Light in the interior: current trends and basic rules of lighting design
A special influence on the situation in the rooms, in the kitchen or in the bathroom is provided by the lighting of the interior. In addition to its direct purpose, lighting devices are able to maximize the aesthetic perception of interior design, with their help it is easy to form the emotional state of a person.

With the help of lighting you can create a varied atmosphere.
What is the light
Light is a product obtained by heating an object. That is, the higher the temperature, the brighter the lighting. It is divided into two main types:
- natural;
- artificial.
Natural light will make any environment comfortable, can maximize reflection from the surface and mirrors. In other words, it is sunlight. To make it more worthwhile in the room, think about increasing the window openings.

Natural light enters the room through light openings - windows or transparent doors

Artificial lighting is defined by a specific set of fixtures
It is worth considering that it varies depending on the time of day, weather, location. More permanent is northern light. When choosing lighting fixtures, it is necessary to take into account how much natural light enters the room of a house or apartment.
What the lights emit is considered artificial light.

Artificial lighting is divided into functional and decorative
How lighting affects emotions
Organization of light and color design are inseparable. They affect the perception of space by a person, the impact on the psychological and physiological state. For example, shades of green will have a calming effect, while red shades will increase activity.

Red light is the light of action that fills a person with strength and activity
Cold lighting, typical of most offices, contributes to increased labor efficiency. This is due to the impact on the internal biorhythms of people. In this case, not only the color of the lighting, but the lighting scenarios is important. That is, for concentrated work at a later time of the day, a table lamp is quite suitable, and for a festive atmosphere, blinking colored lights should be used.

To create the effect of partial shading use diffused light.
Bright lighting always invigorates a person, but with a long stay in such a space, a feeling of irritation, fatigue can occur. But warm soft lighting contributes to rest and relaxation. That is why experts recommend developing a replaceable lighting system in the house using different light sources.
Designers distinguish three main types of lighting, shown in the table:
No. p / p | Title | Appointment |
1 | General lighting | Is used for uniform lighting Total premises |
2 | Decorative | Adds accents to interior design rooms (floor lamp, sconce) |
3 | Special | Backlight a desk or working areas in the kitchen. |

Decorative lighting is based on light fixtures of low power, but diverse in shades and created effects
At the same time, various types of lamps can also be used in lighting devices:
Title | Description | Advantages | disadvantages |
Incandescent lamp | The most common and affordable Light source. | The maximum color rendering index. | Low light output. |
Halogen lamp | Also applies to an affordable price category. | Long service life. | Requires specialized equipment. |
Energy saving lamp | It is made in two options: warm and cold shinewhich is very convenient. | Serves for a long time, has low power consumption. | |
LED lamp | With a direct look at light fixture there is a feeling of blinding effect. | Highest Energy Savings | High price. |

The more dark surfaces in the interior, the more power the lamps will need
Current lighting trends
The fashion for lighting, as well as for the design of the apartment itself, periodically changes. And the style of the room largely depends on the choice of lighting fixtures. Consider the most common technical solutions in our time:
- Multi-level lighting. The upper main level is the light from the ceiling and wall fixtures. Next comes the wall lights, such as paintings and table lighting. This method allows you to emphasize the spaciousness and comfort of the room, to create various effects when you turn on certain lighting devices.
Multi-level lighting for maximum efficiency through the use of diverse light sources
- Highlighting objects and fixtures built into the floor is a new trend. The light from below is beautiful, original, comfortable. Moreover, in this way you can add an additional level of lighting. But it’s not enough just to install light bulbs on the floor, it is important to think about what the final result should be, what you need to emphasize with this light. For this type, it is recommended to use LED bulbs, as they do not heat up and are considered quite bright.
Spectacular bathroom floor lighting
- LED light sources are becoming more popular. Almost all designers try to use them in their projects. In addition, such bulbs consume little electricity and last a very long time. Manufacturers continue to improve the characteristics of these bulbs, offering consumers a large selection of lighting products.
Recessed LED lights - ideal for stretch ceilings
- Moving lights are another novelty in this area. Such designs make it possible, if necessary, to change the direction of the light flux. This is very convenient, so pendant rotary lighting fixtures quickly became fashionable. They change direction, brightness, while easily and quickly attached to the ceiling or walls. Movable luminaires are often used in rooms with complex multi-level ceiling design.
Lamps-slots with linear lighting are somewhat similar to floodlights, often used to highlight interesting interior details
- The illumination of niches and openings looks original if spot illumination is organized in their plane. So the room can visually give additional volume.
Arch lighting with spotlights
- The combination of various light sources is a consequence of the active development of the production of lighting devices. A few years ago, when designing apartments, exclusively incandescent lamps were used, now the choice is great. Different types of lamps in the interior combine well, complement each other. It all depends on the imagination and the required functionality.
Usually a combination of ceiling lighting with backlighting on the wall or on furniture is used.
- Hidden light is a curious design decision.The meaning is that there is light, but the light source is not observed, it is masked by other interior items. The atmosphere becomes more relaxed and comfortable thanks to soft lighting.
An example of the implementation of hidden lighting in the interior of a bedroom
- Portable lights allow you to change the situation in the room several times a day using a variety of lighting effects. But there is some drawback - you will need a significant number of outlets located around the perimeter of the room. Extension cords that spoil the appearance of the room are categorically not suitable here.
Convenient portable lamp with self-powered
- The use of dimmers allows you to change the degree of brightness of light, if necessary. This feature is especially useful in multi-level lighting. Dimmers can be programmed, set automatic modes. Using the brightness of light, you can give the room an unusual beauty and comfort. Designers consider these devices to be the first step in organizing a smart home.
It is worth noting that not every modern lamp can be paired with a dimmer
- Decorative lighting is another fashion trend that continues to evolve and improve. To give the atmosphere a special mood, various additional light sources or the so-called backlight are used. Especially popular are LED bulbs and fiber optic systems that can create unusual special effects. For example, a ceiling with a starry sky or a shimmering dance floor. It all depends on the wishes of the person.
Accent lighting is organized to highlight any interior items.
Lighting Design Rules
To avoid mistakes when organizing the lighting of space, several rules should be taken into account.

