Features of surface decoration with decorative stone
For modern builders, repair is often not a burden, but a joy, and all because the abundance of materials allows you to choose the most convenient option for roughing and finishing work. One of these materials is decorative stone, which is used for wall decoration, less often - the ceiling.

Stone wall decoration is the best way to turn a normal room into a respectable and stylish.
Its key feature is a rich palette of textures, colors and components from which it is made.
- 1 Decorating the hallway with decorative stone
- 2 Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway: several interesting options
- 3 Decorative stone: comfort and order in the house
- 4 Types of artificial stone and features of its application
- 5 Hallway: elegance and style in the interior
- 6 How to work with decorative stone
- 7 How to “fit” an artificial stone into the overall design of the hallway
- 8 Decorating the hallway with decorative stone: emphasize individuality
- 9 Natural or artificial?
- 10 Video on how to make stone cladding yourself
- 11 Examples of using decorative stone in the design of the hallway
Decorating the hallway with decorative stone
Having crossed the threshold of the house, the guests do not see the kitchen, the bathroom or the bedroom, but I come. And if 20-30 years ago this room was a place where things are stored, today it has become more like a mini-living room with an interesting design. In any hardware store, you can choose any finishing material: wallpaper, putty for painting, PVC panels. Recently, decorative stone has been in great demand in the interior of the hallway, which, if properly selected, creates coziness in the house.

Decorative stone is durable, durable and unpretentious to clean
You can create an unusual stylish atmosphere in the corridor not only by using decorative stone for pasting walls from ceiling to floor, you can use fragmentary decoration. It can affect window and doorways, arched structures, niches or practical areas of the room (for example, a clothes hanger or a shelf for storing shoes). You can also transfer part of the composition to the living room, kitchen, if a wide arch is installed instead of the interior door.

The stone goes well with most materials - from parquet and wood to metal and glass.
Even if there is a huge assortment of decorative stone in construction stores, some homeowners may not have the right option. But this is not a reason to abandon their creative ideas, because artificial analogues of natural coatings easily change color. Aerosol paint is best suited for this, but you can use other options - enamel, mixtures based on acrylic or silicone.

Sometimes two dozen stone tiles are enough to fundamentally change the interior
Decorative stone in the interior of the hallway: several interesting options
When decorating a corridor or hallway, finishing with any decorative stone requires a professional approach. It is not always possible to turn to a designer for help, so you can simply take the advice of specialists.
- From a decorative stone in the corridor, you can create a "stained glass window", which will become the highlight of the room. To do this, you need to create a recess of any shape in the wall, paste the surface with texture tiles (for example, onyx), and stick the LED backlight on the edges of the niche. Such a composition in the dark can serve as a light source.
The design as in the photo can be made of drywall
- You can combine a decorative stone with glass or metal and place indoor plants on the background of the composition. Pots with ficuses, campsises, abutilons will ideally fit into such an interior.
The interior will become truly unique if you add an artistic stained-glass window to the stone cladding
- It is best to use mirrors for the decor of the hallway trimmed with decorative stone. They visually “lighten” the situation.
Another option is the integrated aquarium.
- If the area of the room is less than 5-6 sq.m., then it would be worthwhile to combine several options for masonry, and stop on one option. As in the case with other materials, if the space is small, it is better to opt for light colors.
The smaller the hallway, the lighter should be the finishing materials
To make the interior look concise, it is worth putting the accents right: think over the lighting, install the furniture so that the walls are maximally visible. Ideally, furniture should be selected in parallel with the creation of a composition of masonry or previously determined by the location of the wardrobe.
Decorative stone: comfort and order in the house
If you paste the walls in the corridor with vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, then the guests at home may not replace the change, which cannot be said about the decorative stone in the interior. To maintain comfort in a room where brick or granite masonry is located on the walls, it is important not to overdo it. For example, if the area of the room is less than 6 sq.m., then it is appropriate not to use decorative stone on the entire surface of the walls, but rather limit yourself to a 20-30-centimeter part above the floor.

In low light, it is appropriate to limit the decoration of the basement and doorway
Using a gypsum substitute for natural material, one more trick can be done: to make the darkened hallway bright and filled with light using a white decorative stone with a glossy finish. In this embodiment, the rays from the fixtures or chandelier will fall on the smooth glassy surface of the walls and scatter light.
Types of artificial stone and features of its application
To understand which decorative stone is suitable for decoration, it is worth exploring its varieties.

The photo shows only a small part of the available range of artificial stone
Since of the shortcomings of this material, only the price is given, the table lists exclusively positive details.
Variety of decorative coating | Application features | Material benefits |
Porcelain Tiles | Outwardly resembles glazed tiles, used to finish heated surfaces, bathrooms | Withstands high humidity and temperature extremes |
Concrete-based decorative stone | Suitable for any room, with the exception of rooms with high humidity | Appreciated for its rich palette of colors and textures |
Conglomerate | It does not fade in direct sunlight, withstands low air temperatures | Outwardly very similar to natural stone, because it contains marble or granite chips and quartz sand |
Gypsum stone | Externally, the material is similar to sandstone, it is used in the decoration of various rooms | You can create any shape and size from gypsum. |
Acrylic stone | It is used to decorate children's rooms, rooms where allergy sufferers | It is not deformed, resistant to moisture, easy to clean |

Acrylic Stone
Hallway: elegance and style in the interior
Few people know, but decorating a hallway with a decorative stone is possible in any interior style, you just need to choose the type of coating correctly. For example, shale rocks are suitable for an eco-style, and for tiles imitating bricks, they will ideally fit into an urban loft. Classic connoisseurs will not appreciate the artificial stone on the walls of their hallway, only natural marble or granite.

