Beautiful landscaping of a country house: create it yourself
Without an attractive landscape design of a country house, you can live. However, why deny yourself the pleasure if you can create a beautiful courtyard with your own hands, with minimal material costs. To create a project you need to make a little effort to decide on the main idea. Such a task is within the power of any person. This publication discusses all the most useful tips, recommendations for creating an extraordinary landscape design of a country house plot.

Starting the improvement of a suburban area, get ready for the fact that you will always do this. Plants can not freeze in their original state, they grow and change the surrounding design
Briefly about the main thing
On the Internet there are many striking examples of the interior of the garden, personal garden. Many people think that you can choose any of the options presented. However, it is not. Even the highest quality finished work will look different in specific areas. It's all about topographic, climatic features, the wishes of the owner. You can create an individual interior only on order. Such a service is expensive. But you should not take ready-made ideas from the Internet in order to save.

Never copy a finished landscape composition. Consider, study, criticize and choose the best options, mark the details you like and use them to create your own unique design.
Creating a project is best on your own, highlighting several basic ideas from the examples. To do this, it’s enough to learn a few simple rules, take work responsibly.
Where to begin?
It is necessary to develop the landscape design of a country house in stages. Only such an approach will lead to a harmonious result. The first step is to create a plan. It is not necessary to apply new-fangled programs, applications. It is enough to prepare a simple piece of paper, a pencil, make measurements of the territory. The next stage is the breakdown of land into zones. It should be noted functional, problem areas. Pits, hills, and steep lowlands are considered problematic. They do not need to be aligned when carrying out earthwork. Such problems can easily be turned into benefits. In the pits you can build a small pond, on the slides - to plant beautiful plants. There are a lot of similar ideas for landscaping a country house.

Sketch a diagram of your plot on a piece of paper and mark the location of all significant objects
The simplest of them are discussed in this article. Functional zones in each case are different. It all depends on the personal preferences of the residents. On the territory you can build a gazebo, summer kitchen, a place to relax on sun loungers, and more. The next stage is the choice of style. This is described in more detail in the next section.
There are many styles of design areas of the country house. The most successful options are indicated in the table.
Style name | Characteristics |
French | Favorite style of romantic, dreamy people. The French style is gentle, light in the process of arrangement.For the lawn, you should choose grass with flowers, furniture should be vintage. You can pick up such items at a flea market in a specialized store. The design of the pool can be artificially aged, the garden can be decorated with wrought-iron fences. However, any forged items to order are quite expensive. To give a delicate aroma to the yard will allow flowers with a delicate smell. Lavender is great. |
Oriental | Oriental landscape design of a country house will be a real find for practical people with a special attitude to order. Dwarf trees, beautiful stones, grapes, and other weaving plants are bought in the interior. The entire project must be in line with true wildlife. Furniture should be few. Just a few benches, a small table. |
Modern | An excellent solution for the design of the territory near a modern cottage, cottage. Modern style provides order, accuracy in everything. Flower beds, borders, a pond should have clear, even borders. The size of the stands must harmoniously look with each other. In the design you need to beware of excessive brightness. A colorful garden will resemble a flower shop. |

The main color of the French garden has always been and remains green.

The eastern garden can be different, but the water in it should always be in the form of a pond. pond or simple fountain

Fans of all the most modern will have an Art Nouveau garden.
Land plot design
Depending on the area, the design of the site of a country house has its own characteristics. Let's consider them in detail.
- A small area - up to 6 acres. The geometric style is perfect here. Previously, it was used in Soviet gardens. The geometric style looks neat, allows you to use every piece of land with maximum benefit. It is easy to add variety with the help of vertical gardening, exotic plants. On the north side, it is customary to plant trees and establish various technical structures. They will close the shelter from the cold wind. Install a high fence is not worth it. Visually, it will make the interior cramped.
Project of a plot of 6 acres
- Average - up to 10 acres. Such a size will allow the realization of bolder ideas on the south side. The design principle of the north is identical to the previous one. On 10 acres you can plant forest trees, make a Japanese garden, build a corner of wildlife with natural stones, unusual shrubs.
Project of a plot of 10 acres
- Big - from 12 acres. Twelve acres will allow you to build a huge pond with a waterfall, a spacious gazebo, a beautiful open-air summer kitchen. In this case, ideas are not limited. Everything will depend only on the chosen style, personal wishes of the owners.
Land plot project with an area of more than 20 acres
Spectacular green lawns
Making the site attractive with your own hands is impossible without planting a quality lawn. Green grass will give the interior freshness, will be the real pride of the owners. It is necessary to determine the type of lawn in advance, even before the start of excavation.

Green lawn - quite simple and very effective
Select a view should be based on several points:
- purpose of the lawn;
- budget;
- style.
The lawn for children's games, parties, meditations in nature will be significantly different. For these purposes, it is necessary to choose different varieties of cereals. In the animal walking areas you can lay a sports lawn. In the recreation area, garden and park will fit perfectly. All these nuances can be found at the place of purchase of cereals. The seller will help you choose the right type.