The mood and well-being of the person in it depends on the lighting of the room
Planning of the main, working and decorative lighting
General light are devices on the ceiling that provide uniform diffused light. Most often, these are chandeliers with several bulbs, textile or glass lampshades and shades.
The lamp on the ceiling should in no case cast shadows or glare - this will ruin the whole situation, it will irritate the look.

If a large chandelier is chosen as the main lighting, the light will be different in some places of the room, but still without sudden changes
In the working area, it is better to install lamps that provide directional light - floor lamps, sconces or table lamps. This lighting must be brighter than the main one. In the kitchen, the work area is the dining table and cooking area. Also, special lighting needs a place to read books, the head of the bed, a place to do homework or entertainment for the child.

The level of illumination of the workplace should provide an optimal balance at which the eyes will not strain
Only when the main and working lighting is comfortably equipped can decorative lights be thought through.
Thoughtful lighting scenario
This is the most important stage in the design and interior lighting of an apartment. And to do this is required individually for each room.
- In the hall, in addition to the main light, a working one is added in the area of the coffee table or place for reading books. At the same time, decorative accents are required to give space to coziness.
- Often in the kitchen, general lighting is not required. It is enough to highlight each area: dining, for cooking. It is recommended to make a functional LED backlight boxes.
- Lighting in the bedroom is organized according to the same principle as in the living room. Work lights should be installed at the head of the bed. But the light in this room should not be bright, otherwise it will not contribute to a good rest.
- A bathroom does not always require several types of light. This is due to the small area.But if possible, it is worth highlighting the mirror area and adding decorative illumination. It can even be a nozzle for highlighting pouring water.

Light should complement the interior, not “drown” it
When working on an apartment lighting scenario, designers are advised to indicate which events will be held in the space in question. This will allow you to quickly choose the right type of lighting, accurately determine the required number of sockets, switches, dimmers.

Light walls and furniture with high reflective properties reduce the need for lighting
Do not forget about furniture. For example, a dormitory bedroom will require more light than gloss. This is due to higher reflectivity.
No designer will begin to implement a project without the appropriate calculations. And this question is not about finance at all. It is required to provide whether all devices will work in one room. Will there be any unpleasant situations.

Drawing up a lighting plan avoids common mistakes that can ruin the idea of interior decoration
To implement this stage, it is recommended to contact specialists, since not even all designers do it themselves.
Feature Selection
The types of lamps were considered above, taking into account their distinctive features. The choice depends primarily on the lamp itself, the estimated frequency of its use and functionality in the apartment. A light bulb in the device solves almost everything. In some situations, only classic incandescent lamps will do, and somewhere LED lights are required.

Incandescent lamps are the cheapest, LEDs are the most expensive
The higher the temperature of the light bulb in Kelvin, the colder the light it spreads. Up to 3000 (incandescent lamps) are enough for a bedroom, and up to 5000 for a work area. Lamps above 5500K are already used in offices. It is not recommended to use cold light in the dining area or near mirrors.
Video: 7 simple rules for good lighting