We create an original design of a children's room for a girl
Every child at any age dreams of his own room, equipped according to personal preferences with an original layout. The best way to repair the nursery is to attract the child to the choice of style and furniture. Even at the age of 2-3 years, children with great pleasure actively participate in such adult affairs.
However, when creating the perfect design of a children's room for a girl, a lot of different aspects should be taken into account, such as:
the age of the child;
repair budget.
It is these issues, as well as photos of finished repairs, that we will consider in this article.

Light room design for a girl

Bright design of a children's room for a girl

Design of a kids room with a lock
- 1 The choice of interior room for a girl depending on the area
- 2 The design of the studio room with a meter of 12-14 sq.m.
- 3 Bedroom decoration with an area of 20 sq.m.
- 4 Studio room project depending on age category
- 5 For babies up to 3 years
- 6 Design a children's room for a girl 4-7 years old
- 7 Design a children's room for girls from 7 to 12 years old
- 8 Design of a room for a teenage girl from 14 years old
- 9 The style of bedroom decoration for young ladies
- 10 Classic interior
- 11 Minimalism
- 12 High tech
- 13 Modern
- 14 Bedroom furniture
- 15 Wall covering for a young housewife
- 16 Window decoration
- 17 Princess ceiling design for baby princess
- 18 Workspace lighting for a young lady
- 19 Flooring
- 20 Video: Design a room for a girl
- 21 50 photos of room design ideas for a girl:
The choice of interior room for a girl depending on the area
When choosing a holiday planning for a child, it is better to give an advantage, if not the largest, but the most sunny and warm apartments. Depending on its quadrature, it is necessary to choose the arrangement of furniture, colors and the uniform style of the children's studio. Given the total area of apartments and houses, parents for children allocated a certain quadrature:
12-14 square meters;
20-30 square meters.

Room design should be done based on the area of the room

For different areas you need to make a unique design
The design of the studio room with a meter of 12-14 sq.m.
Decorating such a bedroom for parents, it is required to take into account a small free quadrature. That is why the furniture here should be as functional as possible. The best would be the purchase of furniture-transformer, which at the same time can perform several functions. Also, do not oversaturate it with furniture elements, it is important to leave a free yard for ordinary games.
You can also apply certain designer chips to help visually change the number of spatial footage.
Glossy stretch fabric in clarified color visually increases the height of the walls.
Installation of mirror paintings, in full growth on one of the doors of the wardrobe. The use of such a technique in a recreation area for an adolescent will become optimal, because for a small child this may be unsafe.
To visually expand a teenager’s narrow room, a niche with special lighting can be built on one of the installed walls.
When choosing color tinting, preference should be given to light tones. You can make the emphasis a bright color, but it is important to position it correctly.
Use the maximum number of light sources: chandelier, spotlights, floor lamps, table lamp, sconce.
For the design of windows, light translucent curtains should be used, but it is preferable to refuse heavy curtains.It is important to use roller blinds or blinds.
An example can be seen in the photo.

Glossy stretch fabric in brightened color visually increases the height of the walls

Small rooms should have a lot of light.
Bedroom decoration with an area of 20 sq.m.
In a room with such footage you can realize any design ideas. Parents should divide it into zones:
sleeping place;
game room;
for storing things.
A large footage allows parents to make a dressing room in which it is convenient to store all the things and shoes of the child. The bed can be separated from the total area by a screen or gypsum partition. The style of the apartment and the color selection should be selected based on the age category of the baby.
In such a room, you can equip a sports corner that will appeal to any child and will have a beneficial effect on his physical development.
A significant nuance here is sufficient lighting space. In a large room, one ceiling chandelier will not be enough. It is required to equip additional light sources, for example, to highlight the wall with illumination.

The room can be equipped with a sports corner.

A large room will need a lot of light
Studio room project depending on age category
Given the age characteristics of the child, the room should perform certain functions. For a newborn baby, as well as up to a year, the presence of a separate children's room is not required. However, for a teenage girl, it is better to give her a separate personal space where the baby can store her things, toys and relax. Of course, this does not mean that the child will spend all his free time here. However, the baby will have its own space. Next, we consider the most successful design of a children's room for a girl, depending on her age category.
Below is a table of conditions when the color of the interior affects the child.
Colour |
Influence |
Pink shades |
calms the nervous system; uplifting; has a beneficial effect on sleep; relaxes muscles. |
Yellow shades |
helps to get rid of excitement; stimulates the nervous system; activates logic; good for vision; activates segments of the brain that are responsible for thought processes and speech. |
Orange shades |
increases activity; contributes to the overall strengthening of the body; reduces emotional instability. |
Green shades |
imparts balance to the character; increases vitality; affects the concentration of attention; increases the mental performance of the brain; Helps fight sleep disorder. |
Purple shades |
helps to cope with fears; when the space is oversaturated with this color, it can cause aggression. |
white |
helps to calm down; relieves internal stress; positive effect on consciousness; has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. |

