The combination of wallpaper in the hall - trends in 2019
Despite the emergence of a large number of modern finishing materials, wallpaper is still popular. They are easy to use, care and are presented in the market in a large assortment. For those who prefer this option of wall decoration, it is useful to find out new trends in combining wallpaper for the 2019 hall.

Wallpaper for the hall is also popular in 2019
- 1 Modern combinations of wallpaper for the hall: what is the trend of 2019
- 2 Wallpaper Combination Options
- 3 Combining plain wallpaper with prints
- 4 Combination of wallpapers of different styles
- 5 The original combination of wallpaper in the hall for 2019
- 6 Video: Stylish wallpaper for the hall of 2019
- 7 50 photo ideas of combined wallpapers for the 2019 hall
Modern combinations of wallpaper for the hall: what is the trend of 2019
Flower walls were once popular. At the moment, it is considered vulgar. Today, minimalism and restraint are in fashion. This applies to the choice of style, color and combination.

Wallpaper in the hall in the style of Minimalism
Among the modern design of wallpaper for the hall, the combined variants of the following types in 2019 are the most popular.
3-D. At the moment, the development of the design is no longer just a photo wallpaper, but a new option using modern methods of applying 3d images. They create a greater volume and effect of presence.

3 D wallpapers are especially popular in 2019
Solid colors. This kind will always be popular, especially during the time of the popularity of minimalism. Also, this type is great for combining.

This kind will always be popular, especially during the time of the popularity of minimalism.
Gradient. This is the latest in 2019. This option is already a combination of several colors. A smooth transition from one color to another fits on one roll.

. This is the latest in 2019. This option is already a combination of several colors.
Original prints. Flowers are no longer in fashion, they were replaced by more interesting ornaments. This option is suitable for neoclassical styles and unusual designs.

Original prints. This option is suitable for neoclassical styles and unusual designs.
The presented novelties can be combined in any order. There are some ideas for you.
Wallpaper Combination Options
Combination options are many. Typically, the hall is the most spacious room in which there is no increased humidity. Therefore, you can choose any kind. As for design, consider the most popular options in 2019.

Combination options are many. You can combine plain and print wallpapers
Light combo wallpaper
The color range of light wallpaper is very wide. It can be pastel colors, white, light shades of warm or cold colors.
The combination of light tones of warm colors together with dark cold ones looks great. But this condition is valid only with a gradient combination, when there is a smooth transition between opposite colors.

The combination of light tones of warm colors together with dark cold ones looks great.
In other cases, such a combination will look unnatural and too harsh. Looks great in a completely light combination. In this case, you get a spacious and tender room. The main thing is that the composition is harmonious.
On a note! Use a color wheel to make a combination.
The combination of wallpaper of two different types
Despite the large number of new types of wallpaper, paper is still the most popular. We also highlight other types used.

Despite the large number of new types of wallpaper, paper is still the most popular.
Vinyl. Consist of a paper base and a top layer of polyvinyl chloride. Resistant to moisture and elevated temperatures, due to the greater thickness they easily hide the imperfections of the walls. Of the minuses, we distinguish low breathability.

Vinyl wallpapers are still popular in 2019
Textile. They are made on the basis of fabric paintings: linen, silk, satin, velvet. They have a higher price, but it is justified by a beautiful design and environmental friendliness.

Textile wallpapers have a higher price, but it is justified by a beautiful design and environmental friendliness.
Cullets. This is a new species, which includes clay, sand, water and other natural ingredients. In appearance, the walls pasted over with such wallpaper look like painted ones. This species is considered one of the most expensive, but the product will last up to 30 years.

This species is considered one of the most expensive, but the product will last up to 30 years.
Liquid wallpaper. The method of application, like their appearance, is similar to plaster, but the composition is significantly different. Plaster, like painted walls, is a popular option in 2019. Therefore, liquid wallpaper is perfect for creating a fashionable design.

Liquid wallpapers are great for creating a fashionable design.
Combining the above types, do not forget about harmony. Choose options that will complement each other well, and not conflict.
Combinations on different walls
Creating within the whole room is simpler and more fun than within the same wall. If in the second variant many types of combinations disappear, since they cannot be realized in a small space, then in the second variant it is easier to express the idea.

Combined wallpaper is a great occasion for creativity
On a note! Fashionable and profitable in 2019 is the reception with the allocation of one wall.
One wall can be distinguished by color or texture. In this case, you can apply wallpapers of different types, highlighting one area with vinyl, liquid or glass wallpaper.

One wall can be distinguished by color or texture. In this case, you can apply wallpapers of different types, highlighting one area with vinyl, liquid or glass wallpaper.
Combining colors is even easier. One wall can be distinguished in different ways:
plain wallpaper of a different color;
wallpaper with print;
photo wallpaper.

A great option for combined wallpaper in the hall
Print and photo wallpaper the most popular and common option for this year. Having picked up the thematic design of this type of wallpaper, you can add to the room and create the desired atmosphere.

