The design of the ceiling in the hall. What to look for?
The place where the whole family gathers, welcomes guests, holds friendly gatherings and holidays should be ideal. Everything should be harmonious in it: the design of walls, furniture, the general style of the room. Do not forget about the design the ceiling at living room. This detail plays a big role in the overall mood of the room. Therefore, today we will select the appropriate design by all the rules.

Modern trends in the world of interior and design of residential premises, are taken as the basis for creating a composition of all the plane of the room to be equipped.
What would you like?
First, think about the mood in the room you would like to create. The color selection criteria depend on it, material and style. What would you like to see the room? What emotions should it evoke among visitors? Think about this question before you pick. living room ceiling design.

In order to determine what the ceiling should look like in a modern living room, it is necessary to highlight the main fashion trends that prevail today.
Decide on the general style the hall. Naturally, this factor also affects the external view other integral parts of the overall picture. Its design should correspond to the direction of the whole room.
What accessories do you like? Maybe it’s a fireplace or a panel with hieroglyphs, African motifs or a lot of living colors. Be sure to take these wishes into account. After all, in the end, all elements must harmoniously coexist and complement each other. Agree, a classic wood fireplace will look ridiculous with a glossy stretch ceiling. Think through every detail.
In general, find the main idea and the main idea that carries design. And he, in turn, will affect the external view all other parts.
Rules for design selection
Having decided on the general mood living room and moving on to design the ceiling, take into account some rules:
- All details should be harmoniously combined with the chosen design;
- The form constructions does not interfere with communications hidden in the ceiling;
- For some materials it is necessary to withstand the temperature regime of humidity, consider these factors when choosing a basis (if these indicators do not allow, for example, to use drywall it is better to refuse it);
- The dimensions of the room affect the choice of color and constructions, do not forget about this indicator.
The basic rule: harmony in everything. It concerns colors, textures, decoration basics and other parameters.
Types of options
We propose to consider this issue comprehensively, and pay attention to possible combinations of directions, material and colors.
Style | Color spectrum | material |
Classic | Warm colors: brown, beige and others | Wallpaper, drywall |
Modern | Contrasting combinations | Film wallpaper |
Minimalism | White, Gray, Milky | Paint, film |
Loft | Red brown | Brick, paint |
Eco style | Green, blue, yellow | Wood, fabric |
Scandinavian | White, blue, gray | Paint, wood |
Antique | Cream, beige, milk | Gypsum wallpaper |
Such an integrated approach allows you to broadly look at the issue and at the same time satisfy all the main design selection criteria. Of course, the table shows the basic colors and the implementation of each direction. Next, we will consider them in more detail and draw your attention to a few more interesting of modern currents.
The main criterion is style
Yet the color scheme and configuration of the future the ceiling determined generally by room style. They have weight and some technical characteristics, but they in turn affect the choice of style. Therefore, we will take this criterion as a basis. Let’s figure out which image is best for certain types of people, and various configurations living roomwhat is best for him and how to implement it.
Classic is the foundation
This course is characterized by a lack of brilliance, calm and even tones. The introduction of simple patterns and silhouette images is allowed. Therefore, here we come across such decor methods the ceiling like painting and wallpapering. Can also see outboard single-level constructions.

Each style has its own style, which can manifest itself after several decades, having undergone some changes.
Concerning color gamma: this style suitable for people who are calm, neat, preferring order in everything, maybe a few conservative ones. Therefore, mainly monophonic classical decor is selected, expressed in light colors or calm dark (brown, mustard).

Execution can be both component and integral.
Modern: keeping up with the times
Unlike the previous one, contrasting combinations characterize this direction. But he did not leave the base so much, and smooth elongated lines are also characteristic for him - sharpness concerns only the color scale. An excellent combination for Art Nouveau will be black and turquoise, white, or yellow.

Modern is the main trump card of interior decoration in the framework of modernity.
Here we already meet a bit of gloss, so it’s good stretch ceiling white, blue, black colors. The use of wallpaper remains relevant.

