What are the rules for designing a small balcony
The balcony is a part of the house that is too often underestimated, filling up with various rubbish and not paying due attention to its repair. It stores old furniture, worn shoes, empty cans and cleaning equipment. Where a cozy office or a comfortable sitting area could be located, laundry is dried and a forgotten bicycle is dusted. This situation needs to be fixed.

Nowadays, balconies have long turned into a resting place or work area, instead of a storage for various things, in which wet clothes were hung.

Many go further and create a real designer renovation on their balcony. It doesn’t matter if this balcony is quite small.
To pick up and warm
Throw away all unnecessary items from the balcony. Get rid of boldly, do not spare the trash. Usually things that have not been used for more than a year are never remembered.

After releasing the balcony from the rubble, you can proceed with the repair and design.
First of all, check the condition of the balcony slab, make sure that it is able to withstand loads. If the situation is deplorable, then it is better to refuse to use the balcony as part of the living space.
It is highly recommended that you do not save on balcony glazing. Thanks to high-quality insulation, it will become an additional, albeit small, but quite full-fledged room.

The design ideas of the loggia in the apartment can also be very diverse.
Some simple, but not always obvious tips for warming the balcony:
What to insulate | How to warm |
Window |
Ceiling |
Floor | Easy enough to do it yourself:

Even a small loggia can be made stylish and comfortable, as well as restore order and comfort so that this room is convenient for operation.
We develop the design of the room
Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to make a choice how the interior of the balcony will echo the overall style of the apartment. There are two options.
- Match it and adapt to the interior of the house.
- To be an independent object: an oasis in the middle of a city apartment.

For wall decoration, paper paper, decorative plaster or natural stone can be used.
Having decided on this, think over the idea: whether you want to make a rest zone or a study from the balcony, what functions it will perform, in what style it will be designed.

A small or narrow space should not be overloaded with unnecessary elements of the interior and it is better to use light pastel shades to visually expand the area.
For the interior of a small balcony, select compact and functional furniture, make the room as light and spacious as possible, abandoning the dark finish and bulky heavy curtains.

Today, even a super-small balcony can be turned into a cozy corner, make it a mini-study, a boudoir, a resting place and even a winter garden.
Use heat-resistant materials, as in the warmer months they will be subject to quite severe tests on the balcony. Siding and plastic panels are suitable for the modern style, wood for country, decorative plaster for classic and romanticism, decorative tile and stone for eco style.

With the right design, the balcony can become comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, practical and functional part of the apartment.
Improving storage systems
Choosing storage systems depends on the type of balcony. Add charisma to the interior of your private balcony with artificially aged wooden shelves located at the ends.

In the design of an open balcony, stay on openwork metal structures.
Make full use of the height of the balcony. So you save space, and cabinets do not have to increase in depth. In order to get things from the upper tiers, use an ottoman. It is much more mobile and functional than a stepladder. Stairs are rarely needed, puff - every day.

The first enemy of a small balcony is bulky wardrobes. We abandon them and free up the space of the interior.
Create a greenhouse
A spacious bright loggia is ideal for creating a greenhouse, but you can also equip a fairly small balcony under it.

For flower lovers we turn the renovated balcony into a charming greenhouse.
For this you need
- Wide window sill. Talk about installing it with your glazing company.
- Blinds on the windows. They will allow you to adjust the level of illumination and protect flowers from direct sunlight.
- Shelves on the walls. You can put pots, flowerpots and souvenirs on them.
- Natural stone finish. Due to the light weight of the plastic, it can be used for the design of all balcony walls.

Blinds will close your favorites from direct sunlight.
We equip a recreation area
In a limited area of a small balcony it can be quite difficult to sit comfortably, and even more so to relax. To do this, select compact ergonomic furniture or make it yourself.

The main problem when designing a recreation area on a small balcony will be the size of the furniture.
Plywood Ottoman
The first idea that comes to mind, which almost everyone can realize, is a small bed of plywood sheets. Set a few columns of timber, place a couple of plywood sheets on them. Ideally, its height should be such that drawers or a table are placed under the couch.

You calculate the height so that two drawers for storing things or a drawer with a pull-out table fit on the end.
For convenience, one plywood will be clearly not enough, so cover it with a mattress on top. For absolute comfort, add some pillows.
The softest furniture
A wonderful idea for relaxing on the balcony is a pear chair.

This unusual furniture has a lot of advantages, making it an ideal option for such a recreation area.
- Comfort. It fully adapts to the person, taking its shape, due to which it is incredibly convenient.
- Mobility. Due to its lightness, the pear chair at any time can move to another room and free up space on the balcony for something more important.
- Compactness. This furniture does not take up much space and easily fits in any corner of even the narrowest balcony.
- Profitability.Such a chair is pleasantly different in price from its wooden counterparts. And on the Internet you can even find a master class on his own sewing.
- Stylish design. The choice of materials is huge and allows you to fit a pear chair in almost any interior.

An alternative to a pear chair is carelessly scattered pillows on the floor, which can also be used as a place to relax.
Small table
An essential attribute of any tea party is a small table. This detail will make your leisure time on the balcony even more enjoyable.

Placing a recreation area on a small balcony, it is not difficult to arrange a place where you can enjoy a cup of coffee with pleasure.
Folding models are perfect for a narrow balcony. You can create such furniture yourself. No special skills are required.

Another idea is a portable table, convenient in that it can be rearranged from place to place.
Turn a balcony into a study
One of the most popular ideas for the practical use of a small balcony is to create an office on its basis. For this purpose, even a very narrow balcony is suitable.

It is possible to place a workplace on a small balcony.
In design, you can use the following ways to save space:
- Deep worktop that compensates for the lack of width. Things can fit in it at the same time no less.
- Chair fully retractable under the table.
- Hinged shelves for books and little things.
- Built-in wardrobes.

When organizing a workplace, take care of lighting.
Usually use wall and table lamps laconic form.
We organize a creative studio
The beautiful view from the balcony serves as a source of inspiration and awakens creativity. Therefore, this room is perfect in order to adapt its design to a small studio.

In order to save space, it makes sense to abandon the table.
To do this, first of all, fence off the end part of the balcony. Install a countertop, several shelves, and drawers to hold supplies.
The table can be replaced with a whatnot or a sketchbook. If an artist is fond of, for example, sketching, they will not be required. In this case, a comfortable chair and the same folding table will be enough.

To make the atmosphere even more inspiring, add a few decorative elements to the design of the small balcony: figurines, paintings, lamps.
The balcony is not a useless room, suitable only for storing unnecessary things. It is comparable to a blank sheet on which a skilled artist will realize any idea. Adapting to your wishes, a narrow small balcony will become a stylish study, a cozy sitting area or a stunning greenhouse.

As you can see, a small balcony can be transformed into the most diverse zones in terms of functionality.
You can issue it in any style and color scheme. We have proposed several ways to design this space, but you can think of a lot more.

Think about what your balcony can turn into after repair.
VIDEO: Interesting ideas for a small balcony.