Pink nursery will look very glamorous

All girls like pink.
For babies up to 3 years
During the repair of a room for a little princess up to three years, you should not choose too bright colors, as they have an exciting effect. When selecting finishing materials, the advantage should be given to the fact that they have quality certificates, environmentally friendly and harmless.
Particular attention should be paid to dividing the room into zones. This will help to form a child’s understanding that each thing has its own place. If the child has a work table, you need to install a table lamp on it.
As a floor covering, parents can use carpet, laminate or linoleum. If the apartment is cold, laying a warm floor is not superfluous. An important nuance here is the fact that a large number of radiators significantly drain the air.Therefore, in such a situation, it will be optimal to purchase an air humidifier in the nursery.
It is better to paint the ceiling in white or pastel color, or use a stretch fabric (examples in the photo).
The game zone can be distinguished by bright applications with your favorite cartoon characters as in the photo.

Room design is best done in one style

The game zone can be highlighted in color or pattern.
Design a children's room for a girl 4-7 years old
There are no strict repair recommendations here, since all the children are completely different. The only common factor for all children in this age group is the start of classes. In these years, children begin to learn letters, numbers. It is important to create comfortable conditions for the educational process, as well as enough lighting fixtures.
Parents need to properly zone the room, and the design and color conclusion must be decided together with the girl. It is necessary to create a comfortable pastime of the princess in her own square meters. For this, the furniture must be functional and practical. The baby will already have many friends who will come to visit. It will not be superfluous to purchase a sofa in addition to the main bedroom. Ideas in the photo.
Design a children's room for girls from 7 to 12 years old
During this period, babies show maximum independence, and after 10 years, a transition period begins, in which not the best character traits can appear.
The interior of the children's room for the girl is important to choose with her. You can choose some exemplary design ideas, and then, together with your daughter, choose the most interesting designs. Regarding furniture, you can give preference to comfort and functionality.
It is important to choose a table and chairs that will suit the baby in height, and the bed and mattress should be as comfortable as possible for sleeping.
Design ideas in the photo below.

Furniture should be selected based on the growth of the child

The design of the room is better to choose with your child
Design of a room for a teenage girl from 14 years old
Each parent is faced with a moment when the cute pink flowers on the wallpaper lose their relevance. The daughter grows older, and with this begins the process of rethinking the design concept of the zone of personal space of a teenage girl. From the age of 14, girls become teenagers, showing greater independence. It is important to maintain a hobby and starting by creating a bedroom interior in accordance with the preferences of his daughter. The key to designing your daughter’s personal meters is not to use objects, but to be creative in the process.
The following elements must be present:
A bed or a sofa-transformer for a comfortable sleep;
A place for hobbies (here it is necessary to establish an easel for a young artist, bookshelves for a poetess, a decorative stage for a novice dancer, musician or singer);
A large amount of lighting;
Spacious wardrobe with a full-length mirror;
Make a dressing table for cosmetics.

The bed must be functional

A cabinet with a mirror would be a great idea.
The style of bedroom decoration for young ladies
The most popular styles in apartments for fashionistas are:
Art Nouveau;
high tech;
Next, we consider in more detail the features of each of the areas. It is not necessary to use a certain style in design, a combination of styles may become an interesting idea, however, they should be harmoniously combined with each other.
Classic interior
This style combines luxury and style at the same time. This is the perfect solution for a young princess. An important aspect is sufficient free space. The classic design of a children's room for a teenage girl involves a large number of natural materials:
natural wood;
bulky furniture;
heavy curtains;
large chandeliers decorated with crystal and floor lamps.
Regarding the color scheme, the advantage is given to pastel colors. For the floor use parquet or laminate, as well as carpets. The sense of style in the specified design of the nursery for the girl is created through accessories:
decorative pillows;
Natural flowers.
Examples of such design are shown in the photo.

In the classic style, carpets are usually used.

