Design of a kitchen room with extendable dining table
A kitchen table cannot be replaced with some other furniture counterpart, putting instead, say, a simple coffee table or stool. Of course, this is a joke. It will look ugly, and not very comfortable. But if you put a folding table in a small kitchen, then we will solve several problems at once, for example, lack of free space. In this article we will talk in detail about the pros and cons of folding structures, the materials from which they are made and much more.

Extendable dining tables are a great solution to save space
- 1 Design of a kitchen room with extendable dining table.
- 2 Types of tables according to the materials of manufacture
- 3 Varieties in form
- 4 Varieties of chairs that fit under sliding tables
- 5 Where to place a table in the kitchen in terms of design
- 6 For what sizes of kitchens is a sliding dining table suitable
- 7 Video: Extendable dining tables in the interior of the kitchen
- 8 50 photo ideas of sliding dining tables in the interior of the kitchen
Design of a kitchen room with extendable dining table.
Folding kitchen tables are distinguished from each other by size, workmanship, color, selected for the interior, and many more. But all models of folding dining tables are connected with each other by one, but very important quality, which simply cannot be ignored - a large number of advantages that are simply impossible to dispute.

Folding kitchen tables are distinguished from each other by size, workmanship, color, selected for the interior, and many more.
This type of furniture, like everything in this world, also has its drawbacks. We’ll talk about them now.
● Variety of styles in which you can decorate the kitchen thanks to this furniture.
● If any furniture has the ability to fold out, then this is ideal not only for the kitchen, but also for any room, regardless of its size. Indeed, such furniture does not take up much space, and if necessary, it can be increased and a pleasant time spent with guests.
● And if guests suddenly come to you, then you don’t need to run to the neighbors at an additional table, just take apart the one you already have.
● If you have a small family, you can leave the table assembled, which will take up not so much space.
● Price. Sometimes it’s very difficult to choose a quality zone that would suit your budget.
Types of tables according to the materials of manufacture
The material from which the refectory area will be made, and in particular the sliding tabletop, also plays an important role. The mood, comfort, family health (perhaps the most important factor) and the longevity of the furniture purchased will depend on its quality. You need to choose the basis from which the table will be made based on your financial capabilities, stylistic direction and personal preferences of all members of your family.

You need to choose the basis from which the table will be made based on your financial capabilities, stylistic direction and personal preferences of all members of your family.
For the manufacture of countertops for sliding tables, the following types of materials are used.
● Glass.
● Tree: solid array, particleboard.
● Ceramic tile.
● Stone.
● Plastic.
And now let's talk about those options for choosing the material that are most suitable for countertops, because they are relatively cheap and very environmentally friendly in composition, which means that they will not harm either you or your children, pets.
Wood, especially if it is natural, is a fairly strong, durable material. He can serve you for many years. The only drawback of the massif is that it is able to absorb the pungent odors of smoke, fish, meat. Withdrawing them will not be easy. But for the table at which you plan to eat food, it fits perfectly. Especially if the cut is coated with a thin layer of safe epoxy or, better yet, thin glass.

Wood, especially if it is natural, is a fairly strong, durable material. Such a table can serve you for many years.
With ceramic tiles.
It’s rare when you come across a similar finish to your dining space. But people looking for exclusives can easily request the manufacture of such a table from the masters to order. It will cost a little more than a table from the factory, but it will look just fine!

It’s rare when you come across a similar finish to your dining space. But people looking for exclusives can easily request the manufacture of such a table from the masters to order.
Now let's talk about what analog materials can be used to make worktops.
● Glass. This is perhaps one of the most environmentally friendly materials. Also, its advantages include the fact that it fits perfectly into absolutely any interior.

This is perhaps one of the most environmentally friendly materials. Also, its advantages include the fact that it fits perfectly into absolutely any interior.
● Plastic. Not a very good choice. Not only that, plastic tables are often subjected to mechanical damage, which simply cannot be repaired in any way, but also under the influence of hot water and steam, it can release substances harmful to human health.

Plastic tables are not the best choice. They have many flaws.
● Stone. The most expensive option. It is very difficult to find models of sliding tables from such material, but the exceptional appearance of such products pushes people to look for stone tables.

The most expensive option. It is very difficult to find models of sliding tables from such material, but the exceptional appearance of such products pushes people to look for stone tables.
Varieties in form
Typically, rooms in an apartment are furnished last but not least, when all the rest of the hardships of repair are finally over. Then the style of the room was already selected, and the rest of the family budget was calculated and the dimensions of the room were determined. And, of course, the table is the furniture that every family has in their home. One certainly cannot argue with this. In this paragraph we will talk about all kinds of countertops.

