Do-it-yourself Easter decoration
Easter is a holiday of spring and light, which is celebrated by the whole Orthodox world. Every year he is the hope for the best, so preparing for it takes a lot of time.

Natural symbols are more suitable for decorating a house for Easter: eggs in nests, figures of birds and hares, Easter pastries, flowers and greens
Decorating the interior for Easter with your own hands brings pleasure and a holiday mood.
Easter home decor: ideas
For Easter, decoration ideas are in the air and most of them can be realized with the help of improvised means. And also, there is the opportunity to purchase ready-made jewelry, but it is not so fun and impressive.

Painting an Easter Egg with Color Markers
Egg Decor Options
The main easter decoration is eggs. There are a great many options for coloring and decorating this element.
Easter eggs | The technique of painting boiled eggs with paint and wax. |
Krashenki | Eggs painted in various colors with food colors or acrylics. |
Decoupage | Single pictures of napkins pasted on eggs. |
Quilling | Fixed on an egg, twisted into circles and other shapes, stripes of paper in different colors. |
Beads | Oiled with PVA glue and eggs heavily strewn with beads. You can create drawings. |
Lace and fabric | Decoration of eggs with lace elements or fabric. |

Paints are painted in a variety of colors, and patterns are applied to the Easter eggs manually.
Design options for Easter of real and artificial eggs allow you to use a large number of ideas. Do not limit yourself to the listed methods, realize your crazy ideas.

Bright colors and simple bows turn ordinary eggs into a stylish decor in just half an hour.
Easter Eggs and Pies
For many years, Easter eggs created manually using paints and wax have not gone out of fashion. This home decor for Easter will require accuracy and patience, but the result will leave only pleasant memories. This technique allows you to create intricate national patterns.

You can get an interesting decor if you add several colors of nail polish to the water and don’t mix it, but simply move it with your wand and create patterns. Then lower the egg into the solution, turn a little, immediately remove and dry on the pins
You can paint an Easter egg using acrylic paints, creating not only traditional paintings, but also whole pictures with natural landscapes. With children, you can paint them in funny shades and draw hens or cocks, making Easter decor.

A beautiful ornament will turn out if you tightly wrap the eggs in a silk cloth and cook for 20 minutes. After cooling, the patches are removed, and the bright pattern remains on the shell
Boiled eggs can be painted in one color. The main consider red. And you can create marble patterns with a white napkin and several shades of dye.
Decoupage and quilling
Using single-layer napkins with a favorite pattern, create unique eggs. To create Easter decorations you will need:
- dummies of eggs;
- napkins;
- PVA glue;
- hard artificial brush.
A layer of glue is applied to the prepared, clean surface, onto which a piece of a napkin with a selected motif is subsequently carefully attached. From above, with a brush, which is dipped in an adhesive, smooth the picture and allow it to dry.
Advice! This decor will last a long time, but it is possible to use natural eggs.

Easter eggs can be decorated with various small elements made of plastic or paper.
The quilling technique allows you to create your own decor for eggs for Easter. The surface is decorated with all kinds of geometric elements, which are made of paper cut into strips and twisted into different shapes.

The quilling technique consists in decorating objects with curled paper in the form of patterns, plants, insects and other natural symbols.
Lace decor
Easter eggs are decorated with textile materials. Thanks to lace elements they are ideally applied in any interior. In addition to airy fabrics, you can use threads of different colors or elastic bands that are wound around the base.

It is better to use lace elements on colored eggs, and you can also add accessories from brooches, buttons or beads
Advice! Eggs of any design can be placed on an Easter wreath.

Easter wreath - a classic symbol of warmth and unity, usually located on the door or window
Easter - interior decor
Do-it-yourself Easter decoration begins on a pure Thursday, thereby forming a festive mood. As a home decoration, use all available options. Easter is the only holiday that requires the maximum number of colorful elements.

The Easter tree on the holiday table is considered a symbol of prosperity, happiness and prosperity.
Easter wreath
The design of the Easter wreath should be accompanied by abundant spring colors and the inclusion of decorated eggs and living (artificial) flowers. A wreath is not so much a symbol of Easter as a harbinger of spring and warmth. It can be placed on the front door or wall of the room.
To create you will need:
- Willow twigs.
- Thin wire.
- Tapes.
- Artificial flowers.
- Decorated polystyrene eggs.

