Paper decor for all occasions
Sometimes in order to "revive" the interior, you need a little - just a couple of decorative details, and you can do them yourself. To create a festive atmosphere in the room will help things made of paper. Yes, they are short-lived, but they are able to awaken a creative streak in every person and transform the room.
Decor for the holiday
Birthday, March 8, summer holiday - you can find as many occasions for a party. Simple paper decor will help to create a holiday in the house at least every day.

Fake paper decor design

Paper interior decoration

Paper decor
What is needed for work:
Paper |
· White whatman; · Colored paper for the printer; Corrugated; · Cigarette; · scrapbooking paper
Glue |
PVA · “Moment”; · "Titan" |
Additional materials |
· Threads; Buttons · Sparkles; · Various decorative elements |
Instruments |
· Scissors, including curly; · Brushes |
Children will like to make such a decor - they will be happy to decorate their room for their birthday. In the same way, you can arrange a candy bar area for a wedding, a summer country party in the country.

DIY paper decor

The idea of decor with paper products
Paper garlands
The simplest thing is to decorate the room with paper garlands. It will only take thread and colored paper. You can make any number of garland options:
- from hearts - on Valentine's Day or the birthday of a loved one;
- Easter - chickens, rabbits, flowers;
- snowflakes and Christmas trees, openwork mittens - New Year's decor;
- a garland of triangles, circles with photos - for the birthday of the child. It can be made in the form of a train, houses, other figures.
Making a garland does not take much time. Figures are cut, which are attached to a strong thread with glue. You can attach the garland elements using a sewing machine, stitching them in the center and leaving free areas between the decor elements.
If you make flags, hearts double (cut them out by folding the paper in half), you can fix them by passing a thread or cord inside and gluing the edges of the flags.

Fake paper decor design

Paper interior decoration

Paper decor
Fans and flowers made of paper
In childhood, everyone made fans of paper, folding it with an “accordion”. By the same principle, large fans are made that can be placed on the wall, and flowers. For them, colored paper is folded "accordion", for a flower, the sides are connected in a circle. It is important that the sheet of paper be in the form of a long ribbon. A paper flower is glued to the center.
If you take paper with a picture - you can buy one in stores of goods for creativity, scrapbooking, the fan will look more spectacular. You can apply sparkles, and then under artificial lighting they will shine beautifully.
Huge flowers and pompons are made of corrugated paper or thin tissue paper. The principle of creation is the same as that of a fan - the paper needs to be folded "accordion". The width of the fold is about 3 cm. If you want to get a dense pompom, you will need at least 10-12 sheets.

DIY paper decor

The idea of decor with paper products
Gently bind the folded “accordion” in the middle with a strong thread.The edges of the future flower need to be aligned, you can give them a rounded shape. Now, gently, layer by layer, spread each “petal of the future flower, giving it a shape.
If you are making a flower for mounting on a wall, spread the petals in one direction, for the pompom, half open in one direction, half in the other. It remains to fix the pompom on the thread, and for the flower on the back, glue a small circle for mounting on the wall.

Fake paper decor design

Paper interior decoration

Paper decor
Hearty Decor
On Valentine's Day, you can make paper decor with your own hands for your home, using the main symbol - hearts.
Garland of hearts
For a volume garland, you need to cut out a lot of hearts from colored paper (you can take a bright scrapbook paper with a floral pattern). Fold them 2-3 together, sew in the center with a strong thread, leaving 30-40 centimeters between the elements. Gently bend the "petals", giving the hearts a volume. After preparing several of these threads, attach them to the ceiling or doorway in the form of a curtain.
You can make the garland even more interesting if you take blanks of different sizes, stack them in such a way: the smallest - medium - large - medium - smallest. Further actions are the same: flashing - bending - hanging.

DIY paper decor

The idea of decor with paper products
In the technique of "quilling" you can make a bright and unusual garland. You will need a scrapbook paper with a floral pattern, bright buttons and glue. To work with scrapbook paper, it is better to take the “Moment” or “Titanium”. They will not turn yellow over time. Glue two strips on each side of a small strip of paper (10 * 2 cm). Bend them one by one, glue the edges. You will get a heart, which can be additionally decorated with bright buttons. It remains to attach the hearts to the thread and hang a garland.

Fake paper decor design

Paper interior decoration

Paper decor
"Flower" heart
You will need ordinary paper napkins and cardboard.
From a dense corrugated cardboard (unnecessary boxes), cut two blanks in the shape of a heart. Connect them together using a strip of thick cardboard (its width should correspond to the desired thickness of the decorative element). It turns out a volumetric heart.
You fold the napkins 20 * 20 cm in size (without unrolling) four times, you get a square with sides 5 * 5 cm. In the center, fasten the layers with a stapler, cut a circle. Layer by layer, unscrew the petals of the paper flower. The result is a delicate rosette.

DIY paper decor

The idea of decor with paper products
Having made many such flowers, fix them on a cardboard "heart" blank. An effective result will be obtained if you take napkins of delicate pink color or two colors - white and pink. The result will not leave your soulmate indifferent - a tender heart will become a decoration of the room.
"Love tree"
Make it very simple - put a few branches in a beautiful transparent vase. Cut out a few hearts from red, pink, white paper (you can make voluminous, as for a garland), hang them on branches. You can add thin beads.

Fake paper decor design

Paper interior decoration

Paper decor
New Year's compositions
Everyone knows how to make lace snowflakes out of paper napkins. Window decor can be made even more diverse. Elements of the composition are cut out of white paper using stencils - forest, houses, deer and sleigh of Santa Claus. There are many plots you can come up with.
These elements are placed on the window (they can be glued with a flour, starch paste). If you want to create a completely magical atmosphere of the New Year’s Eve, you can place small light sources nearby. They will shine through paper and glass, creating an unusual effect.
To make the interior beautiful, make the composition voluminous - cut out another one of the same and place the backlight between the layers of paper. Add sparkle to the inner composition.

DIY paper decor

The idea of decor with paper products
Volumetric Christmas-tree cones can be made of paper, decorating them to your taste, Christmas wreaths. They will create a festive atmosphere in your home.
Wedding, birthday, New Year and just a desire to do something unusual with your own hands is a good reason to pick up paper. Using it, you can do the following things.
- Unusual curtains for the doorway - from long, triangular-shaped multi-colored ribbons, twisting them with a “tube”, starting from the wide side. Finished elements are strung on threads and attached to the opening. Such curtains can be made from color pages of glossy magazines.
- Panel - laying out its elements from paper stripes.
- Volumetric letters - having made a blank like a volumetric heart, you can paste over them with scrapbook paper and decorate with additional elements.
Show your imagination, come up with your own "paper" room. With such decorative objects that keep the warmth of your hands, the house will become even more comfortable, filled with love.
Video: Room decor with paper