Imitation of masonry fits into any design, but white is more suitable for minimalism or hi-tech
In the last 2-3 years, it has become popular to arrange housing in a rustic manner. Even in such simplicity, you can finish the hallway with a decorative stone, using a gray coating uneven in texture and shape. A stylish bleached brick wall will look stylish in rooms decorated in high-tech style.
How to work with decorative stone
Today, thanks to the Internet, many men refuse the services of professional repair masters and take responsibility for remodeling housing in their own hands. And if you build a structure from drywall, align the walls or lay the wiring is not always possible the first time, then even a schoolchild can even finish walls with a decorative stone.

In the process, individual tiles will have to be cut to size. So that a smooth cut does not stand out, it can be processed with nippers, returning the characteristic “ragged” edges to the stone
So that the process goes right from the first minute, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
- Installation work is carried out at a temperature of +5 to +35 degrees. Only under such conditions will the material lie evenly and firmly on the surface to be decorated.
The surface should be cleaned of the old coating, if necessary, leveled and always primed
- The first row needs to be laid out exactly, for which it is best to use the construction level. It is necessary to start laying in the direction from the bottom up.
The solution is applied with a notched trowel.
- Before you begin to fasten a decorative stone, you need to carefully level and prime the surfaces. Masonry can be installed on uneven walls, but this requires experience in construction.
To support the seams, you can use wooden glazing beads
Most people are inclined to think that masonry is a sign of the Middle Ages. But if you use artificial stone as a finish on the walls, you can make the interior modern.
How to “fit” an artificial stone into the overall design of the hallway
To transform the central room in the house, it is not necessary to use only one type of finishing material, several options can be combined. For example, a stone in the interior of the hallway goes well with wallpaper. In addition, such a tandem is considered a fashion trend of 2017-2018, it emphasizes the geometry of space, such an interior looks elegant and expensive.

Choosing this type of finish, it is necessary to observe the harmony of shades of canvas and decorative stone
Fashionable decoration of the hallway with decorative stone and wallpaper has several advantages:
- simplicity of work;
- interesting design decisions;
- cost savings - to finish all the walls, you need 2-3 times more decorative stone than when combined with wallpaper.

Using light shades, you can achieve a visual increase in the volume of a narrow hallway
Before proceeding with the repair, you need to correctly select the materials. According to the designers, natural or artificial stone is best combined with liquid wallpaper, but you can choose other types of paintings - bamboo coating, photo wallpaper. The hallway is decorated in a modern way with decorative stone and glass wallpaper, which differ in an unusual textured surface.

The stone should always be two tones darker than the wallpaper
Decorating the hallway with decorative stone: emphasize individuality
After the repair, the house should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, cozy. So that the decoration of the hallway with decorative stone does not bring gloom, coldness in the housing, it is worth correctly emphasizing individuality, taking into account the tastes of all residents of the apartment or house. This will help a few tips.

Stone cladding ideal for loft style
- If the decorative stone will be combined with other finishing coatings (wallpaper, painted putty), then they should not have a pattern. An exception may be niches in the walls, which will become bright accents in the room.
- You need to create smooth transitions between different materials. This can be done as follows: as you approach a smooth surface (painted wall, photo wallpaper) you need to reduce the amount of decorative stone, creating “gaps”.
- Selection of the current color scheme. It is best to select porcelain tiles or gypsum parts a tone darker than the surface of the base.

A successful combination of stone and mirror surface
In addition to materials, when decorating the hallway with decorative stone, you can focus on the decor. To avoid excessive variegation, furniture, lighting fixtures, picture frames and even textiles should be plain or with a light, inconspicuous pattern.
Natural or artificial?
When during the repair the choice of the owners of the house falls on a decorative stone (as a finishing material for the walls), the question immediately arises: which option to choose - natural or artificial. To make the right choice, you need to study the advantages of both materials.

It is not so simple to distinguish a visually artificial stone from a real one, and even rare breeds can imitate it
The artificial stone used in the interior has such advantages.
- It is steady against temperature differences therefore it can be used for registration of a fireplace, stove.
- It can be attached to any surface and does not crumble.
- Due to its high strength, a decorative stone made artificially is resistant to mechanical damage.
- It has high thermal insulation properties.
- Located in a lower price category than natural stone.
- High environmental friendliness of the coating protects the surface from the formation of mold and fungus.

Artificial material is the most affordable, has standard forms and is often presented in textures unusual for natural stone
In addition, the artificial stone in the production process is treated with a special composition (wrong side), which greatly facilitates the installation process. Also, manufacturers take into account the requirements of consumers, therefore, for maximum convenience, each stone is made in strict compliance with the dimensions.

For wall cladding in the hallway, sandstone or granite are most often used.
In contrast to the natural, natural decorative stone has slightly less advantages, among which:
- Strength and durability. Whatever tricks are used by manufacturers, natural material with proper installation and maintenance can last more than 100 years.
- Uniqueness - each stone has a unique texture and color.
- Environmental friendliness - decoration with decorative stone of natural origin gives a guarantee of hygiene and safety. On such a surface, a dust mite and other parasites will not multiply.

The wild stone looks massive, the volume of space is important for it
But most of all, those who chose natural marble, granite or onyx for decorating the house want to emphasize their status and financial viability. Despite all the advantages of natural materials, most average owners of apartments and private houses choose artificial stone to decorate their homes, as it is cheaper and easier to install.
Video on how to make stone cladding yourself