How to choose a metal stand for shoes in the hallway?
It is already impossible to imagine a hall without a shoe rack. This useful detail in small apartments, where it is impossible to allocate a separate room specifically for shoes and clothes. Due to the increasing demand for the subject, manufacturers now offer different shelves and shoe racks. They are wooden, metal, in the form of a curbstone and others. Hallway remains clean and tidy, which is important for this room. Today we’ll talk about one of the types of shoe racks.

To buy or not?
A similar question is not asked for long. After making sure of the need for a separate item for shoes, they often think about the material from which it is made. Consider the advantages of a metal stand and analogues made of wood and plastic.
The vast majority of metal shelves are open, due to which the shoes dry faster. Metal absorbs odors less than plastic or wood. This material is not subject to rotting and getting wet. In some cases, it is impregnated with an anti-corrosion compound. Metal shoebox has an aesthetic appearance that can decorate any hallway. Metal products easily fit into different styles chosen by the owners.

Metal shoebox has an aesthetic appearance that can decorate any hallway.
But the metal shoe rack in the hallway has several disadvantages:
- shoes quickly gather dust when stored in an open place;
- if a whole metal cabinet is purchased, then it is heavy;
- steel cabinets are more suitable for a utility room than for a hallway.
If desired, get out of the situation. So, A good solution is a frame without a bottom made of chipboard or wood, and the shelves are metal mesh. Then several goals are achieved:
- shoes are not put on display;
- she breathes and dries easily;
- the ideal model is selected for the interior and color.
Stands and cabinets come in different sizes. Basically provide two or three tiers. If a metal cabinet is made, then due to the vertical position, a small width will be required. Steel sets are made, representing a single whole with hangers and coasters.

Basically provide two or three tiers.
Types of shoes
Metal shoe rack in the hallway if possible visibility is presented in two versions:
- open shelf;
- closed lockers.
It is intended solely for storing shoes or provides additional functions. The number of shelves, the material of manufacture, placement and, of course, the price also differ. Let us dwell on these types in more detail.

Open products
Some people imagine open constructions made of metal with some awkward regiments of the times of the Soviet Union. But those days are long gone, and today the market offers a large number of different stylish items suitable for every taste. Metal shoe rack in the hallway open type has no doors. Shoes remain in sight, and picking the right pair is not a problem.

For example, they opt for a simple option, consisting of two shelves, without additional decorations. This stand is suitable for fans of minimalism.
Lovers of comfort and warmth in the house just right to think about shelves - banquets. They represent a combined design with a seat having different upholstery. Then in a small room you can conveniently store shoes and shoes or take them off in comfortable conditions.

The metal shoe rack in the hallway of the open type has no doors
For lovers of luxury, a forged galoshnik will do. Especially it will fit into the interior of country style, especially with massive forging.
In Provence style, you should choose an object with thin and graceful lines.
It will also be useful in the Baroque and Empire styles, beautifully combining with other expensive interior details. Ideal for her is an asymmetric forged shelf with a puff in light colors.

Sets from a hanger, shelves for umbrellas and a shoe stand look spectacular.
Tip: when buying an open type of shoe, pay attention to height. Judging by this parameter, you can navigate which shoes to place on the shelves. One height is needed for slippers and low-heeled shoes, and another is for winter boots.
Closed items

In such models, shoes are hidden behind doors, wicker baskets or folding shelves. They are also called shoe chests or cabinets. Curbstones are made of steel sheets. They are thin, but very durable. Cabinets come in a variety of colors thanks to powder paint. She will make a surface of any shade, and will protect from aggressive influence.
The surface becomes reliable with various injuries, including from the claws of your favorite pets. Consider the slim construction. It manages to reduce the weight and size of the product. More space will require options in which the doors swing open. This moment must certainly be taken into account when buying a locker. In a small hallway, it is better to dwell on other types of models, for example, with hinged doors, where the shoe cells are located in a vertical order.

Cabinets come in a variety of colors thanks to powder paint.
According to this parameter, in addition to products where shoes are only stored, there are the following shelves.
With built-in seats. With a shelf on top where, for example, gloves are stored. With built-in drawers where small items are stored. Shelves in which the length is adjustable.

Number of shelves
This option is also different. For one family, a small shelf is enough, and for another, shoes barely fit on three.
The most popular is a model with two shelves. The distance between the tiers allows you to place both boots and slippers.
These coasters are usually open type. But you can also find cabinets. However, for them, the presence of three or more shelves is more inherent. Shelves with hinged doors can be found with up to eight shelves.

Open coasters with three or more shelves are rare. Often hangers are installed above them. Therefore, with a large amount of hanging a cloak is problematic. But such coasters are convenient in dressing rooms. Then all the shoes will be “in full view”, and choosing the right pair is not difficult.

The distance between the tiers allows you to place both boots and slippers.
Production material
In addition to metal coasters, they are:
- plastic;
- wooden;
- from MDF;
- from a combination of materials.
Plastic types are made in the form of pallets and are designed so that the shoes do not drain onto the floor and stain it. There are coasters with two and three levels. But their appearance is not attractive. Therefore, such shelves do not become popular.

Wooden products are open and closed types. They differ significantly in cost: from budget options to expensive luxury models. But it is recommended that they store only dry and clean shoes, do not put shoes on the shelves, only returning from the street.
MDF is also a popular material. Of it make products of different styles. Usually they belong to the closed type.

The combination of different materials is convenient.Traditionally, shelves are made of steel, and the sides and frame of other materials (wood or MDF). This option allows you to hide the shoes from the eyes at the same time allowing them to send to dry after the street.
Price and accommodation
The price parameter plays a decisive role when purchasing a shoe rack. Differ:

- cheap models, the price of which varies from a thousand to four thousand rubles;
- average level - from four thousand rubles to ten thousand;
- expensive items worth ten thousand rubles and above.
Shelves are placed in cabinets or attached to the wall. But more often these are freestanding items. They are practical and suitable for any shoe.

Shelves are placed in cabinets or attached to the wall.
Common models

In addition to those considered, there are other parameters by which shoe stands are distinguished. There is an interesting design in the form of round shelves. On each of the tiers there are hooks where shoes are hung. The design is spinning, so that all shoes, regardless of where they hung them, are equally accessible. But consider the options that are popular today.

Shoe boxes are represented by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. They differ in both characteristics and price. Therefore, each owner easily chooses a product that is suitable for the interior and affordable.

Fans of forged furniture should pay attention to specialized sites where various forged products are sold.

Shoe boxes are represented by many domestic and foreign manufacturers.
Banquet racks are popular. The design includes a clothes hanger, a comfortable seat, and a shoe rack underneath. This option is suitable when there is an additional closet in the hall where shoes are stored.

Simple coasters made of metal with two tiers are very popular. Such options are successfully placed in a city apartment and in the country.
A shoe shelf will appeal to those who find it convenient to hold various trifles here, for example, keys.

In that metal shoe rack in the hallway - the necessary item, probably, no one doubts. This product allows you to carefully store shoes. You can forget about scattered shoes and boots.

Due to the variety of models by style, workmanship and price range, it is possible to choose the appropriate option that will complement the interior of the room. There are models for small halls that will not take up much space. And there are also those specially designed for spacious rooms where shoes are stored without worrying about saving space. Keeping the hallway clean all the time is not easy. After all, this is the first room where people come from the street. But with comfortable furniture, this problem is quickly solved. Outerwear and shoes are compactly placed. Then the room is easy to maintain in order, and the shoes remain usable for longer.
Shoe cabinet in the hallway: 54 compact assistants