How to decorate an aquarium
Many people want to have a pet, but for some reason they cannot afford a cat, dog or even a hamster. In this case, fish will be a great alternative. If you belong to this category, and do not have anything against a home pond with fish, you will want to decorate it. And this business is not as simple as it seems. If you do not know how to decorate the aquarium, we will help you with this.

A beautifully designed aquarium will become the central decorating element of the room’s interior.

Realistic imitation of terrestrial landscape in a home aquarium
Several important factors
Before you get down to business, learn what the aquarium is like, how to properly care for it, and how to get it right. To begin with, it’s worth understanding that we are dealing with an entire ecosystem, displayed in minimalist sizes. In addition, we are interested in the design side of the issue, so we need to approach the matter from different angles.

Fish are very demanding both to environmental conditions and to their neighbors.
When decorating, consider several important factors:
Accent | Varieties |
View aquariumbut | Sea, river |
Bowl shape | Round, rectangular, convex, square |
View decorationth | Natural, artificial |
Composition form | Convex, concave, rectangular, triangular. |

Lighting plays an important role in aquarium design
It is necessary to put emphasis on these factors, as well as on existing varieties when working. We need to return to them, so it’s worthwhile to consider them in detail and find out the features.
Aquarium view
There are two main varieties: sea and river. This is a very important factor. It affects the choice of inhabitants, plants, decorations and even water.
Important! To fill a sea aquarium, you need sea water.
The complexity of the content of such a system is the complexity of its filling. Finding sea water for sale is not easy, and the sea is not always nearby. For this reason, such systems are not popular, but still they exist.
The scenery in this case is selected appropriate. There are many wonderful marine fish suitable for living at home. They themselves are a good decoration, but still it is worth diversifying the void.

Harmonious design reminiscent of a Japanese rock garden
The most common decoration is the barrier reef. It can be both natural and artificial. The latter is more common, as it is easier to care for and organize. You just need to purchase such a decoration and install along the back wall of the aquarium.
River provides more space for creativity, easy to care and organization. Here you can use rain, distilled, or even tap water (but it must be defended before use).
Bowl shape
This factor affects to a greater extent the choice of the form of composition and design as a whole. From the school physics course, we know that glass can distort the image. And the more the glass is curved, the greater the deformation obtained. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the shape of the bowl, and view the resulting work of art from different angles.

When choosing an aquarium design, you must take into account the style of the room
The most popular are rectangular bowls. They are convenient to clean, install, design, fasten equipment. In addition, they have a lower price than other varieties. Such a bowl practically does not distort the image, so you can safely select any type of composition.

Rectangular aquariums are the most inexpensive, and the picture in them is not distorted
Square ones have similar characteristics. However, there is a slight distortion due to the same edges of the bowl, so a rectangular, even design structure will not work in this case.
Convex represent a rectangular bowl with a curved front wall. The foreground is deformed accordingly. Convex or concave constructions are selected for such bowls.

Aquariums with a convex front glass are called panoramic and have a spectacular view.

A small round aquarium will fit perfectly on a bedside table near a sofa or bed
With round shapes you need to be careful. In general, they are not popular, as they are difficult to clean and decorate. They also differ in small size. In this case, single jewelry will be the best choice.
Composition form
Now, directly on the issue of creating a construction, which we raised above. There are 4 main types of composition, the differences of which affect their compatibility with the shape of the aquarium:
- Convex. Has larger and smaller items in the composition. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that large elements are exposed in the center, or at the back wall. Moreover, several large elements are used here, which will be on the same level. Then the objects are arranged in decreasing order of size, building the composition from the center to the front wall.
- Concave. The principle of arrangement is the opposite of the previous one. Volumetric elements are placed on the periphery, the size of the following gradually decreases towards the center. In this case, be sure to ensure that the decorations do not overlap each other.
- Triangular. The principle of arrangement is similar to the first option. In this case, it is necessary to find the reference highest point, and create a structure from it. So, choose the highest decoration and place it anywhere. Then, gradually reducing the size of the scenery, bring them to another point.
- Rectangular Not as easy as it seems. In this case, the entire space is filled with the same size elements. The difficulty lies in the selection of components and arrangement of the structure so that all the details are visible from different points of view.

Beautiful composition of snags and seaweed

“Real” mountains at the bottom of the aquarium

This design may be suitable for an aquarium in a children's room.
Now you know how you will arrange the future composition depending on the type and shape of the aquarium. We proceed directly to the creation of design.
What you need to know about aquarium decorations
Once again, we are dealing with a living ecosystem. Therefore, you need to treat her with accuracy, respect and love.
Now about the decorations. The first rule is do no harm. You try not only to create a good design, but also take care of the inhabitants. The scenery should not harm the fish and create inconvenience.

