The combination of colors in interior design
The purpose of any repair in the apartment is to make it the most comfortable and cozy. To achieve this, you should pay attention to the most important aspects. One of them is a well-chosen color scheme. Well-chosen tones can completely change the look of the room in your favor. And vice versa, carelessly selected range can ruin the appearance of the most expensive and modernly equipped apartment. Therefore, it is especially important to learn how to choose the right combination of colors in the interior.

Light room design in a combination of colors

The combination of colors in the interior

The interior of the apartment with an unusual combination of colors

Color combinations in the design of the apartment

Color circle
- 1 Color psychology
- 2 The effect of color on the psyche and health
- 3 Color combinations in different rooms
- 4 Bedroom
- 5 Kitchen
- 6 Living room
- 7 Children
- 8 Study
- 9 Loggia
- 10 Learning to choose colors
- 11 Color circle
- 12 Video: Rules for combining colors in the interior
- 13 50 photos of color combinations in the interior of different rooms:
Color psychology
Since ancient times, the symbolism of paints has been given special attention. In some world civilizations, there was even a cult of colors, which indicates the influence of this quality on our body at the psychological and even physical level. Modern psychologists and designers also support the theory of the psychology of colors.
Pastel colors help create a feeling of comfort, a state of relaxation and a warm mood. These include peach, pale orange, soft yellow, beige. Orange - symbolizes cheerfulness, as well as red, helps concentration and mood. Cold shades, such as blue, help increase productivity and improve alertness.
The effect of color on the psyche and health
After conducting many experiments, psychologists have found that color is able to affect our psychosomatic and even physical condition. A certain background of the room can increase productivity, contribute to a quick recovery of strength and even recovery.
Our ancestors have long determined that wearing red clothes helps to recover more quickly. This was transmitted as a legend. However, in the modern world, the influence has been confirmed by experienced specialists in the field of psychology. And even there is color therapy for the treatment of various psychosomatic diseases, which was used in ancient Egypt.
Possessing this knowledge, you should carefully consider the choice of palette in different rooms of the apartment.

Modern apartment design with the right combination of colors

Light room design in a combination of colors

The combination of colors in the interior

The interior of the apartment with an unusual combination of colors

Color circle
Color combinations in different rooms
Each room in the apartment has its own purpose. Since we have already found out that coloring is able to influence a person at various levels of the organization, you need to choose the main background for the room in accordance with its functions. The master should lead to the maximum harmony of shades, so that the living room was comfortable to relax, or work comfortably.
You should also consider your own preferences in the selection of wallpaper or furniture. The design of the apartment should reflect the essence of the owner, and at the same time, designed in accordance with the psychology of color, functionality and design.
This room can be considered a shrine, guests are not invited to it, and they do not work here. It is created for rest and relaxation. Therefore, a person should feel comfortable and cozy here.The bedroom is a complete display of the owner’s self, and can combine all his whims.
The best solution for the bedroom are warm pastel colors: peach, yellow, pale orange with brown, green gray. All shades of purple are also suitable. It blends best with white and black.
However, the bedroom tends to contain any ideas of the owner. And it can be red (which is considered not the best solution for the bedroom as a whole), or designed in black and white.
It is interesting!
In Norway, red is considered the best for the interior of a bedroom or living room.

Color combinations in the design of the apartment

Modern apartment design with the right combination of colors

Light room design in a combination of colors

The combination of colors in the interior

Color circle
The combination of colors in the arrangement of the kitchen allows you to cover all the colors. In this case, you need to pay attention to their compatibility. It is believed that cold tones are unacceptable for the kitchen, as they discourage appetite. You decide.
Here are some tips for choosing shades for this room:
· If you use a light base - choose the surface of the kitchen set, from which it will be easy to remove dirt;
· Better pick up neutral colors (green, brown, red);
· The kitchen palette should be of moderate brightness;
· Do not use more than 3 contrasts within the same room.
The best solution for the kitchen is considered green with brown - it favorably affects the appetite, and creates a feeling of comfort. Also suitable is burgundy, red, orange, which are combined with black, white, beige.
Living room
The choice of palette for the living room depends on how you want to present it. Burgundy, white, black, combined with each other or with gold will give it an aristocratic look and formality. A massive black table will add a special plus to this decor.
If the living room is designed for cozy gatherings, it is better to choose a complex of warm colors. Yellow, brown, black, orange are perfect. A great solution is a combination of beige, peach and brown. Despite the fact that brown is considered somewhat depressing, in combination with warm shades it will give the room a special cosiness.

Modern apartment design with the right combination of colors

Light room design in a combination of colors

Modern apartment design with the right combination of colors

Light room design in a combination of colors

Color circle
When choosing a palette for a child, you need to consider the age of the child. If this is a room for a child aged 1-5 years, you should abandon the light background, as there is a risk that all the walls and furniture will be painted and painted with the hands of the baby. In this case, bright shades are suitable: green in combination with orange, yellow, brown, black.
The girls bedroom can be done in warm colors. A good option is to use pink with gray, white or burgundy. You can also take beige as a basis and combine it with pink, lettuce, light green or purple.
Also, for a child more adult child, a light base is suitable. The ideal solution is a combination of blue with white, purple or gray. Such a room will be very bright and tender, and also visually expand the space.
If you are doing repairs in the office at home, or in the office, also pay attention to the selection of the palette. Cold tones are suitable for this room. It can be dark colors: blue in combination with red, gray or burgundy. The cabinet will look great in dark brown colors in combination with black. This room can be made in bright colors, the main thing is that they relate to cold. A universal solution is the black and white design of the cabinet.
Recently, it has become popular to use the loggia as a functional room.It can be stylized as a study, a place to relax or a space for creativity.
In this case, it all depends on the functions of the room. For creative space, you can combine all the colors of the rainbow in accordance with the harmonious combination of colors, which we will consider below.
To create a cozy corner, warm tones (beige, peach) in combination with black and brown are suitable. Green and white will also look great; pink, purple, blue in use with white will give the loggia freshness.
Learning to choose colors
In order to correctly navigate in the palette, we propose to consider the table of compatibility of colors in the interior and the color wheel.
But your own experience will be the best assistant: try to combine samplers of wallpapers of various colors, take colored paper and choose the combination you like, then transfer these images to the interior. Also pay attention to the arrangement of the kitchen of your friends or in the catalog. This will help create a unique design, and develop your aesthetic taste.

The combination of colors in the interior

The interior of the apartment with an unusual combination of colors

Color combinations in the design of the apartment

Modern apartment design with the right combination of colors

Color circle
Color circle
In addition to the compatibility table, there is a color wheel that will help you clearly understand which shades are most compatible, and what are warm and cold tones.
In this scheme, paints are divided into two positions: cold tones on the left, warm colors on the right. The circle is built on three primary colors that are in the center - they belong to the first order, as they form the basis of all the others, therefore they are in the center of the circle.
This technique will help you choose the most appropriate combinations in accordance with a harmonious approach to creating an interior.
Conclusion. The combination of colors in the interior is an important aspect of any renovation. The right shade can cheer up, improve productivity, create a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Also, the colors in the design of a room can affect the health of a person who is constantly there. Following the tips presented, you can choose the most suitable color solution for you.
Video: Rules for combining colors in the interior