks and checkmarks. It turns out - the ancient runes of the Celts, Vikings, Druids, Vikings, Picts, Normans and other northern peoples who fought among themselves. They depict the patrons of the 4 elements and sources of power, revered to this day.

As a prototype of fire and the sun (desired in these harsh lands), yellow and red colors are present in the interior in small quantities
Scandinavian style hallway furniture
The amount of furniture and its functionality depends on the dimensions of the hallway. Scandinavians rarely buy new furniture, they used to make it themselves - there was enough wood, but there weren’t enough craftsmen for everyone. Today, Finnish furniture is considered one of the best in the world.

combination of Scandinavian design with furniture of different styles
The models produced by enterprises in the Nordic countries for the domestic market are in no way inferior in quality and design to products of well-known brands. Upholstered furniture, recognizable by its light, practical upholstery, has a warming effect. It is produced on a natural basis:
- skin and ecoskin;
- shenill (with fluffy thread);
- patterned tapestry (with natural fibers and synthetics);
- flock with teflon impregnation, repellent fluid contamination;
- dense furniture velor, etc.
In Scandinavia, in a spacious hallway, there is often not only a hanger or dressing room. Often there are armchairs, a sofa or a set (as in the living room), where they will certainly invite you, without taking off your shoes, to sit down by the visiting postman or neighbor. Tea or coffee will be offered to the guest - this is customary, so there should be:
- a small pedestal;
- console;
- low shelf;
- coffee table made of wood.

cozy design of the Scandinavian type in the hallway
The floors in the Scandinavian hallway are not cluttered, as is customary in the culture of the Slavic peoples. All items are neatly laid out in their places. And even shoe racks are often attached directly to the wall - at some distance from the floor. Preference is given to the “warm floor” system, soft and simple rugs in ethnic style.
In this style, the most unexpected options for artificial lighting are allowed:
- there are practically no traditional chandeliers and lamps, but everything is well illuminated by diode illumination (mounted on the floor, furniture and accessories);
- spectacular lighting design, giving the atmosphere a mystical atmosphere;

in the Scandinavian style, you can combine different elements of the interior
- sconces of unexpected shape - torches, searchlights, luminous frames of mirrors;
- instead of individual tiles on the floor - squares with a dull light, duplicated on the ceiling, etc.
Decor and accessories
Wall decorations are always present in the design halls in scandinavian style, they organically fit into the setting. It seems that this particular painting should hang on this wall, and no other would fit. Scandinavians are distinguished by their exquisite taste, aesthetics are cultivated in everything, so there is no place for mediocre painting or bad taste in the decor. Even if these are pictures in the style of children's primitivism (fish, deer, polar bears), their cute simplicity captivates in the living room with an emphasis on country or ethno.

Scandinavian style wall decoration
Summarizing the foregoing, we note that this stylist is not a game for the public, not ostentatious luxury. Extreme simplicity and functionality, hospitality and warmth of the hallway atmosphere bribe guests who come to the house. Democracy and accessibility of such design are the main reasons for the popularity of the Scandinavian style of interiors.
Scandinavian style