On children's playgrounds, a specially selected composition of herbs is used, requiring special care
Also a lot depends on the ability to care for the lawn. If it is not - choose meadowgrass, meadow grass, fescue. Such a herbal mixture does not need regular care.When there is no time for growing grass, roll strips should be preferred. They are sold in nurseries. Good quality roll strips look amazing, immediately ennoble the site.

Rolled lawn is not cheap, but it allows you to get a full grass cover in a week
Lawn breakdown rules
Green landscaping of a country house can only be done subject to certain rules:
- The best breakdown period is April-May. At this time, the ground completely thaws, becomes soft.
- Grass sown in spring needs abundant watering. However, this is not scary. In April and May it often rains. This will greatly facilitate the task of the owners.
- Ready-made seed mixtures are sold in stores. They are garden, sports, elite, etc. Each mixture has its own purpose, characteristics, cost. When choosing, be sure to consider the property of the soil, the purpose of the site. A detailed consultation on this issue can be obtained directly in the nursery.
- Apply fast-growing plants is not worth it. They are suitable only for spot "repair" of the lawn. Such plants do not last long, they look poor-quality.
- When breaking down the lawn, pay special attention to soil preparation. The optimal thickness is considered a layer of 25 centimeters. If there is not enough land, be sure to bring it. In the presence of excessive humidity, it will be necessary to construct drainage ditches. Their depth should reach one meter. Ditches should be placed at a distance of 5 meters from each other. Before planting, clean the surface of debris. Stones, weeds, construction debris - all this must be removed when digging the upper layer of soil.

Preparing the soil for planting a lawn

Sowing Lawn Grass Seeds

The strength and beauty of the lawn will depend on timely watering.
Site Decor Elements
Decor elements will give the landscape design of the country house a special chic. Today, the choice of such elements is huge. Original ideas can be emphasized on the Internet, at the sites of your relatives and friends. This publication will discuss the simplest, cheapest ways to decorate the interior of a house.

Recently, it has become popular to plant flowers in flowerpots. Such a composition looks impressive, and it’s easier to care for plants
Flower beds
What could be easier than building flower beds with your own hands? This simple element of decor is able to qualitatively transform the garden, make the territory orderly. Flower beds can be different. The simplest kind are the stalls. They are regular flower gardens. Typically, the stalls are made of concrete, have a fairly strict shape. This option is suitable for the classic style. Mixborders are a more modern solution. When arranging them, stone compositions are used. Creating such a flowerbed yourself is not difficult at all. The most important thing is not to plant too many different colors in the flowerbed. It is better to do one or two species.

Empty lawns get bored pretty quickly, flowers give the summer cottage a more festive look and positive attitude

When choosing flowers for the flowerbed should take into account the frequency of flowering of each plant
Garden figures
An original element of a decor are various garden figures sold in specialized stores. When choosing them, the buyer needs to consider several important criteria.
- The style of the interior. You need to buy thematic figures suitable for the chosen direction. Then the site will look harmonious.
- The quality of execution. Figures must be believable, without defects.
- Resistance to natural phenomena. Constantly make, bring decor elements into the room - not an option. It is better to give preference to figures that are resistant to water, temperature changes.

All figures must be proportional. For a small area, it is worth choosing low models

Before you get a sculpture, think over the whole composition that you want to create.
Alpine hill
Today it is difficult to imagine the landscape design of a country house without an alpine hill. You can find a lot of variations, compositions of such an element of decor. It is not difficult to do the Alpine slide on your own. The most important thing is to clearly think it through from start to finish. It is advisable to fix the slide plan on paper. Then the creation process will take less time, and the result will please the residents.

For alpine hills, it is better to choose wild grasses and unpretentious specimens of stunted flowers
When designing a mountain valley in the garden, various materials are used: marble slabs, pebbles, clay vases, sand. Plants can also be used different. The most popular are undersized perennials. Younger, edelweiss look amazing in this composition.
Garden paths
Tracks are necessary for obvious reasons. On them it will be possible to get to a specific house area without ruining the lawn. However, another important function of the tracks is decorative. Winding, bright, unusual paths will decorate the site.

The appearance of the track depends on the preferences of the owner of the site, the style of buildings, the relief of the garden or yard, as well as on the composition of the soil
In the manufacture of tracks, such materials can be used.
- Concrete. This material looks great, but can crack with the slightest violation of production technology.
- Tree. Wooden paths in the garden need to be treated with special mixtures. They will prevent rotting, cracking of the material.
- Gravel. The most affordable, easiest way to make a path in the garden. Gravel may be colored. With its help, lay out various ornaments, drawings on the surface.

For a bulk path, pebbles, gravel, screenings or stone chips are used.

Paved paths are laid out of cement tiles, clinker bricks, artificial or natural stone

Materials can be combined to create unique compositions.
Video on how to design and plant a beautiful flower garden