Suitable materials for Easter wreath
As a basis, willow branches twisted into a ring are used, which are fastened with wire.

We connect the branches in a ring with a diameter of about 30 cm
Bright ribbons are wound on the finished base and flowers and eggs are glued. And also, as materials for its manufacture, you can use foam blanks, wool, corrugated paper, threads. An Easter wreath can be crocheted.

This unusual element of the interior will decorate your home and give you a good mood.
Easter basket
As an Easter decoration, baskets are used that are filled with butterflies and decorative elements. To implement the idea, you can use ready-made wicker products or replace them with DIY baskets.

Here are the baskets obtained if you wrap a bucket of mayonnaise under a jute rope
For the manufacture of necessary:
- plastic bucket;
- PVA glue;
- twine;
- tapes;
- wire.
The rope is impregnated, diluted 1: 1 with water, glue and wrapped in a bucket from the bottom to the top. Before the finish winding, a handle made of wire is fastened, which is decorated with thread or ribbons.

By the way, you can do without the rope, wrapping the whole bucket with a satin ribbon
You can fill the finished product with dry grass and beautiful eggs or water and place a spring bouquet in it.
Easter bunnies
Another symbol of the holiday is the rabbit. Miniature figures can decorate shelves in any room for Easter. The animal patterns cut out of paper adorn the doors and other smooth surfaces. The easiest way to make a celebration symbol with your own hands includes the following operations:
- Creating pompons (2 pieces) of different sizes. The large ball will serve as the body, and the small one as the head.
We collect pompons from thick woolen threads
- Stitching parts together and attaching a ponytail made of white wool.
We tie pompons together
- Sewing on ears from felt, nose and eyes.
And you can only make the back of the rabbit and arrange it all as in the photo
Textile hens
Do-it-yourself Easter decoration for your home in the form of poultry is quite simple. On the selected pattern, elements are cut that are stitched in a certain sequence. You can fill the chickens with a holofiber or leave them empty. The main thing is that the fabrics are bright and different from each other.

For those who crochet, it will be easy to prepare decorative lace jewelry in the form of hens
You can hang Easter decorations on a tree, which is made from branches wrapped in multi-colored threads.
Paper garlands
Paper garlands are the easiest DIY decoration for Easter, accessible both from a financial point of view and ease of execution. As a material, you can use colored paper or old glossy magazines.

The simplest colored cardboard garland
You can make standard triangular flags from paper or cut out hens, rabbits, flowers. Even a child can be involved in such work. From paper it is easy to create voluminous balls or whole floral arrangements that will serve as decoration for Easter.
Floral and easter decor
Since the celebration of Easter falls in the spring, arranged vases with fresh flowers will serve as an appropriate addition to the decor of the house. An original mini-bouquet in an egg shell that can be put on the table will look original.

Spring bouquet for the holiday - fresh flowers and Easter eggs
And also, it is possible to grow wheat grains in separate flowerpots, in which you can later place Easter decoration on the interior or serve boiled eggs on the table. But such decoration should be started in advance, since it will take time to wait for the first shoots.

Sprout oats in a bowl in advance, then put Easter eggs and parsley among the seedlings, and put a pot of daffodils or other primroses nearby.
Easter and trendy rustic style
Decor for Easter 2018 is preferable to use natural materials, which will be available in early April. Experts say that Easter interior decoration should be not only beautiful, but also fashionable. Thanks to the rustic style and the use of natural designer things, it is easy to make it.

Rustic style Easter table is an abundance of various natural elements.
Despite the nondescript nature of natural materials and fabrics, when used correctly, you can create unique compositions used during Easter for decoration at photo shoots.
Table setting
The decor of the Easter table of 2018 deserves special attention. Many people keep a strict fast, and on this day it ends. In addition to traditional boiled eggs and Easter cakes, various decorations are put on the table:
- holiday dishes;
- a beautiful tablecloth;
- napkins with spring motifs;
- Easter decoration figurines;
- baskets with eggs;
- candle holders in the form of eggs and more.

For the Easter table, choose light fresh napkins and tablecloths, dishes with vegetable drawings or transparent glass, and do not forget about the bouquet of spring primroses
Preferred colors for Easter table decor are red, white, green, blue. You can use vases filled not only with water, but also with washed carrots. Creating an Easter interior is not difficult and fun!
Video: papier-mâché Easter egg vases