Why the refrigerator turns on and off after a few seconds: reasons and solutions
Everyone wants their favorite things to last as long as possible. But household appliances tend to break and fail. This also applies to the refrigerators that we use every day. A common situation is a sudden shutdown of the device a few seconds after turning on. If this happens systematically, then immediately begin to search for a problem, and find out how to fix it.

If the refrigerator systematically turns off after a few seconds of operation, then you definitely need to find ways to solve this problem until the device is completely out of order.
- 1 Features of independent shutdown of the refrigerator
- 2 Description of problems and their characteristics
- 3 Power outages and power surges
- 4 Problems with the control unit
- 5 Compressor out of order
- 6 Start-up relay failure
- 7 How to diagnose a problem
- 8 How to identify a malfunction by sound
- 9 Conclusion
- 10 How to repair a refrigerator yourself
Features of independent shutdown of the refrigerator
Many people wonder why the refrigerator can turn off. Do not immediately panic and look for the causes of the breakdown. The fact is that such on and off system, because the technology also needs to rest.
It all depends on the temperature inside the chamber and outside. Sudden changes in external and internal temperature create an additional load on the device parts. Therefore, continuous operation is contraindicated for him, otherwise it will overheat.

Continuous operation of the refrigerator can lead to permanent damage to the equipment.
Description of problems and their characteristics
If you encounter the fact that the device turns off immediately after turning it on, this indicates its abnormal operation. There are several reasons for this “behavior” of the unit.
In addition to the main ones, there are indirect reasons for the breakdown of the refrigerator:
- Thermostat malfunction. The reason here may be not only in its breakdown, but also in the wrong setting. The set temperature inside the freezer may be too low for the system to carry out.
- The device quickly loses its temperature. Check if the door has been depressurized, which contributes to the release of cold outside.
- The compressor is overheating. In this case, the temperature regime is not supported as it should.
- The refrigerant is in an amount insufficient for normal operation. Check the system for leaks. If they are found, then fill the device with freon, and eliminate leaks.

The main cause of the breakdown may be overheating of the compressor.
Power outages and power surges
Before looking for a breakdown in the device, check if you have any voltage outages. This is done easily using an incandescent lamp. If it blinks, the reason that the refrigerator often turns on and off is not its breakdown, but an unstable voltage.
In this case, all equipment is disconnected from the network to prevent its breakdown.
Those who have voltage fluctuations in the house have become a frequent occurrence, should think about purchasing an electric stabilizer, surge protector, fuses. It is advisable to install a transformer that optimizes the supply of electricity to the premises.

To prevent the equipment from malfunctioning due to voltage failures in the electric network, it is worth purchasing a voltage stabilizer.
In older refrigerators, the compressor is controlled by a start-up relay. It adjusts motor on and off to avoid overheating. When the relay breaks, the device starts to turn on spontaneously, and then turn off.
With a visual inspection of the parts, such a breakdown is immediately visible. It is easily fixed on its own, especially since it is a very common problem.
Problems with the control unit
If you have a modern refrigerator at home, then check its electronic board (control unit). She is responsible for turning the refrigerator on and off. When it fails, the commands to stop and resume work come randomly.

The refrigerator control board is responsible for turning the device off and on.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to diagnose such a failure without specialized equipment. The unit can be repaired by reprogramming, or its complete replacement is required. Both that, and another, it is possible to carry out only in repair shops.
Compressor out of order
If the previous two points are excluded, then it is worth checking the very "heart" of the device. The compressor, unfortunately, has a tendency to fail, and replacing it will be quite expensive. If you have an old device, then it would be more advisable to buy a new one rather than purchasing a compressor separately.

Buying a new refrigerator will cost less than replacing a compressor.
The compressor is the main part of the refrigerator. It is thanks to him that freon is circulated. Without it, the operation of the refrigerator is impossible.
To determine the compressor malfunction, measure the resistance of its winding. If the measurements showed a normal value, then the cause of the breakdown must be sought elsewhere.
Why the compressor may break:
- Closing winding turns.
- Winding damage.
- Motor jamming.