Of particular importance is the creation of a well-designed space and a concise combination of decorative style with minimalistic design trends.
Minimalism: everything is clear and concise
Recently, people want to get away from the hustle and bust, free up more space in the setting. In this regard, such a trend as minimalism is gaining popularity. It is perfect for people who do not want to force their home with various furniture and accessories, do on walls and other parts the rooms sophisticated scenery. Slogan style - simplicity in everything.

Cold shades prevail here, only a monophonic coating is welcome.
As the basis for decor, paint is most often used, you can find overlapping wallpaper and stretch ceiling.

Particularly relevant is the combination of minimalism with high-tech.
A fairly new trend. It can be called youth, it is suitable for club regulars, those who feel more comfortable in unfinished buildings and garages than in a beautifully furnished room. This specific direction is not suitable for everyone, but has gained popularity in certain circles.

The main emphasis of the current is on lighting, and non-standard lighting.
Unusual fixtures are welcome here mainly in the form of professional equipment. Ceiling Decorated as a technical part of the room. On it can be made suspended structures, imitating communications, which in other cases prefer to hide.

Prevailing colors: blue, blue, white, metallic.
If you want radical changes, this option is perfect for experimentation.
We offer the following from of modern directions. It has features similar to techno or minimalism. However, this style more comfortable.

The loft has its own distinctive features.
In the design of the premises, he also accepts the postulate of minimalism. Here we come across monochromatic painting of surfaces, a minimum of details and decorations. Ceiling it can be both monotonously painted and decorated with artificial brick.

Colors are generally welcomed dark, both warm and cold.
Eco-style: only natural
A great option for people who want to arrange a corner of naturalness in a concrete jungle. AT design eco-style dominated by natural materials. The same goes for finishes. the ceiling. The best options are to decorate it with wood, or plaster.

A new round of popularity with eco-stylistics, which is no longer an independent type of interior, but interacting.
The color scheme is determined by natural colors. The remaining details often use natural stone (for example, a countertop), brick (walls), etc. Therefore, a tree of dark brown tones is the best option. It fits perfectly into the big picture.
Antiquity: back to the past
Recently, you can often find the design of houses in the image of antiquity. This is mainly permissible for large apartments with high walls.This style is characterized by features design premises of the XVI-XIX centuries. Light warm shades prevail in the color scheme: beige, milky, cream, light yellow; blotches of white, brown, pink details are possible.

The overall construction of the interior plot is entirely borrowed from the English style - restraint, authority, consistency.
AT modern the world ceiling for this direction you can decorate using wallpaper for painting and plaster. The latter can be replaced drywall, with its help you can make an excellent imitation of stucco molding, characteristic of antiquity.
Pros and cons of decoration materials for the ceiling
In addition to focusing on the style direction, you must choose the right view finishes.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular materials.
It allows you to make multi-level constructions, level the surface and create a unique design. With it, you can mount in drywall diode lighting system, conduct zoning of the hall using lighting, create an unusual lighting design.

This material is well suited for rooms where it is necessary to hide communications: ventilation, electrical wiring.
It is better to use in rooms with high walls, medium humidity, and constant temperature. Modern views allow you to apply it in rooms with a high probability of fire or high humidity. However such kinds will be more expensive than usual.
This material used to make stretch ceilings. Often used with drywall. However, you can find its use without a pair. The option is unique. It is suitable for many styles, has an extensive color gamut, and will help to visually increase the space due to the glossy surface.

In technical specifications, this material has also worked well.
The film allows you to hide some of the imperfections and roughnesses of the surface. It is easy to install, so you can even make a tension surface with your own hands without the help of a specialist.
The most common option. Pleases with cheapness, affordability, and a variety of options. Here you will find simple colors for classics, plain fabrics for minimalism and Scandinavian, sheets of various colors for exotic styles.

Wallpapering is a simple process familiar to many from childhood.
This is the easiest and most affordable option. So you can rely on him anyway.
Do not be afraid to embody any of your design ideas. Good luck!
VIDEO: Modern ceiling design in the living room.