When choosing the shape of the dining table, focus on the size of the kitchen
The round version of the dining table is suitable for those rooms that have a large area. Such models can differ from each other not only in the diameter of the working area, material, but also in the number of legs: there can be three or four of them. It is also worth noting the fact that such designs are usually placed in the center of the kitchen. In another scenario, it will look ridiculous and inappropriate. The main advantage when choosing such a countertop is the fact that it does not have sharp corners, which small children or even adults can injure themselves.

The round version of the dining table is suitable for those rooms that have a large area.
Note! A round table, especially of a large diameter, can accommodate a much larger number of people than a square or rectangular model, because has no corners.
Oval tables more often than others are presented as sliding models.Therefore, finding them will not be as difficult as it might seem. In general, they have the same qualities as round tables.

Oval tables more often than others are presented as sliding models. Therefore, finding them will not be as difficult as it might seem
The shape of the square and rectangle is an indestructible classic that is unlikely to ever go out of the kitchen fashion. Therefore, do not forget about it, because for so many years it has remained relevant and universal!

The shape of the square and rectangle is an indestructible classic that is unlikely to ever go out of the kitchen fashion.
Varieties of chairs that fit under sliding tables
Chairs should be selected individually, based on personal preferences, the family budget allocated for the repair and furnishings of the kitchen. It can be chairs of different models: bar, stools, with a back, with a back and armrests and many other options.

Chairs should be selected individually, based on personal preferences, the family budget allocated for the repair and furnishings of the kitchen.
Where to place a table in the kitchen in terms of design
The choice of a dining area with a folding table book or an oval folding table depends on many factors: the manufacturer, the shape of the dining table and the chairs attached to it. An equally important point is what material will form the basis of the countertop, how many family members will dine at the table, and how often a large number of guests appear in your house. Now we propose to sort out such a question as: “But where to place a table, and how can this affect the choice of a ready-made interior design?

When choosing a dining table, immediately think about where you will place it
There are several main places in the kitchen, in which it is customary to place a table.
● In the center of the kitchen. Such a design solution is rarely seen in apartments in Russia due to the small size of the kitchens in them. It is because of this that the table is absolutely inconvenient to place in the center. But if the area of the kitchen in your apartment is quite impressive, then there are absolutely no obstacles between you and the installation of the table in the center. It can even be fenced off and it will become a favorite place for your whole family!

Such a design solution is rarely seen in apartments in Russia due to the small size of the kitchens in them.
If you have a new-fangled kitchen-studio, then you simply do not have any other option for placing the dining area. Otherwise, you will have too much empty space in the center, and it will look ugly and uncomfortable. Also, do not neglect the use of a folding table in the interior of the room.
But what if the kitchenette is completely small? It's simple, you can also arrange the table, but, of course, smaller in the center.

Placing a dining table in the kitchen of a studio apartment
Note! With this option, you will have only one small passage between the headset and the dining area.
● Along the wall. This arrangement of the dining area can often be found in urban Russian realities. Putting a group on the wall of the owners of the house can make several reasons at once. For example, a small area of the kitchen space, or a small number of people in the family. After all, if you are two, three, or even four, then you may need only three sides of the table of four.

This arrangement of the dining area can often be found in urban Russian realities.
If you want to leave more room for passage, then place the table with the long side closer to the wall. Everything is logical and simple, isn't it?
● In one corner of the kitchen space. Now very often in stores you can find options for corner dining areas, complete with which are sliding tables. This option may be a good solution for several factors at once.The first, and one of the most obvious, is the banal saving of space. The second is the ability to accommodate more people. Third, corner zones are often, almost always, released with additional storage under the seats.

Now very often in stores you can find options for corner dining areas, complete with which are sliding tables.
This fact can play favorably in the kitchen, the space of which is strictly limited and additional cabinets will not interfere.
● At the window. Few people do not like to sit by the window and enjoy a beautiful view at the meal. That is why the cafe most often tables that next to the window are most often occupied. Place a small round table and some chairs, but do not forget to take care of the interesting and beautiful view from your window!

Put a table and some chairs by the window, but do not forget to take care of the interesting and beautiful view from your window!
For what sizes of kitchens is a sliding dining table suitable
The sliding design is suitable for kitchens of absolutely any size in area. Make sure of this by simply looking at the photo examples below.

The sliding design is suitable for kitchens of absolutely any size in area.
Video: Extendable dining tables in the interior of the kitchen
50 photo ideas of sliding dining tables in the interior of the kitchen