Minimalist landscape with emphasis on snags
Important! Do not use toxic substances for decoration.
Some categories of plastic, polyethylene, some paints and waterproof varnishes are toxic. This must be removed from the list.
Oddly enough, but the fish should also be comfortable. If the scenery prevents them from reaching the ground or restricts movement, part of the composition needs to be removed or changed completely.
So, comfort, safety and tasteful appearance - these are the basic rules for decorating an aquarium.
Natural decor
If you think how best to decorate the aquarium, feel free to choose a natural decor.This option among connoisseurs and professionals is considered the most acceptable, while artificial decoration is a vulgar option. But we will not criticize, but consider both cases.

Full use of the aquarium space is typical of the Dutch design style
The natural decor includes various aquatic plants, including algae, roots, driftwood, natural stones - everything that is found in the natural world.

To decorate the home underwater world, roots of various bizarre shapes are often used.

Stones are the easiest way to decorate an aquarium
Often used algae, which are the best option. They add living greens to the reservoir, help to generate oxygen, which fish need for life. If you want an imitation of river algae, select naias, elodea, hornwort, kabombu, mollusk, myriophyllum. They have soft stems and leaves, grow rapidly, create a powerful green mass.
Important! Before planting aquatic plants, be sure to read the instructions and create the necessary conditions.
A wonderful aquarium inhabitant - spherical cladophore. It grows in a small lump that looks like a sphere. It can be used in different ways: to lay it on the ground as a rug, cut in half; planting the “balls” in a separate colony is up to your imagination. The original idea will be to plant the cladophore on the snag in such a way as to make an image of a tropical tree. This green friend is useful for fish, as many microorganisms that are food are hidden between its leaves.

The cladophore spherical is suitable for a cold-water aquarium with a water temperature of no higher than 20 degrees. In a warmer environment, the plant breaks up into parts
For decoration, mosses are perfect. They can cover the bottom with a continuous carpet, sit on snags or are in free swimming, creating flying islands. Among the mosses, pay attention to riccia and Javanese moss.

Javanese moss can be kept in any aquarium, because it feels great everywhere. It grows very quickly, filling all corners so that it will not be easy to remove it
In addition to algae and moss, other plants with a stronger root system will create lively beauty. We advise you to purchase anubias. It has strong roots and fairly hard leaves. Well suited for systems in which fish live, digging in the ground between the roots.
A good decoration of the center along with stunted greens will be the Echinodorus Amazonian. It is a sprawling bush with long narrow leaves. A great option - ludwig swamp. She will add exoticism, adding a little redness. And its full rounded leaves will definitely appeal to the fish. Another red inhabitant of the home reservoir in the bowl is the Indian rotala. Its colonies create a stunning effect of the sea or river bottom.

Ludwig Swamp grows up to 20–35 cm and can bloom under favorable conditions
Many of these plants bloom. However, it is worth mentioning a few more categories of aquarium plants that can throw out color and add incredible beauty to the installation. These include eichornia, hydrotrichia of hottoniflora, limnophil, nymphoids. During flowering, they have beautiful inflorescences. And outside this period they make up the green part of the composition. Of course, the aquarium nymphaea tops this list. Outwardly, it looks like a water lily, it comes in different colors. She grows, floating on the surface of the water, so be sure to create the conditions necessary for her life.

Eichhornia blooms on the surface of the water in an aquarium
In addition to plants, roots and snags make up a wonderful natural decor. You can create a similar decoration for the aquarium with your own hands. Select the branch or snag of the desired configuration, wash it well and clean it, then it must be boiled in water for a long time over high heat.After it becomes softened, add oak bark to the water and boil again. This procedure will prevent the rotting of the tree in water. After drying, you can put the scab in water. If desired, undersized plants or moss can be planted on top. The same goes for the roots.

Aquarium looks better when it has plants of different colors
Excellent stones are used. Choose your favorite stones that come under your feet in everyday life, wash them, boil them, and can use them as decor.
Artificial scenery
In some circles, artificial jewelry is considered bad manners, but they are still used. These include various locks, shells, pebbles, the same snags can be artificial.
When choosing jewelry made from non-natural materials, remember that many of them can decompose in water, creating an unfavorable atmosphere for fish. This must not be allowed. Choose only safe options.

Castle at the bottom of the aquarium

At the bottom of the aquarium you can put an “ancient” antique jug

The design of the aquarium in the spirit of the ancient world
The most suitable and common option is ceramic or clay. Details from this material have a pleasant reddish or yellowish tint, and will last a long time.
Artificial stone can be a good option. Castles, barrier reefs, and houses for fish are made from it. This is a safe option and can be used during design creation along with a natural option.
Compatibility issue
Choosing living and artificial decorations do not forget about their compatibility. For some types of plants, soft water and a lot of light is needed, for others it is more hard water and dim lighting. Before purchasing, be sure to study the conditions necessary for the life of the plant, and correctly combine different species. The same goes for fish. Different individuals need individual conditions. Therefore, select categories with related needs.

Aquarium Fish Compatibility Chart
As you can see, decorating an aquarium with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know the laws of this ecosystem and the rules of composition. Approach this matter with love, caution and curiosity. The underwater world holds many secrets and embellishment, love it, and it will open to you.
Video on how to make a mainsail in the aquarium with your own hands