Print and photo wallpaper the most popular and common option for this year
Combination with plain wallpaper
Now about color combinations. Plain wallpaper of different colors is the easiest option. It is easy to work with it both within the limits of one wall, and within the limits of the whole room.
Solid canvases make it possible to build an interesting figured composition. For example, a rainbow - it is perfect for a room combined with a children's game. Or a heart that will fit into the design of the hall combined with the bedroom. In this case, an interesting project will not be a sticker on top of the wallpaper, but part of the design, and it will last longer accordingly.

Solid canvases make it possible to build an interesting figured composition. For example, a rainbow - it is perfect for a room combined with a children's game.
Also with this option, you can simply dilute the boring monotony. In this case, liquid or glass wallpapers are perfect. Make all the walls the same color, and on one make a dark, light or bright accent, in accordance with other surfaces.

Make all the walls the same color, and on one make a dark, light or bright accent, in accordance with other surfaces.
Beige Combined Wallpaper
Beige wallpaper in the hall combined 2019, photos and design with which you will find on the pages of our website, should be allocated in a separate category. This color is very popular this year due to the prevalence of minimalist trends.

Beige combined wallpaper in the hall
On a note! In 2019, nude is also spread among other areas: manicure, clothes, shoes, accessories.
Therefore, choosing beige as the basis, you are definitely not mistaken. There is great scope for creativity. To create a delicate design in classic, country or provence styles, complement the beige wallpaper with light pastel colors. For the last two, you can apply a “faded design”, that is, whitish spots or a completely whitish colored canvas that will create the impression of a faded sun.

To create a delicate design in classic, country or provence styles, complement the beige wallpaper with light pastel colors. or patterned
White background
White is a universal color. He never loses his popularity, because he makes up the base in all color combinations. If not primary, then secondary is required. To combine wallpaper this color is perfect.
Using it you can:
- highlight one zone;
- put emphasis;
- dilute the dark composition;
- create contrast;
- complement the light combination.
The versatility of white allows you to realize any ideas. Choosing it as a background, add any color - white gets along with each. But do not forget about the general atmosphere that you want to make. With white, you can achieve any atmosphere:
- tender and romantic;
- peppy and fresh;
- contrasting.
The atmosphere of the room depends on what style is chosen. However, white is suitable as a background for any direction. It will also help to visually increase the space provided it is used with light shades.
Combining plain wallpaper with prints
Now about the popular printed wallpaper. In order not to create a heavy atmosphere in the living room, it is better to combine printed wallpapers with plain canvases. Do not forget about harmony here.
Important! To create a harmonious combination, the background color must be present in the print.
If the background color is duplicated in the print even in a small amount, the overall composition will already look consistent. If you are unable to pick up such a combination, select a color close to one of those present in the print.

The best option would be to use the print completely on one wall, and make the rest plain.
The best option would be to use the print completely on one wall, and make the rest plain. In this case, you can also combine different types of wallpaper. Think, for example, of popular photo murals. The main thing is to choose a modern and suitable pattern. Landscape or flowers have already faded into the background. Pay attention to more modern options. Perhaps you will like the arthouse?

Pay attention to more modern options. Perhaps you will like the arthouse?
Combination of wallpapers of different styles
Having studied the successful color and species combinations, we combine wallpapers of different styles in the hall.
On a note! The method of mixing different styles was singled out in a separate style, and gave it the name eclecticism.
It is not easy to work with this technique. After all, here it is necessary not only to combine the random manifestations of the two styles, but to achieve a special harmony. Even in chaos there is order. And eclecticism also obeys certain rules.

Having studied the successful color and species combinations, we combine wallpapers of different styles in the hall.
1. Do not reduce the space. When combining wallpapers of different styles, make sure that this does not visually reduce the space. To do this, reduce the use of dark colors and the number of prints.

When combining wallpapers of different styles, make sure that this does not visually reduce the space.
2. Do not make perception difficult.This is the most common mistake made by novice designers. In order not to make the room difficult to perceive, reduce the number of complex combinations, both color and patterned, and also do not use more than 3 different colors.

In order not to make the room difficult to perceive, reduce the number of complex combinations, both color and patterned, and also do not use more than 3 different colors.
These are the basic rules that you must obey while arranging an eclectic interior. That is harmony above all.
The original combination of wallpaper in the hall for 2019
Choosing unusual wallpaper for the hall, do not forget to view the photo of the original design, and only after that start combining. Of course, you can independently come up with an original idea, but we offer photos of the work of professionals that will help you prevent common mistakes by beginners.

Choosing unusual wallpaper for the hall, do not forget to view the photo of the original design, and only after that start combining.
When creating an unusual design, follow the same rules as when creating eclecticism. And remember, original - does not mean pretentious.
So, wallpapers are great for creating the design of the hall in 2019. The main trends are interesting combinations, prints and, along with this, minimalism.
Video: Stylish wallpaper for the hall of 2019