A classic design would be a great option for a kids room.
In this stylistic proposal there is a lot of free footage in combination with minimal furniture content. Such an interior in a room for a teenage girl over 12 years old will become optimal.
It is best to combine such decor with other ideas, since not only functionality is important for children, but also cosiness and originality. Based on the minimum amount of furniture, you can complement the interior with bright accessories.
High tech
Such design is rare in a children's studio room. It is mainly used to create personal space for boys. The basis of such a sleeping part of the apartment is the clarity of lines combined with the latest technology. The decoration of the premises is carried out using modern materials.
Examples of such design are shown in the photo.

This design is suitable for boys.

This design involves the use of clear lines.
This image is the most popular in rooms for little fidgets. Such a territory for sleeping is cozy and comfortable. When choosing a color, both bright colors and smooth transitions of lines can be used. This design of a room for a girl is filled with rounded shapes and the absence of sharp corners in combination with naturalness.
Furniture can be made in its original form, for example, a bed in the form of a flower, shelves in the form of clouds, etc.
Examples of such design are shown in the photo.

This design is suitable for little fidgets

On the wall you can depict a flower
Bedroom furniture
This issue needs to be decided based on the age of the landlady. For example, babies need a playpen and changing table, for older princesses you need to choose a full bed and a spacious wardrobe. Regardless of age, there is a mandatory minimum of things that should be present for both kids and adolescents. These things include:
A full-fledged berth with an orthopedic mattress for posture formation (even for a small area, you do not need to put a sofa for sleeping, because sofa mattresses are not created for the young spine and can have an unpleasant effect on it later. In a situation with a minimum of space, it is better to order a bed- transformer with orthopedic mattress);
Desk with adjustable worktop and comfortable chair;
Roomy closet for things.
Wall covering for a young housewife
More and more designers in the creation of their projects prefer painting and textured plaster. A key aspect in this matter is to acquire paints from trusted manufacturers with a quality certificate. However, wallpapers also remain popular in the repair business.
Varieties of wallpapers that can be used in apartments for a young princess.
Vinyl wallpaper - should be used with caution, because the surface material is a foamed component, and young children can tear off a piece from them and taste.
Paper wallpaper is a great solution for this room. They are environmentally friendly, provide good air throughput. The disadvantage is their fragility. However, given the fact that children grow very quickly, their preferences and wishes change, replacing the old cover with new wallpaper will not be difficult.
Liquid wall-paper - are absolutely harmless material for walls.The disadvantage is the lack of a significant selection of colors.
Wall mural - an original idea for rooms with young owners. They allow you to create unusual projects that are so popular with children of any age.
Eco-friendly wallpapers for walls do not contain harmful components, but they have a very small selection of color solutions, as well as a high price.
Window decoration
Windows can be decorated with unusual crafts and figures in the shape of animals, as well as decorate them with garlands. This provides a holiday feel for the whole year.
When buying curtains, pay attention to the following aspects.
Reliable fastening of eaves. The ideal solution would be wall mount in three positions, and its base is natural wood.
The color of curtains and curtains should be chosen in light shades; natural materials should be used for raw materials.
Design should be selected in accordance with the unified concept of designing a nursery for a teenage girl.
Princess ceiling design for baby princess
Ceiling modeling should be considered at the stage of repair planning. You can select the following options.
Single-level for painting - a standard option, can be used in any room. In addition to paint, you can apply decorative decoration or wallpaper;
Stretch - one of the most popular. This direction has received the greatest development today, and almost any consumer can afford such an embodiment of the idea. Here you can create a monophonic canvas, and apply a 3D pattern to it, for example, the night sky. The only limitation is its too low level, since after installing the stretch ceiling it will take from 3 to 7 centimeters of height.
Multilevel - the highlight of the room for little fashionistas. It can be created in absolutely any form, as well as combined with a stretch fabric.
Here you can additionally mount spotlights around the perimeter, providing additional lighting for the studio room, or create a solid backlight around the entire perimeter of the ceiling.
Workspace lighting for a young lady
It is not without reason that the question of sufficient lighting is considered one of the most important in planning and during repair, since the lack of sufficient light can negatively affect the eyesight of the peanut. In addition to the standard central chandelier, you can select and install additional lighting fixtures:
make neon lights;
floor lamp or wall sconces;
reading lamp for writing and reading.
Modeling of such devices should harmoniously fit into the overall design of the room.

If there is not enough natural light, install additional lighting.

Lighting in the room plays an important role
Stylistically correct, in the bedroom for the kids will be laying laminate. This is not the most expensive and at the same time high-quality and warm coating. To create additional heat, you can install a warm floor.
Another option is carpet. It provides heat to tiny legs, keeping them warm. The color and style of the carpet should also harmoniously fit into the overall repair concept.
Video: Design a room for a girl