It is impossible to repair the compressor, you can only replace it.
These reasons contribute to the load on the motor, which, in turn, leads to its overheating. Therefore, the relay turns it off a few seconds after turning it on.
The compressor cannot be repaired - it is only possible to replace the part.
Start-up relay failure
Physical wear of this part becomes a frequent cause of its failure. This breakdown is easily fixed, and the cost of such work does not hit the wallet.
Before replacing this part, you can try to repair it yourself. Check core. Craftsmen recommend installing a regular ballpoint pen in place of a failed core.

Repair the start-up relay of the refrigerator.
Keep in mind that the method only works on older models of refrigerators. The new ones have a slightly different structure, having a tablet form of a solenoid.
If you do not want to take risks, then call the master at home. He should have some spare parts with him, so repairs and replacement are done at home.
How to diagnose a problem
The refrigerator is not designed to run smoothly. Therefore, its shutdowns are not sudden, and happen only for a short period of time to give the compressor a rest. The difficulty lies precisely in determining whether the refrigerator is really defective, or whether such shutdowns are considered normal.

When the refrigerator is turned off, the compressor rests.
Let's try to use mathematics to solve this problem. Suppose the compressor can run for 2 minutes, and for 10 subsequent he rests. Normal operation is estimated by the numerical value of the coefficient from 0.2 to 0.9. If we take our example, the coefficient is 0.166, according to formula 2: (2 + 10).
How to identify a malfunction by sound
You can understand the cause of the breakdown by sound analysis.Listen to the device while it is turning on and off. Was there a click before it disconnected? Another important point: the sound volume of the motor. If he “buzzes” louder than before, it means that there are clearly some problems with him. It can be a relay or compressor. Also a possible cause is a faulty electronic board.

The malfunction of the refrigerator can be determined independently using sound analysis.
How to fix a breakdown:
- If the compressor burns out, it must be replaced. It is important to choose a model that meets the technical specifications for your freezer. Connect it correctly. If you do not know how to do this, look at the guides, or call a specialist.
- The same manipulations are carried out with the relay.
- If the problem is in the control unit, use the services of wizards. They will reprogram it to you or replace it completely.

The exact cause of the breakdown of the refrigerator can be clarified by a qualified master.
In some cases, it’s easier to buy new equipment than to repair an old one. Every year, models are equipped with new functions, so why repair the old “junk” when there are so many new and “advanced” things in stores.
Recommendations and advice from the masters:
- The average person reads the manual for using the device only when something goes wrong. This is a blunder. Read the instructions carefully before you turn on the refrigerator.
- Install the refrigerator strictly according to the level. If you have a crooked floor, place something under the legs of the refrigerator.
- The location of the device is of great importance. Ideally, it should be located away from the sink, stove and battery. Also, you can not put it close to the wall. A distance of at least 3-5 cm is needed to ensure air circulation.
- The device must have its own outlet. If you use the general, it can cause a fire.

For the refrigerator to serve much longer, you need to close the door tightly each time.
And here is what the masters of caring for the equipment advise so that it will serve you for many years.
- Close the door tightly and do not keep it open for long periods. In modern devices there is a special signal for these purposes, indicating that the door is open for too long.
- If the device does not have the No Frost function, then you will have to regularly defrost the freezer section. This is done once a month.
- Keep the rubber gasket clean because it does not allow for leaks.
- Hot dishes are not refrigerated. Only cooled to room temperature.
- Do not fill the refrigerator to the eyeballs. This creates an additional burden for him.
- Do not cover the shelves with anything. So you put the air circulation inside the cabinet.

The location of the refrigerator can play a large role.
Additional Information. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with tips for organizing proper food storage:
- The freezer is used exclusively for products, but not for bottles. They can crack.
- All products are stored in packaging. This will prevent the appearance of mold, which can not only harm health, but also affect the operation of the cabinet.
- Eggs, juices and other drinks are stored on the side doors.
- Ready-made meals, as well as cheese and meat, are stored on medium shelves.
- If you store medicines in the refrigerator, then observe the temperature regime indicated on the package.

Glass bottles and jars must not be left in the freezer.
There are several reasons why the refrigerator can turn on and off after a few seconds. Some of them can be identified and eliminated independently, and some only by resorting to the services of masters. There are times when you need to replace one part, and sometimes you need to buy a new refrigerator.
Read the instructions carefully before using the refrigerator. Place it in the right place. Then it will serve you for many years.
How to repair a refrigerator yourself